1 00:00:03,003 --> 00:00:05,380 Hello and greetings from Canada. 2 00:00:05,760 --> 00:00:11,120 My name is Christine Massey and I'm here to share some important documents with you 3 00:00:11,121 --> 00:00:15,080 relating to virology and more generally germ theory. 4 00:00:16,195 --> 00:00:19,845 I'm going to share my website with you and show 5 00:00:19,846 --> 00:00:22,801 you where you can find these important documents. 6 00:00:24,610 --> 00:00:32,260 So I'm going to share my screen and explain to you while we go along. 7 00:00:32,910 --> 00:00:35,740 So this is my website. 8 00:00:36,160 --> 00:00:38,860 It's called fluoride free peel, a dot CA. 9 00:00:40,580 --> 00:00:47,380 And what I have on my website, if you click where you see COVID-19 FOI 10 00:00:47,381 --> 00:00:52,961 responses, this is going to take you to a webpage that 11 00:00:52,962 --> 00:00:57,300 contains important information from 40 different countries. 12 00:00:57,970 --> 00:01:02,240 And what these documents are is freedom of information. 13 00:01:03,830 --> 00:01:08,660 I'll just explain quickly what that means for anyone who doesn't know. 14 00:01:08,940 --> 00:01:14,661 Freedom of information is a process by which people can get 15 00:01:14,662 --> 00:01:18,320 access to records that are not already publicly available. 16 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:23,640 And it's a legislative process and it's an available in many countries. 17 00:01:24,540 --> 00:01:32,440 And so myself and people around the world have taken advantage of this process to 18 00:01:32,820 --> 00:01:38,598 seek records that would be necessary in order for anyone 19 00:01:38,599 --> 00:01:42,600 to show the existence of the alleged COVID-19 virus. 20 00:01:44,220 --> 00:01:46,940 The name of the alleged virus is SARS-CoV -2. 21 00:01:48,080 --> 00:01:52,680 And if somebody actually wanted to conduct science and show that there's a virus that 22 00:01:52,681 --> 00:01:56,480 is infecting people, they would meet to actually find it. 23 00:01:57,100 --> 00:02:03,860 And in order to sequence and characterize it, otherwise a particle and study it so 24 00:02:04,060 --> 00:02:07,900 that with controlled experiments, which is the foundation of scientific 25 00:02:07,901 --> 00:02:13,340 method, you would have to actually have a sample of this alleged virus to work with. 26 00:02:13,600 --> 00:02:15,955 And if nobody has a sample of the alleged virus, 27 00:02:15,956 --> 00:02:18,981 then nobody can have conducted any science. 28 00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:23,840 And so this is what the majority of these requests were focusing on. 29 00:02:23,940 --> 00:02:29,620 We were asking for any records of anyone in the world ever finding this alleged 30 00:02:29,621 --> 00:02:33,935 virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement 31 00:02:33,936 --> 00:02:39,640 of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever. 32 00:02:42,180 --> 00:02:46,280 And to date, we have responses from 216 33 00:02:46,281 --> 00:02:51,181 different institutions in 40 different countries. 34 00:02:51,300 --> 00:02:55,980 And so far, no one has been able to provide us with even one record. 35 00:02:56,120 --> 00:03:00,160 They can't provide us with even one record and they can't cite any record. 36 00:03:00,610 --> 00:03:06,120 So they've all admitted that they don't have a sample of the alleged virus and 37 00:03:06,121 --> 00:03:08,666 they don't even know if anyone else who ever 38 00:03:08,667 --> 00:03:12,121 did obtain a sample of this alleged virus. 39 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:17,920 So I'm going to familiarize you a little bit with this webpage. 40 00:03:18,460 --> 00:03:22,960 This is the main webpage for this alleged virus, SARS-CoV-2. 41 00:03:25,460 --> 00:03:30,480 And that's just an excerpt from one of the ridiculous virology studies. 42 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:37,340 There's some links here that can take you to other places on my website or other 43 00:03:37,341 --> 00:03:39,565 resources where you can find more information 44 00:03:39,566 --> 00:03:42,320 because most people will be notes this topic. 45 00:03:43,220 --> 00:03:48,880 And so there's some resources on my website that will help you learn about it. 46 00:03:49,960 --> 00:03:54,180 So I'm just going to bring you down a bit. 47 00:03:55,040 --> 00:03:56,440 And I'm in Canada. 48 00:03:56,660 --> 00:04:02,400 So this is where initially on the webpage, I show you the Canadian institutions. 49 00:04:03,460 --> 00:04:07,680 And as of today, we have responses from 52 different Canadian institutions. 50 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:12,722 We have institutions at the federal level, the provincial 51 00:04:12,723 --> 00:04:17,640 level, and also many local municipal institutions. 52 00:04:18,620 --> 00:04:22,591 So we have the public health agency of Canada on 53 00:04:22,631 --> 00:04:25,720 record, not once, but twice, two or three times. 54 00:04:26,220 --> 00:04:27,500 We have Health Canada. 55 00:04:27,900 --> 00:04:30,220 We have the National Research Council of Canada. 56 00:04:30,221 --> 00:04:35,520 We have an institution called the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, 57 00:04:35,780 --> 00:04:40,221 Dash International Vaccine Center, which is at the University of Saskatchewan. 58 00:04:40,620 --> 00:04:43,133 And that's an institution where they collaborate with 59 00:04:43,134 --> 00:04:47,280 people around the world on supposed viruses and vaccines. 60 00:04:48,180 --> 00:04:52,720 We have the Canadian Institutes for Health Research on and on and on. 61 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:56,700 We have patented medicines, prices review board. 62 00:04:57,440 --> 00:05:02,960 We have some police institutions, which might sound strange, but because 63 00:05:02,961 --> 00:05:07,060 they help to enforce the so-called COVID regulations. 64 00:05:08,440 --> 00:05:10,165 What I was doing there was showing that they 65 00:05:10,166 --> 00:05:12,320 actually did so without any evidence that the L.H. 66 00:05:12,321 --> 00:05:13,640 virus even exists. 67 00:05:14,580 --> 00:05:16,520 We have the Ontario Ministry of Health. 68 00:05:16,880 --> 00:05:17,880 That's a provincial. 69 00:05:18,380 --> 00:05:19,700 I'm in the province of Ontario. 70 00:05:20,560 --> 00:05:21,560 We have universities. 71 00:05:21,900 --> 00:05:22,940 We have hospitals. 72 00:05:24,250 --> 00:05:28,680 We have cities like the City of Toronto. 73 00:05:29,640 --> 00:05:34,540 I live in the region of Peel, and the region of Peel has a public health unit. 74 00:05:35,460 --> 00:05:40,740 So we have responses at all the various levels showing that nobody in Canada 75 00:05:40,741 --> 00:05:44,380 actually has a record of anyone on earth obtaining a sample of this L.H. 76 00:05:44,440 --> 00:05:48,239 virus, which again would be needed in order to sequence, 77 00:05:48,279 --> 00:05:51,720 characterize it, and study it with controlled experiments. 78 00:05:52,860 --> 00:05:57,140 And so this is showing that nobody in Canada has any science whatsoever to show 79 00:05:57,141 --> 00:06:02,740 that there is a virus, that there was no virus to test for anything whatsoever. 80 00:06:04,520 --> 00:06:11,381 Now, if we scroll down further, there's a few things I'll bring your attention to. 81 00:06:12,405 --> 00:06:16,127 If you click on that, it will take you to an Excel file that 82 00:06:16,128 --> 00:06:20,040 you can download that shows a list of all of these institutions. 83 00:06:20,820 --> 00:06:21,820 And I have it here. 84 00:06:22,520 --> 00:06:26,420 Also, I'll just open it and enlarge it. 85 00:06:26,560 --> 00:06:27,980 I'm not just sorry. 86 00:06:28,030 --> 00:06:30,640 let me see. 87 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:34,000 Okay, well, I won't enlarge it. 88 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:35,780 I thought I know how to do it. 89 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:38,920 But we have institutions in Argentina. 90 00:06:39,300 --> 00:06:41,978 For example, that's their National Administration 91 00:06:41,979 --> 00:06:44,521 of Laboratories in Health Institutes. 92 00:06:46,160 --> 00:06:53,960 We have about probably 10 institutions in Australia that includes the Department of 93 00:06:53,961 --> 00:06:56,980 Health, the Department of Health in the aged care. 94 00:06:57,130 --> 00:07:02,740 The Peter Daugherty Institute for Infection and Community, which is the 95 00:07:02,741 --> 00:07:09,860 Institute that claimed to have isolated the imaginary virus in Australia, etc. 96 00:07:10,100 --> 00:07:17,481 We have Belgium, Brazil, the British Isles, Bulgaria, the 52 institutions from Canada. 97 00:07:17,740 --> 00:07:21,900 We have institutions in the Czech Republic, including the Ministry of Health. 98 00:07:22,080 --> 00:07:26,960 In Denmark, we have the Staten Serum Institute and another one that... 99 00:07:26,961 --> 00:07:28,740 I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it. 100 00:07:30,080 --> 00:07:32,940 I don't know how to say that. 101 00:07:33,795 --> 00:07:36,191 We have England, which have many institutions, 102 00:07:36,192 --> 00:07:40,720 but they have them listed under the UK. 103 00:07:41,660 --> 00:07:45,180 But specifically England, we have public health England and others. 104 00:07:45,900 --> 00:07:48,500 We have Finland, the Institute for Health and Welfare. 105 00:07:49,400 --> 00:07:53,680 We have in France, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products. 106 00:07:53,880 --> 00:07:56,940 We have the Indian Council for Medical Research. 107 00:07:56,941 --> 00:07:58,760 Research in Italy. 108 00:07:58,880 --> 00:08:03,491 We have the Ministry of Health and the Institute 109 00:08:03,492 --> 00:08:07,480 of National Institute for Infectious Diseases. 110 00:08:08,640 --> 00:08:12,560 We have Japan, the Netherlands, Lithuania, many from New Zealand, 111 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:16,120 because my number one collaborator, Michael S. 112 00:08:17,870 --> 00:08:22,640 He is in New Zealand, so he's covered in New Zealand Valley, well for us. 113 00:08:22,700 --> 00:08:26,920 We have Norway, the Philippines, Portugal, Poland, the Republic of Belgium, 114 00:08:26,921 --> 00:08:32,680 Korea, Colombia, Ireland, Serbia, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, 115 00:08:33,220 --> 00:08:38,500 Romania, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, 116 00:08:39,220 --> 00:08:43,020 the United Kingdom, many, many places in the United Kingdom. 117 00:08:43,300 --> 00:08:48,740 Thank you to someone named Mr. Hobbs, has helped us there a lot. 118 00:08:49,240 --> 00:08:54,220 We have many institutions in the United States, including the CDC, the agencies 119 00:08:54,221 --> 00:08:57,920 for talks, talks, substances and disease registry. 120 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:03,003 We have many with FDA, we have many of the state 121 00:09:03,004 --> 00:09:07,221 departments of health on and on and on and on. 122 00:09:07,380 --> 00:09:11,080 And then we have Uruguay and Wales, including public health wells. 123 00:09:12,800 --> 00:09:14,020 So I'll close that now. 124 00:09:15,180 --> 00:09:19,048 And so if you... one other thing I'll show you is... this 125 00:09:19,049 --> 00:09:25,600 is a link to a Google Drive where many of these documents... 126 00:09:25,601 --> 00:09:29,719 are in have been compiled into eight PDFs, so 127 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:34,400 that you can download many of them quickly. 128 00:09:35,620 --> 00:09:40,900 It hasn't been updated for a while, but it has a lot of the responses are in there. 129 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:46,221 And this is important information of evidence for the people of the world to have. 130 00:09:47,580 --> 00:09:52,420 And then this is a screenshot of some of the Excel list. 131 00:09:53,000 --> 00:09:57,875 And then as you scroll down through this page, you'll 132 00:09:57,876 --> 00:10:01,260 see that you can find all of the documents here. 133 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:03,672 Here's one from the World Health Organization, while 134 00:10:03,673 --> 00:10:07,100 I had written to them and they didn't respond to me. 135 00:10:07,340 --> 00:10:09,880 The later responded to a colleague in Japan. 136 00:10:11,040 --> 00:10:15,400 And when she asked her records, they simply referred her to a webpage that 137 00:10:15,401 --> 00:10:18,500 didn't include any relevant documents whatsoever. 138 00:10:19,260 --> 00:10:22,786 With many responses from the CDC, the Centers for 139 00:10:22,787 --> 00:10:25,100 Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. 140 00:10:25,101 --> 00:10:26,200 States. 141 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:29,220 Several of them... I did some of them. 142 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:31,280 My colleague Michael did several of them. 143 00:10:31,420 --> 00:10:33,500 This was the very first one that we obtained. 144 00:10:34,020 --> 00:10:36,380 This was from November 7th of 2020. 145 00:10:37,460 --> 00:10:42,140 And in this one, I'll enlarge the screen. 146 00:10:44,260 --> 00:10:46,912 The CDC said that a search of our records failed 147 00:10:46,913 --> 00:10:50,460 to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. 148 00:10:51,240 --> 00:10:56,760 And then we have... another response from the CDC. 149 00:10:57,060 --> 00:10:58,560 This was in 2021. 150 00:11:01,830 --> 00:11:07,840 And all of the responses starting from March 1st that we received the CDC stopped 151 00:11:07,841 --> 00:11:10,600 admitting flat out that they didn't have any records. 152 00:11:10,760 --> 00:11:13,173 They started giving more convoluted responses 153 00:11:13,174 --> 00:11:15,881 to make it sound like they do have science. 154 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:18,820 When they actually don't. 155 00:11:19,140 --> 00:11:22,300 And referring us to your relevant studies. 156 00:11:22,780 --> 00:11:25,020 What they admitted down here on the bottom of page. 157 00:11:25,021 --> 00:11:29,488 three, they say that the definition of isolation provided 158 00:11:29,489 --> 00:11:33,160 in their quest is outside of what is possible in virology. 159 00:11:33,520 --> 00:11:38,000 Now we made it clear in the early requests where we used the word isolation. 160 00:11:38,570 --> 00:11:40,576 We made it clear that we're talking about purification. 161 00:11:40,600 --> 00:11:43,240 We're talking about separating the alleged virus from 162 00:11:43,340 --> 00:11:46,240 everything else so that it can be studied properly. 163 00:11:47,080 --> 00:11:49,940 So they're saying that this is not possible. 164 00:11:49,941 --> 00:11:52,200 It's outside of what is possible in virology. 165 00:11:52,900 --> 00:11:55,000 And they give a red herring excuse. 166 00:11:55,001 --> 00:11:56,980 for why they don't have any records. 167 00:11:57,620 --> 00:11:59,840 They say that viruses need cells to replicate. 168 00:12:00,800 --> 00:12:03,710 This is a red herring because the request had absolutely 169 00:12:03,711 --> 00:12:06,340 nothing to do with an alleged virus replicating. 170 00:12:06,660 --> 00:12:09,600 We're simply asking for records about having been found and purified. 171 00:12:10,860 --> 00:12:12,700 And they say cells require liquid food. 172 00:12:12,760 --> 00:12:13,760 Again, that's irrelevant. 173 00:12:15,260 --> 00:12:18,239 However, SARS-CoV-2 viruses may be isolated from a 174 00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:21,100 human clinical specimen by culturing in cell culture. 175 00:12:21,600 --> 00:12:23,220 Now culturing something. 176 00:12:23,260 --> 00:12:27,200 What they actually do is put a clinical a whole specimen with a cell line. 177 00:12:27,400 --> 00:12:32,920 And then typically they also add cow material, which they use fetal bovine serum. 178 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:34,920 And they also add toxic drugs. 179 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:37,741 So they're instead of trying to purify anything 180 00:12:37,742 --> 00:12:40,441 they're going in the opposite direction. 181 00:12:40,490 --> 00:12:44,240 They're taking the clinical sample, which is already a complex substance. 182 00:12:44,241 --> 00:12:47,796 And they are mixing it with other complex substances 183 00:12:47,797 --> 00:12:50,821 and making a wildly complex and unnatural mixture. 184 00:12:51,040 --> 00:12:53,300 That tells us absolutely nothing about a virus. 185 00:12:53,900 --> 00:12:59,700 And still, they don't try to purify from that mixture that they created. 186 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:05,300 Another example that I would... so there's literally hundreds and hundreds. 187 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:10,040 You could spend many hours scrolling through this website. 188 00:13:10,240 --> 00:13:13,880 Like I said, we have eight responses just from the CDC. 189 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:19,160 And we have hundreds of other institutions on record as well. 190 00:13:19,730 --> 00:13:23,280 So now I'm going to take you to the responses. 191 00:13:23,281 --> 00:13:26,660 That I got from some institutions in Canada. 192 00:13:27,590 --> 00:13:33,340 There were four institutions where researchers collaborated and allegedly 193 00:13:33,590 --> 00:13:36,360 purified this alleged virus. 194 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:41,160 They published a paper claiming that they had isolated the virus. 195 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:44,179 But what in fact they did was begin mixing together 196 00:13:44,180 --> 00:13:47,060 and make a wildly complex and unnatural mixture. 197 00:13:47,940 --> 00:13:52,760 And what they do with this mixture is they... 198 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:57,540 They're adding the clinical sample to a cell line. 199 00:13:57,760 --> 00:13:59,300 It's usually monkey kidney cells. 200 00:13:59,490 --> 00:14:01,480 It's not even having anything to do with humans. 201 00:14:03,060 --> 00:14:05,780 And they watched this mixture for several days. 202 00:14:06,020 --> 00:14:11,200 And if the cell line starts to break down, they call that cytopathic effect. 203 00:14:11,201 --> 00:14:13,720 And they attribute the effect to a virus. 204 00:14:14,260 --> 00:14:19,020 They have not conducted a valid controlled experiment where they started out with a 205 00:14:19,021 --> 00:14:21,380 specific particle that they think might be a virus. 206 00:14:21,955 --> 00:14:26,960 And where they can attribute causation to that specific particle. 207 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:29,700 They don't have anything remotely valid happening. 208 00:14:30,020 --> 00:14:34,528 They just mix all these things together and attribute the 209 00:14:34,529 --> 00:14:37,720 result to a virus, which has nothing to do with science. 210 00:14:37,721 --> 00:14:39,080 And it's not remotely logical. 211 00:14:40,420 --> 00:14:44,600 So we asked all four of the institutions in question. 212 00:14:44,601 --> 00:14:47,100 And they all admitted that they have no records. 213 00:14:47,101 --> 00:14:50,740 And you can find all the responses from the four institutions. 214 00:14:51,190 --> 00:14:57,160 And I just wanted to draw attention to the response, a comment that was made from 215 00:14:57,161 --> 00:15:00,520 Mount Sinai Hospital, which is one of the four institutions. 216 00:15:01,500 --> 00:15:06,040 They told me in their response, the lady who was responding to me said, 217 00:15:06,700 --> 00:15:10,960 not only does the hospital... Oh, sorry, that's my... 218 00:15:10,961 --> 00:15:13,332 What they said was, I've been engaging with our 219 00:15:13,333 --> 00:15:16,181 experts at Sinai Health regarding your request. 220 00:15:16,700 --> 00:15:21,100 We are not clear on the records that you are requesting as we are not aware the 221 00:15:21,101 --> 00:15:23,669 isolation of a virus and the manner that you 222 00:15:23,670 --> 00:15:26,200 have described is possible for any virus. 223 00:15:26,620 --> 00:15:30,460 It is not within the scope of current scientific processes. 224 00:15:31,260 --> 00:15:34,273 So they are telling us that this never happens 225 00:15:34,274 --> 00:15:36,500 in biology, just like the CDC admitted. 226 00:15:36,760 --> 00:15:38,220 This does not happen in biology. 227 00:15:38,221 --> 00:15:40,540 They never find these alleged particles. 228 00:15:40,541 --> 00:15:43,460 and purified them from the alleged hosts. 229 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:49,345 And this is not a limitation of technology, supposedly 230 00:15:49,346 --> 00:15:53,940 proteins and other smaller particles are purified. 231 00:15:55,900 --> 00:15:57,720 So it's not a limitation of the technology. 232 00:15:57,721 --> 00:15:59,880 It's just not something that's done in biology. 233 00:16:00,480 --> 00:16:05,100 Probably because if they did purify particles, they would not be able to show 234 00:16:05,101 --> 00:16:07,900 that they actually fit the definition of a virus. 235 00:16:08,550 --> 00:16:13,060 And now, Sinai Hospital admitted this to me not once, but twice. 236 00:16:13,300 --> 00:16:15,440 There's actually two letters from them in here. 237 00:16:15,820 --> 00:16:17,920 So I'll close that page for now. 238 00:16:18,420 --> 00:16:21,784 So just to recap, we have literally hundreds and 239 00:16:21,785 --> 00:16:25,000 hundreds of institutions from 40 different countries. 240 00:16:25,680 --> 00:16:31,780 All of them failing to provide or cite even one record of this alleged virus 241 00:16:31,805 --> 00:16:37,800 being found in and purified from any sick person anywhere. 242 00:16:40,830 --> 00:16:43,903 And so this is showing that they literally 243 00:16:43,904 --> 00:16:47,640 have no science whatsoever regarding COVID -19. 244 00:16:47,860 --> 00:16:50,636 Because if you don't have any science showing that there's even a virus, 245 00:16:50,660 --> 00:16:53,620 obviously you can not show that there's a coronavirus disease. 246 00:16:54,920 --> 00:16:58,856 And this also means that all of the tests for 247 00:16:58,857 --> 00:17:02,080 so-called COVID-19 have never been validated. 248 00:17:02,460 --> 00:17:05,880 And they cannot be validated because nobody has a sample of the alleged virus. 249 00:17:05,881 --> 00:17:07,780 So they don't have a valid gold standard. 250 00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:16,160 Now, I'm going to take you to another page. 251 00:17:17,040 --> 00:17:21,701 And this is a similar web page, but this is where we focus 252 00:17:21,702 --> 00:17:25,080 on all of the other alleged viruses besides SARS-CoV-2. 253 00:17:25,680 --> 00:17:30,620 Because as my colleagues and I who've been working on the FOIs discovered, 254 00:17:31,240 --> 00:17:36,920 thank you to the efforts of other people, such as Dr. Stiffam Lanka and Germany and 255 00:17:37,070 --> 00:17:38,070 Dr. Andrew. 256 00:17:44,900 --> 00:17:50,733 We've come to realize that this problem is not specific to 257 00:17:50,734 --> 00:17:54,480 COVID-19 as indicated by the CDC amount sign-in hospital. 258 00:17:54,980 --> 00:17:55,980 It's all the virology. 259 00:17:56,200 --> 00:17:58,920 It turns out it's not scientific. 260 00:17:59,360 --> 00:18:01,680 They never have a valid independent variable. 261 00:18:02,620 --> 00:18:05,140 And not only that, but they go in the exact opposite direction. 262 00:18:05,141 --> 00:18:08,448 And what they actually do do is just blatant 263 00:18:08,449 --> 00:18:11,741 pseudo-science by definition and pseudo -science. 264 00:18:12,400 --> 00:18:20,400 So what we have on this page is responses to requests on other alleged viruses. 265 00:18:21,060 --> 00:18:25,360 And we've covered many, not every single alleged virus, but many of them. 266 00:18:25,400 --> 00:18:28,840 Here we have a response from public health agency of Canada. 267 00:18:29,440 --> 00:18:32,831 I asked them for any record of any alleged virus that 268 00:18:32,832 --> 00:18:37,380 supposedly infects humans being purified from a sick person. 269 00:18:38,100 --> 00:18:42,180 And they admitted that they didn't have any whatsoever. 270 00:18:44,420 --> 00:18:49,367 Your result has requested no records exist, and then they 271 00:18:49,368 --> 00:18:54,440 go on to give a red herring explanation as to why that is. 272 00:18:54,860 --> 00:18:56,180 Here we have the CDC. 273 00:18:56,520 --> 00:19:01,080 They were asked for any record of any alleged virus that is supposedly covered 274 00:19:01,130 --> 00:19:04,295 by a so-called vaccine on their vaccination 275 00:19:04,296 --> 00:19:07,180 schedules, either for the children or for the adults. 276 00:19:07,780 --> 00:19:11,880 And they weren't unable to provide any records. 277 00:19:14,160 --> 00:19:16,960 And it goes on and on and on. 278 00:19:17,420 --> 00:19:23,160 When it comes to... when I do requests on these other alleged viruses, it typically 279 00:19:23,161 --> 00:19:28,640 send the requests to the CDC because that's such an influential organization. 280 00:19:29,190 --> 00:19:31,720 So we have many responses here from the CDC. 281 00:19:32,920 --> 00:19:36,540 We also have quite a few from New Zealand. 282 00:19:37,680 --> 00:19:38,880 And here's one from Australia. 283 00:19:39,200 --> 00:19:42,440 This is their National Science Research Agency. 284 00:19:43,060 --> 00:19:46,640 The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. 285 00:19:47,220 --> 00:19:53,100 They admitted to having no record of any alleged virus being purified, any of the 286 00:19:53,101 --> 00:19:56,960 alleged viruses that are on their immunization schedule. 287 00:19:57,960 --> 00:20:01,220 We have the same from New Zealand's Ministry of Health. 288 00:20:01,300 --> 00:20:05,760 No record of any of the viruses that are on their immunization schedule. 289 00:20:06,760 --> 00:20:09,840 Here we have the Ministry of Health in New Zealand again. 290 00:20:10,140 --> 00:20:13,940 We have the Crown Research Institute from New Zealand, which is the Institute of 291 00:20:13,941 --> 00:20:18,740 Environmental Science and Research, admitting they didn't have anything. 292 00:20:20,380 --> 00:20:21,500 Another one. 293 00:20:22,320 --> 00:20:23,840 Here we have Denmark. 294 00:20:24,780 --> 00:20:28,684 Some people in Denmark asked the... I don't know how you 295 00:20:28,685 --> 00:20:32,200 pronounce that the name of your institution there in Denmark. 296 00:20:32,700 --> 00:20:37,180 But for you people in Denmark, please be aware that this is a doctor at 297 00:20:37,181 --> 00:20:41,060 the institution said that they don't hold any scientific evidence. 298 00:20:41,110 --> 00:20:45,660 And again, this is for any of the... this is for any of the alleged viruses that 299 00:20:45,661 --> 00:20:49,700 they authorities recommend children be so -called vaccinated against. 300 00:20:50,760 --> 00:20:54,055 And then a lawyer with the Stat and Serum Institute 301 00:20:54,056 --> 00:20:57,520 searched a journal databases and came up with nothing. 302 00:20:59,700 --> 00:21:02,820 And again, all of these documents can be downloaded. 303 00:21:03,120 --> 00:21:09,558 And then this is the work of a colleague in England who has asked many of the local. 304 00:21:09,559 --> 00:21:10,060 .. 305 00:21:10,410 --> 00:21:11,410 Excuse me. 306 00:21:11,580 --> 00:21:16,580 I'm in the cities because they have public health units and they, you know, 307 00:21:16,820 --> 00:21:21,921 encourage people to get tested and administer tests and the so-called vaccines. 308 00:21:22,980 --> 00:21:29,420 And so, my contact there in England has asked many, many of the institutions there. 309 00:21:29,500 --> 00:21:35,100 And in fact, when this person contacts these institutions, they typically ask 310 00:21:35,101 --> 00:21:39,960 them about about 10 different viruses and they never have records for any of them. 311 00:21:41,720 --> 00:21:47,080 Oh, this is one of the newer responses that I have in Canada. 312 00:21:47,260 --> 00:21:50,080 We have the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. 313 00:21:50,520 --> 00:21:52,697 And this is the institution here that claims that 314 00:21:52,698 --> 00:21:56,480 there are viruses affecting livestock and food. 315 00:21:57,600 --> 00:22:03,720 And, you know, of course, every once in a while, they order for large numbers of 316 00:22:03,721 --> 00:22:08,970 animals to be destroyed based on the fact that they are allegedly infected with... 317 00:22:09,970 --> 00:22:11,210 dangerous viruses. 318 00:22:12,970 --> 00:22:16,710 And the Canadian Food Inspection Agency admitted flat out to me. 319 00:22:16,711 --> 00:22:21,150 I asked them for any scientific records showing the existence of any of the 320 00:22:21,151 --> 00:22:25,670 viruses that they claim affect food or livestock in Canada ever. 321 00:22:26,070 --> 00:22:29,750 Anything that has supposedly ever affected the livestock. 322 00:22:30,750 --> 00:22:33,670 And they admitted flat out that they didn't have any records. 323 00:22:34,920 --> 00:22:41,230 They did send me an Excel file of 655 virus studies that they had conducted, 324 00:22:41,810 --> 00:22:46,430 but they admitted that none of them actually fit the definition of what I had 325 00:22:46,431 --> 00:22:53,030 asked for because I had asked carefully to provide any records that actually showed 326 00:22:53,031 --> 00:22:57,610 scientific evidence as per the scientific method and they didn't have any. 327 00:22:57,860 --> 00:23:02,730 Here we have Adeno virus, no records from the CDC, AVAN influenza. 328 00:23:03,310 --> 00:23:08,010 We have the CDC on record, public health agency of Canada on record, European 329 00:23:08,011 --> 00:23:14,070 Center for Disease Control and Prevention can't prove the existence of H5N1. 330 00:23:15,880 --> 00:23:18,250 And this is from Peterborough. 331 00:23:18,690 --> 00:23:21,870 That's a town where I used to live in here in Canada. 332 00:23:22,390 --> 00:23:24,050 We have Ebola virus. 333 00:23:24,710 --> 00:23:27,590 The US CDC has no record for Ebola virus. 334 00:23:28,470 --> 00:23:33,250 There's another one from the CDC, many institutions in England have no 335 00:23:34,540 --> 00:23:41,990 record, Epstein-Barr virus, CDC had no records, hepatitis B or C. 336 00:23:42,270 --> 00:23:45,323 This is from a local, I haven't asked the CDC about 337 00:23:45,324 --> 00:23:47,950 that, but this is from Peterborough where I used to live. 338 00:23:48,950 --> 00:23:51,542 Here we have the CDC admitting they don't have any 339 00:23:51,543 --> 00:23:57,030 records for an alleged herpes virus, nothing for HIV. 340 00:23:59,180 --> 00:24:05,210 And of course it was with HIV was one of their earliest... well, people, 341 00:24:05,230 --> 00:24:11,010 there have always been people disputing the methods of virology and when you know 342 00:24:11,011 --> 00:24:16,670 flaws, but HIV, of course, is one where there was a lot of pushback, a lot of 343 00:24:16,671 --> 00:24:21,770 people realized years ago that the alleged virus hadn't even been shown to exist. 344 00:24:22,220 --> 00:24:27,971 Here we have the CDC with HPV, no records, public health agency of Canada. 345 00:24:29,030 --> 00:24:32,670 On and on, I'll just go quickly to give you an idea of which viruses we've 346 00:24:32,671 --> 00:24:38,550 covered, HTLV, with the CDC, nothing, another HTLV. 347 00:24:38,700 --> 00:24:40,470 Let's see, what else? 348 00:24:40,790 --> 00:24:46,510 H1N1, that was H5N1 influenza virus, CDC has no record. 349 00:24:47,630 --> 00:24:52,670 Japan's National Institute of Infectious Diseases is no record for influenza virus. 350 00:24:53,010 --> 00:25:00,370 These are the local agencies in England, a lentivirus, nothing from the CDC, 351 00:25:00,470 --> 00:25:04,790 Marburg virus, nothing from the CDC, New Zealand's Ministry of Health, 352 00:25:05,150 --> 00:25:07,470 nothing from Marburg. 353 00:25:10,770 --> 00:25:18,330 This is the institution that had claimed to have isolated the alleged SARS-CoV-2, 354 00:25:18,450 --> 00:25:22,350 the COVID-19 virus, but didn't. 355 00:25:22,530 --> 00:25:25,990 Public Health Agency of Canada, nothing from Marburg, Australia's 356 00:25:25,991 --> 00:25:30,830 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, nothing from 357 00:25:30,831 --> 00:25:33,250 Marburg, New Zealand's University of Auckland. 358 00:25:33,251 --> 00:25:38,490 So, you're getting the idea, measles virus, nothing from the CDC, 359 00:25:41,840 --> 00:25:46,960 Marburg's nothing from the CDC, nothing from the local agencies, 360 00:25:47,720 --> 00:25:55,720 and that was the NIH National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, 361 00:25:58,400 --> 00:25:58,400 nothing. 362 00:25:59,120 --> 00:26:05,320 They have nothing for SARS-CoV-2 either, nothing from the CDC, from Mackie Pox, 363 00:26:06,240 --> 00:26:12,320 CDC again, New Zealand's Crown Research Institution, New Zealand's Ministry of 364 00:26:12,321 --> 00:26:16,940 Health, on and on, Public Health Agency of Canada has nothing, nothing from the CDC 365 00:26:16,941 --> 00:26:16,940 from Mackie Pox, CDC again, New Zealand's Crown Research Institution, New Zealand's 366 00:26:16,941 --> 00:26:16,940 Ministry of Health, on and on, Public Health Agency of Canada has 367 00:26:17,290 --> 00:26:23,960 nothing, and I'll just show you whichever viruses we asked, there were Sweden there, 368 00:26:26,120 --> 00:26:34,120 Infested, they have nothing from Mackie Pox, this is a local agency, and let's see 369 00:26:34,121 --> 00:26:39,360 what else we have, because my men is getting difficult for me to even keep 370 00:26:39,361 --> 00:26:44,580 track, nothing for NIPA virus from the CDC, polio virus, nothing from the CDC, 371 00:26:45,530 --> 00:26:52,780 New Zealand, also nothing, and those are the local ones in England, rabies virus, 372 00:26:55,880 --> 00:27:03,880 nothing from the CDC, RSP, nothing from the CDC, and the alleged 2003 SARS virus, 373 00:27:04,020 --> 00:27:08,800 or common coal virus, nothing from the CDC, same with New Zealand's Ministry of 374 00:27:08,801 --> 00:27:14,140 Health and their Crown Research Institution, and the local institutions in 375 00:27:14,141 --> 00:27:20,060 England, smallpox, nothing from the CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada, 376 00:27:20,560 --> 00:27:26,020 West Nile virus, nothing from the CDC, XMRV and Zika virus, nothing from the CDC, 377 00:27:26,240 --> 00:27:28,080 I think that's the end of it. 378 00:27:28,330 --> 00:27:35,600 Now, I'm going to take you to another page where we have a mixture of freedom of 379 00:27:35,601 --> 00:27:41,900 information responses, and we also have some colleagues who have written emails, 380 00:27:42,620 --> 00:27:47,980 these are not freedom of information, but casual emails directly to virologists, 381 00:27:48,040 --> 00:27:52,180 sort of a mixture of types of evidence here. 382 00:27:52,620 --> 00:27:57,136 And the question here, we've been trying to 383 00:27:57,137 --> 00:28:01,621 obtain details of so-called control experiments. 384 00:28:02,800 --> 00:28:06,540 We know in virology because they never purify particles that they never have a 385 00:28:06,541 --> 00:28:10,493 fully controlled, valid experiment, but what they do 386 00:28:10,494 --> 00:28:13,600 do sometimes, most studies make no mention of controls. 387 00:28:14,260 --> 00:28:19,300 But what they do in some studies is they'll vaguely mention what they call a 388 00:28:19,400 --> 00:28:22,569 mock control, and they don't give details on 389 00:28:22,570 --> 00:28:25,480 exactly what they did to those so -called controls. 390 00:28:25,700 --> 00:28:29,520 So, for example, when they're doing their fake virus isolation with the cell lines, 391 00:28:30,220 --> 00:28:33,067 they don't tell us exactly, they don't disclose and their 392 00:28:33,068 --> 00:28:35,720 publications exactly what they did to those cell lines. 393 00:28:35,970 --> 00:28:40,900 So, we don't know how comparable, how useful the control is. 394 00:28:41,020 --> 00:28:45,260 We know it's never fully controlled because there's no purified particles and 395 00:28:45,261 --> 00:28:47,821 that's the only way you could have a fully controlled experiment. 396 00:28:48,580 --> 00:28:50,427 So, we're wanting to know more like what exactly 397 00:28:50,428 --> 00:28:53,021 did they do with those so-called controls. 398 00:28:53,480 --> 00:28:56,760 The other issue is they don't tell us the full results. 399 00:28:56,761 --> 00:29:05,061 They don't tell us how many of the lab dishes they obtained the cytopathic effects. 400 00:29:06,060 --> 00:29:09,360 These sort of details, they never give a full accounting of what they've done. 401 00:29:10,560 --> 00:29:12,676 So, we've tried to get more information 402 00:29:12,677 --> 00:29:16,120 through these freedom of information requests. 403 00:29:16,470 --> 00:29:17,360 Well, this is important. 404 00:29:17,480 --> 00:29:20,750 I'll just interrupt myself for a moment and highlight some work by Dr. 405 00:29:20,751 --> 00:29:26,800 Stefan Laka, who's one of the real heroes in this whole saga. 406 00:29:28,400 --> 00:29:34,160 He has known about this problem for years and he actually won a court case in 407 00:29:34,310 --> 00:29:37,422 Germany years ago showing that there was no scientific 408 00:29:37,423 --> 00:29:40,440 evidence for the existence of the alleged measles virus. 409 00:29:41,140 --> 00:29:45,611 And one of the... to my understanding though, the 410 00:29:45,612 --> 00:29:50,260 waking one, it was based on this issue with scientists. 411 00:29:50,500 --> 00:29:53,440 The so-called scientists not carry no controls. 412 00:29:56,010 --> 00:29:59,820 And so, because this is the foundation of the 413 00:29:59,821 --> 00:30:02,780 scientific method is controlled experiments. 414 00:30:02,880 --> 00:30:06,037 You should always be checking your assumptions 415 00:30:06,038 --> 00:30:09,021 and seeing if you can disprove your assumptions. 416 00:30:09,620 --> 00:30:13,700 And he showed that they had neglected that entirely with the so-called measles virus. 417 00:30:14,080 --> 00:30:20,120 And what he did was he commissioned with the help of some other people raised money 418 00:30:20,121 --> 00:30:23,545 and they had a laboratory run the type of controls 419 00:30:23,546 --> 00:30:26,340 that you would think for all it just should be doing. 420 00:30:26,341 --> 00:30:33,260 This is not involving purified particles, but just more... sometimes I call it more 421 00:30:33,261 --> 00:30:36,940 about half a ass attempt at controls to check some of your assumptions. 422 00:30:38,180 --> 00:30:46,180 So he treated cell lines in different ways based on what we see in these virology 423 00:30:46,181 --> 00:30:50,034 papers, what they're doing with their experimental groups 424 00:30:50,035 --> 00:30:54,200 where they think that they have a virus in the clinical sample. 425 00:30:54,350 --> 00:31:01,000 He did different variations on that experiment and he showed that you still 426 00:31:01,001 --> 00:31:04,084 get cytopathic effects even when you've not added 427 00:31:04,085 --> 00:31:06,941 anything that is suspected of having a virus. 428 00:31:07,460 --> 00:31:09,840 And this is what he did with the measles trial as well. 429 00:31:10,040 --> 00:31:16,060 He showed that you don't have to add any allegedly infected material in order to 430 00:31:16,061 --> 00:31:21,480 obtain the same effects that are declared as evidence of a virus. 431 00:31:21,481 --> 00:31:24,260 And often referred to as virus isolation. 432 00:31:26,180 --> 00:31:30,820 So we've tried to get more details and there's some great video as well from Dr. 433 00:31:30,860 --> 00:31:32,480 Sam Balley on this topic. 434 00:31:33,780 --> 00:31:38,760 We tried getting details both Michael and I from the CDC. 435 00:31:38,880 --> 00:31:41,869 And the CDC's publication, we did a fraudulent 436 00:31:41,870 --> 00:31:46,260 publication by Jennifer Harcourt and her colleagues. 437 00:31:49,620 --> 00:31:52,500 And one of the things... oh, sorry, this is actually something different. 438 00:31:54,410 --> 00:32:00,860 This is some emails that Michael did with a Chinese virologist years ago. 439 00:32:00,861 --> 00:32:05,880 A virologist that was involved in one of the earliest papers that are trying to buy 440 00:32:05,881 --> 00:32:08,840 a JHAO, I'm not sure how you pronounce it exactly. 441 00:32:11,455 --> 00:32:19,380 And he... the virologist admitted in these emails that in their experimental group, 442 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:23,049 they used double the amount of anti-fungal and anti-biotic 443 00:32:23,050 --> 00:32:27,220 that they did in their control group, showing that... 444 00:32:27,221 --> 00:32:31,060 And they made it sound like it doesn't really matter, 1% or 2%, it's no big deal. 445 00:32:31,380 --> 00:32:34,840 But it just... it was actually a natural confession from a virologist that they 446 00:32:34,841 --> 00:32:38,080 weren't doing things the same way in both groups. 447 00:32:39,560 --> 00:32:41,000 So that was really important. 448 00:32:41,080 --> 00:32:45,120 And then we also tried doing freedom of information requests to get further 449 00:32:45,121 --> 00:32:51,580 details that are not published about this so-called mock controls that were very 450 00:32:51,581 --> 00:32:55,860 vaguely mentioned in the publication by Jennifer Harcourt at all. 451 00:32:55,861 --> 00:33:02,140 And what we received from the CDC was just laughable pages and pages of the four 452 00:33:02,141 --> 00:33:05,218 letters that are meant to represent a so 453 00:33:05,219 --> 00:33:09,041 -called genome and other irrelevant materials. 454 00:33:10,320 --> 00:33:12,768 And every institution that has been asked so far 455 00:33:12,769 --> 00:33:15,140 has not been willing to part with these details. 456 00:33:15,320 --> 00:33:21,200 And we've received a variety of different ridiculous excuses. 457 00:33:21,750 --> 00:33:27,520 For example, the health security agency in the UK, as she cited national security 458 00:33:27,521 --> 00:33:32,240 exemptions saying it would be too dangerous to release these details. 459 00:33:32,940 --> 00:33:37,820 And it makes no sense even if you believe in viruses because they do publish the 460 00:33:37,821 --> 00:33:40,429 details of what they do in their experimental group, 461 00:33:40,430 --> 00:33:44,020 which is the group that supposedly includes a virus. 462 00:33:45,120 --> 00:33:47,623 We're only trying to get the additional details 463 00:33:47,624 --> 00:33:50,340 about the control group that doesn't even have. 464 00:33:51,040 --> 00:33:53,220 Suppose that the virus added to it. 465 00:33:54,280 --> 00:33:58,420 We just want to know, did you do the exact same thing with those? 466 00:33:59,580 --> 00:34:03,600 The same amount of toxic drugs, the same amount of fetal bovine serum, 467 00:34:03,880 --> 00:34:06,380 everything should be comparable as possible. 468 00:34:07,150 --> 00:34:10,890 And so we're trying to find out just how much effort are 469 00:34:10,891 --> 00:34:15,300 they even making when they do their half-assed controls. 470 00:34:17,140 --> 00:34:19,699 And none of these institutions will part with the 471 00:34:19,700 --> 00:34:23,380 information and there's no valid reason for it. 472 00:34:23,381 --> 00:34:26,828 Sometimes Michael has been given ridiculous fee estimates, 473 00:34:26,829 --> 00:34:29,540 the reason he's being told that he would need to pay. 474 00:34:29,700 --> 00:34:33,220 I think it was $3,000 to obtain the records. 475 00:34:34,040 --> 00:34:42,040 One institution said that the University of Toronto refused to give me records. 476 00:34:44,920 --> 00:34:49,648 They used as an excuse, a provision in the 477 00:34:49,649 --> 00:34:53,360 legislation that excludes any records involving drugs. 478 00:34:53,361 --> 00:34:59,360 Some research that is involved somebody from an educational institution. 479 00:35:00,780 --> 00:35:04,280 Now the legislation doesn't prohibit them from sharing these records. 480 00:35:04,520 --> 00:35:08,132 They simply took advantage of something in the legislation 481 00:35:08,133 --> 00:35:11,560 that says that those type of records don't have to be released. 482 00:35:12,240 --> 00:35:14,480 And so they didn't release them. 483 00:35:16,110 --> 00:35:20,420 And again, and then we have many, some of them are quite amusing. 484 00:35:21,970 --> 00:35:29,620 Email exchanges that another other colleagues have had with with actual 485 00:35:29,621 --> 00:35:33,680 virologists, people who were involved in studies. 486 00:35:33,760 --> 00:35:35,960 I think these are mostly SARS-CoV-2 studies. 487 00:35:36,600 --> 00:35:42,020 And asking them, did you even try implementing these controls, for example, 488 00:35:42,021 --> 00:35:44,760 when you're doing your so-called sequencing? 489 00:35:44,761 --> 00:35:51,380 Did you try running the exact same procedure by using a clinical sample from 490 00:35:51,381 --> 00:35:55,140 someone who was not considered to be infected with the virus? 491 00:35:56,480 --> 00:36:00,380 And the answer was no, they just admit that no, they didn't do this. 492 00:36:00,860 --> 00:36:07,160 So there's quite a few, quite a few email exchanges here. 493 00:36:07,540 --> 00:36:10,560 And I won't go through it all, but there's a lot of material there. 494 00:36:11,500 --> 00:36:14,415 And then one other thing I'll just mention quickly 495 00:36:14,416 --> 00:36:17,660 that we haven't spent as much attention to. 496 00:36:18,960 --> 00:36:24,940 But because germ theory in general is being is some questions these days. 497 00:36:26,280 --> 00:36:31,200 It's not just the issue with viruses, but it seems also bacteria exist. 498 00:36:31,640 --> 00:36:36,280 But with bacteria, they haven't actually been shown to be the cause of disease. 499 00:36:36,281 --> 00:36:39,174 They have been shown to be correlated, but 500 00:36:39,175 --> 00:36:42,200 correlation, of course, does improve causation. 501 00:36:42,440 --> 00:36:48,080 And some people believe that bacteria actually played beneficial role and 502 00:36:48,081 --> 00:36:51,262 they're more like a clean-up crew and that blaming them 503 00:36:51,263 --> 00:36:54,980 for diseases similar to blaming firefighters for fires. 504 00:36:55,620 --> 00:37:00,541 So we have asked different institutions for scientific 505 00:37:00,542 --> 00:37:04,020 evidence showing that bacteria actually the cause of disease. 506 00:37:04,045 --> 00:37:11,260 And again, none of the institutions that we've asked for any of the allegedly 507 00:37:11,261 --> 00:37:16,520 pathogenic bacteria, none of them have been able to actually provide us with any 508 00:37:16,521 --> 00:37:19,580 scientific records to back up those claims. 509 00:37:20,740 --> 00:37:22,480 So I won't go through all of this. 510 00:37:22,600 --> 00:37:24,280 I'll just stop there. 511 00:37:25,290 --> 00:37:27,158 And then I'll just show you finally, I have a 512 00:37:27,159 --> 00:37:29,841 webpage for people who are new to this topic. 513 00:37:30,580 --> 00:37:33,562 This topic is focused on mostly on virology, not so 514 00:37:33,563 --> 00:37:37,140 much on the pathogenic, supposedly pathogenic bacteria. 515 00:37:37,380 --> 00:37:38,400 It's mostly on virology. 516 00:37:39,180 --> 00:37:43,280 And this is where people can find many different videos 517 00:37:43,281 --> 00:37:46,560 and articles written by involving different people. 518 00:37:47,900 --> 00:37:52,980 One of the people who I initially learned from was Dr. Andrew Kaufman and he's very 519 00:37:52,981 --> 00:37:57,860 gifted at explaining things in a very simple way that anybody can understand. 520 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:05,400 The late David Crow in Canada was also wrote a brilliant article very early in April. 521 00:38:05,401 --> 00:38:08,880 He was one of the people that I started learning from early on. 522 00:38:09,930 --> 00:38:14,740 This is a 59 second minute second video from my colleague. 523 00:38:15,040 --> 00:38:20,180 But anyway, here you have lots and lots of educational material videos and articles, 524 00:38:21,000 --> 00:38:26,940 brilliant brilliant materials produced by different people around the world. 525 00:38:27,560 --> 00:38:32,660 And I really recommend that it's an easy topic for anybody to learn about. 526 00:38:32,960 --> 00:38:37,240 Nobody should be intimidated is actually very easy to understand. 527 00:38:37,365 --> 00:38:41,541 And then I'll just take you back to my... that 528 00:38:41,542 --> 00:38:45,561 first F-O-Y page about the alleged SARS -CoV-2. 529 00:38:45,860 --> 00:38:52,220 If you scroll way, way down, you can find interviews that I have done where I'm 530 00:38:52,221 --> 00:38:55,080 going into more depth with different people about this. 531 00:38:55,240 --> 00:38:59,048 Probably one of the most in depth interviews that 532 00:38:59,049 --> 00:39:02,000 I did is this one right here with Curtis cost. 533 00:39:02,001 --> 00:39:05,757 So that is one, but again, the people that I just showed on 534 00:39:05,758 --> 00:39:09,640 the other page are better at explaining things than I am. 535 00:39:10,800 --> 00:39:12,940 So I hope this has been helpful. 536 00:39:12,941 --> 00:39:17,360 And again, my website is fluoride3pl.ca. 537 00:39:17,460 --> 00:39:24,000 That is the spelling FLU-O, not OU, fluoride3pl.ca because I'm in Canada. 538 00:39:24,340 --> 00:39:27,620 And then when you get to the home page, if you click... 539 00:39:28,600 --> 00:39:31,600 I'll take you to the home page so you see it. 540 00:39:32,240 --> 00:39:40,480 If you click where it says COVID-19, maybe because I haven't been large so much. 541 00:39:40,620 --> 00:39:41,640 It's not showing the menu. 542 00:39:41,641 --> 00:39:44,978 I'm back here down here, COVID-19, F-O-Y responses, or 543 00:39:44,979 --> 00:39:49,220 you can click here and you'll find them that way as well. 544 00:39:49,620 --> 00:39:51,240 So I hope this has been helpful. 545 00:39:51,380 --> 00:39:58,760 This is just a brief introduction to let you know that there is a massive body of 546 00:39:58,761 --> 00:40:03,120 evidence collected from around the world, again, hundreds of institutions in 40 547 00:40:03,121 --> 00:40:05,004 different countries showing that no one has a 548 00:40:05,005 --> 00:40:08,560 sample of the alleged COVID-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2. 549 00:40:08,910 --> 00:40:13,720 And also a massive body of evidence showing that institutions, every 550 00:40:13,721 --> 00:40:18,760 institution that gets asked for any alleged virus, they're not able to show us 551 00:40:18,761 --> 00:40:21,960 that anybody even has a sample of the alleged virus to study. 552 00:40:22,580 --> 00:40:23,700 So I hope this is helpful. 553 00:40:23,860 --> 00:40:28,862 I hope your conference in Denmark is successful and thank you 554 00:40:28,863 --> 00:40:32,320 for your time and attention and all the best to everybody. 555 00:40:32,900 --> 00:40:33,900 Thank you.