WEBVTT 00:00:00.150 --> 00:00:05.841 In the United States, we often refer to our main sources of energy as fossil fuels. 00:00:06.640 --> 00:00:11.700 Oil, natural gas, coal, their fossil fuels, because they come from fossil, 00:00:12.065 --> 00:00:18.880 ancient, organic, material, forest, jungles, plankton, dinosaurs, held under 00:00:18.881 --> 00:00:24.620 the ground for millennia, they transform into oil, gas, and coal. 00:00:25.620 --> 00:00:27.140 Everybody thinks that's true. 00:00:27.820 --> 00:00:30.900 On the other hand, there's evidence that maybe it's not the whole whole story. 00:00:31.180 --> 00:00:35.600 If that's where fossil fuels come from, that's how hydrocarbons are made, 00:00:35.800 --> 00:00:40.540 then how come they're found so deep under the oceans and at the top of the earth? 00:00:41.020 --> 00:00:43.619 How come one of Saturn's moons, according to 00:00:43.620 --> 00:00:48.120 scientists, has more oil and natural gas than earth? 00:00:48.800 --> 00:00:54.641 Were there dinosaurs and planktons and forests at one point on one of Saturn's moons? 00:00:54.860 --> 00:00:55.980 Probably not. 00:00:56.760 --> 00:00:59.947 So if all hydrocarbons aren't from fossils where 00:00:59.948 --> 00:01:02.881 they from, and why isn't this commonly known? 00:01:02.960 --> 00:01:04.480 And what are the implications of it? 00:01:04.481 --> 00:01:08.200 And what does it tell us about our modern climate change policy? 00:01:09.080 --> 00:01:10.980 These are not just esoteric questions. 00:01:11.155 --> 00:01:12.220 They're central questions. 00:01:12.955 --> 00:01:16.060 Actually, as we chart the future of energy usage in the world. 00:01:16.480 --> 00:01:19.340 Willy soon has been thinking about this for a long time. 00:01:19.680 --> 00:01:21.520 He's an astrophysicist, a geoscientist. 00:01:21.640 --> 00:01:23.800 He spent 31 years at Harvard. 00:01:24.400 --> 00:01:26.960 He recently left, and he joins us here. 00:01:27.040 --> 00:01:28.240 Dr. soon, thank you so much. 00:01:28.460 --> 00:01:28.900 Thank you. 00:01:28.901 --> 00:01:29.980 I appreciate it. 00:01:30.130 --> 00:01:30.820 I appreciate it. 00:01:30.821 --> 00:01:31.981 Be able to come on your show. 00:01:32.080 --> 00:01:33.440 Well, it's a blessing to have you. 00:01:33.620 --> 00:01:35.856 And this is such an interesting question with so many implications. 00:01:35.880 --> 00:01:36.140 Yes. 00:01:36.360 --> 00:01:38.366 And I want to spend most of our time talking about the implications. 00:01:38.390 --> 00:01:44.040 But just to the strict question of where hydrocarbons come from, it sounds like 00:01:44.540 --> 00:01:48.300 they're not necessarily all from ancient forests or plankton or dinosaurs. 00:01:48.960 --> 00:01:49.680 Are they? 00:01:49.681 --> 00:01:50.080 Yes. 00:01:50.700 --> 00:01:53.260 The story can be a bit long, so give me a few minutes to explain. 00:01:54.420 --> 00:01:55.740 You are certainly right. 00:01:56.060 --> 00:02:00.008 But most important to clarify is that the information that is 00:02:00.009 --> 00:02:03.800 found on the largest moon on Saturn, which is called Titan. 00:02:03.860 --> 00:02:04.340 Yes. 00:02:04.490 --> 00:02:10.040 It's actually results from NASA, European Space Agency, and the Italian 00:02:10.041 --> 00:02:14.500 Space Agency, who built this spacecraft called Cassini. 00:02:14.850 --> 00:02:17.380 And how you can actually, one of my thesis advisor 00:02:17.381 --> 00:02:20.281 committee is actually built the UV spectrometer. 00:02:20.540 --> 00:02:26.180 But the one that they use to discover this, basically the ocean liquid form of 00:02:26.181 --> 00:02:28.681 methane, which is in 18 ethane form, which is much 00:02:28.682 --> 00:02:32.960 more complicated hydrocarbon, is whole ocean of it. 00:02:34.110 --> 00:02:37.300 Because Titan is in such a way that is very cold, by the way. 00:02:37.360 --> 00:02:40.380 So it's minus 290 degree Fahrenheit. 00:02:41.580 --> 00:02:41.600 Yes. 00:02:41.601 --> 00:02:42.160 And it's in 10 in 10. 00:02:42.260 --> 00:02:43.831 Where is the global warming there, right? 00:02:43.855 --> 00:02:45.300 If it's full of methane there, right? 00:02:45.320 --> 00:02:46.320 That's another problem. 00:02:46.355 --> 00:02:47.756 Because it's far away from the Sun. 00:02:48.600 --> 00:02:49.600 That's what it is. 00:02:49.900 --> 00:02:49.900 Yes. 00:02:50.770 --> 00:02:53.549 And clearly that the question of A biogenic method, 00:02:53.624 --> 00:02:57.500 which we don't know need of any biology, is true. 00:02:58.000 --> 00:03:02.900 Because we know actually one experimental experiment was done in 2009. 00:03:03.530 --> 00:03:06.184 It was done in Swedish Royal Academy, one of 00:03:06.185 --> 00:03:09.281 those groups, but it's done by one Russian leader. 00:03:09.630 --> 00:03:16.100 He was able to show that if you squeeze methane, CH4 in chemical formula, 00:03:16.540 --> 00:03:22.320 so 4001 carbon, squeeze them in a form that in which they simulate the condition 00:03:22.321 --> 00:03:29.640 of the earth mantle, which is 1800 mouse deep below the surface, because the earth 00:03:31.060 --> 00:03:39.060 is deeper, right? 00:03:40.140 --> 00:03:43.500 You've got benzene, you've got ethane, you've got all these other stuffs for me. 00:03:43.880 --> 00:03:46.201 So they prove beyond that you have such a way to make this. 00:03:46.845 --> 00:03:48.320 Plus that Titan prove beyond that. 00:03:48.440 --> 00:03:52.390 You actually see methane also in all the atmosphere, 00:03:52.391 --> 00:03:56.680 Jupiter, you even find benzene in the rocks of Mars. 00:03:57.545 --> 00:04:00.160 And then for me astrophysicists, I can tell you even more. 00:04:00.460 --> 00:04:05.200 You find this complex hydrocarbon core polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. 00:04:05.550 --> 00:04:07.760 It's another one of those complex hydrocarbon. 00:04:08.520 --> 00:04:12.520 Then actually you found an interstellar space between space within stars, 00:04:13.060 --> 00:04:14.760 intergalactic space. 00:04:16.440 --> 00:04:20.240 Because temperature there are coal and probably the right pressure condition. 00:04:21.010 --> 00:04:25.500 All this complex hydrocarbon is kind of incredible because all of us, including 00:04:25.501 --> 00:04:29.735 myself until very recently, assume that all of our 00:04:29.736 --> 00:04:32.940 main energy sources are these so -called fossil fuels. 00:04:33.185 --> 00:04:37.191 And of course their existence is going to be limited by the 00:04:37.192 --> 00:04:40.940 amount of fossils by the amount of decaying organic material. 00:04:42.400 --> 00:04:45.200 So if that's not so, then we need to rethink a lot of things. 00:04:45.380 --> 00:04:45.620 A lot. 00:04:46.120 --> 00:04:51.180 I think this one fit into a paradigm, a famous economist that I like very much. 00:04:51.660 --> 00:04:54.260 His name is Simon. 00:04:54.261 --> 00:04:56.420 Do you know about this guy's name, Simon? 00:04:56.700 --> 00:04:57.180 Julian Simon. 00:04:57.520 --> 00:05:00.120 Yeah, the key guy, you see of Illinois and then Maryland. 00:05:00.820 --> 00:05:06.620 He was the guy who said that the ultimate resource of humanity or earth is actually 00:05:07.220 --> 00:05:09.440 not all this material thing like uranium go. 00:05:09.940 --> 00:05:14.740 Because uranium, the far more uranium in the oceans than on the land, right? 00:05:14.741 --> 00:05:18.980 You have 4.5 billion tons of uranium in the ocean. 00:05:19.180 --> 00:05:23.840 You have only 17 million tons of gold copper. 00:05:25.140 --> 00:05:26.336 What do you want on the ocean? 00:05:26.360 --> 00:05:28.920 It's all there, except in very dilute form, clearly. 00:05:29.460 --> 00:05:33.020 So the ultimate resource actually is not that, it's the human mind. 00:05:33.140 --> 00:05:35.180 It's the innovation part of it. 00:05:35.340 --> 00:05:36.860 I think I'd like that principle a lot. 00:05:37.200 --> 00:05:41.000 It fits very well in terms of saying that it's all a matter of course. 00:05:41.001 --> 00:05:42.001 Even oil. 00:05:42.100 --> 00:05:48.200 Most, I don't know if any of you know the audience know that 50 to 60 percent of the 00:05:48.201 --> 00:05:51.780 oil, or actually other oil that you already drilled the drill hole. 00:05:52.220 --> 00:05:55.920 Yeah, you can only pull out 40 to 50 percent of it. 00:05:56.060 --> 00:05:58.100 60 percent of that remains in it. 00:05:58.340 --> 00:06:00.736 Because simply because it's not enough pressure to get it out. 00:06:00.760 --> 00:06:04.500 This is why the idea of A by organic oil is interesting. 00:06:04.770 --> 00:06:05.980 It's true, clearly true. 00:06:05.981 --> 00:06:07.700 It's all a matter of course, really. 00:06:07.940 --> 00:06:11.630 Because this thing has to form way inside the earth, 00:06:11.631 --> 00:06:15.360 the mantle, which is 50 to 100 meters miles, right? 00:06:15.420 --> 00:06:15.600 Human. 00:06:16.120 --> 00:06:17.720 How deep have we ever drilled? 00:06:17.960 --> 00:06:22.920 Only the skin, which is only 5 miles maximum, 5 to 6 miles basically. 00:06:23.340 --> 00:06:24.656 That's at most that we can drill. 00:06:24.680 --> 00:06:27.420 And then all this stuff has to permeate into the reservoir. 00:06:27.700 --> 00:06:30.620 I got this information from the top. 00:06:30.820 --> 00:06:33.360 People that physically have to look for oil every day. 00:06:33.480 --> 00:06:37.540 One of my friends, Joseph Lime Cooler from Beacon Energy, offshore energy. 00:06:37.600 --> 00:06:41.300 Those are the guys who worked day in and they are to bring us the energy actually, 00:06:41.600 --> 00:06:42.600 the oil that we need. 00:06:42.760 --> 00:06:45.860 So why don't most people know this? 00:06:45.920 --> 00:06:50.500 Why do most people think that the gasoline in their car was by definition? 00:06:50.501 --> 00:06:51.501 They have to be limited. 00:06:51.900 --> 00:06:51.900 Yeah. 00:06:52.780 --> 00:06:52.780 Yeah. 00:06:53.040 --> 00:06:53.040 Yeah. 00:06:53.060 --> 00:06:56.780 That there's just a tiny amount and it's going away. 00:06:56.781 --> 00:06:59.900 The oil is full of untruth and half -truths, right? 00:07:00.020 --> 00:07:01.000 That's a whole problem, right? 00:07:01.001 --> 00:07:06.020 That's why for so long, even the idea that we are not limited and bounded by 00:07:06.021 --> 00:07:10.020 availability of, let's say, gasoline, petroleum or coal. 00:07:10.480 --> 00:07:12.220 Coal now, they won't allow us to use, right? 00:07:12.221 --> 00:07:15.940 Yes, you know, in cop meeting in Dubai that just ended a day ago. 00:07:16.240 --> 00:07:20.540 They just physically declared himself that we should stop using fossil fuel. 00:07:21.380 --> 00:07:24.240 Basically, petroleum, natural gas and even coal. 00:07:24.440 --> 00:07:25.841 All right, these people are insane. 00:07:26.100 --> 00:07:27.100 They're really insane. 00:07:27.200 --> 00:07:29.860 I think they're going to harm more people with their own delusion. 00:07:30.420 --> 00:07:34.240 Plus, I always remember, these are people who actually don't represent a majority. 00:07:34.840 --> 00:07:36.520 Since when are this put up to work? 00:07:36.760 --> 00:07:39.609 It's always about this minority, the tyranny 00:07:39.610 --> 00:07:41.960 of the few, always robbing the whole census. 00:07:42.400 --> 00:07:43.800 The good census of the good people. 00:07:44.270 --> 00:07:47.580 This is part of the reason why as a scientist, I also speak out. 00:07:47.581 --> 00:07:50.980 I mean, not afraid of anything, except for just telling the truth. 00:07:51.020 --> 00:07:54.820 And I'm glad to have this opportunity to say such thing in your show. 00:07:55.620 --> 00:07:59.668 So, I mean, if we haven't been told the truth 00:07:59.669 --> 00:08:03.580 about where hydrocarbons come from and we haven't. 00:08:03.620 --> 00:08:06.076 I mean, I've never met a single person in my life who 00:08:06.176 --> 00:08:08.240 said, wait a second, they're not all fossil fuels. 00:08:08.680 --> 00:08:13.180 Then, we keep hearing there's a scientific consensus on climate change. 00:08:13.181 --> 00:08:17.620 Every scientist believes the same thing about it believes Elgor and John Kerry. 00:08:18.080 --> 00:08:19.280 Maybe that's not true either. 00:08:19.980 --> 00:08:21.880 Oh, then I can tell you, please. 00:08:22.040 --> 00:08:23.720 Thank you for asking that question, Tucker. 00:08:24.130 --> 00:08:29.260 I've been working on this subject of CO2 causing climate change or what other 00:08:29.261 --> 00:08:31.960 factors we can ask that cause climate to change. 00:08:32.260 --> 00:08:35.273 For close to as long as since my postdoctoral year 00:08:35.274 --> 00:08:39.160 1991, I saw it's about 30 to 31 years, 32 years. 00:08:39.620 --> 00:08:42.460 And on this question, I think we have a very definitive answer. 00:08:43.200 --> 00:08:47.320 What we know now is CO2 ain't gonna cause nothing. 00:08:48.000 --> 00:08:50.659 It's not gonna change much of the climatic system, 00:08:50.660 --> 00:08:53.221 which means it won't change the speed of the hurricane. 00:08:53.500 --> 00:08:56.740 It won't change the how fast or how frequent tornado form. 00:08:57.460 --> 00:09:01.220 It won't even actually make any difference with the polar bear population. 00:09:01.460 --> 00:09:03.180 It's all conservation issue, right? 00:09:03.320 --> 00:09:03.840 On polar bear. 00:09:04.120 --> 00:09:06.840 It won't even cause how much fish you don't catch or catch, you know? 00:09:06.940 --> 00:09:09.340 It won't even cause what they call ocean acerbic. 00:09:09.400 --> 00:09:11.840 It won't even cause this problem that they claim. 00:09:12.080 --> 00:09:13.800 It's all artificial, everything they do. 00:09:14.390 --> 00:09:17.680 It's all dream from their model and the tyranny of the fuel again. 00:09:17.980 --> 00:09:22.760 That those few people just dream up this scary story that is just ain't true. 00:09:23.460 --> 00:09:27.740 And then when you come down to the most responsible group for this kind of bad 00:09:27.741 --> 00:09:32.780 stuff, I was reminded by my colleague Dr Ronan Connolly and Michael Connolly. 00:09:33.000 --> 00:09:38.380 My two co-worker with me on my group is to say that since, you know, since I work so 00:09:38.381 --> 00:09:42.540 carefully and I have about more than a hundred scientists last three years alone 00:09:42.690 --> 00:09:43.660 working with me. 00:09:43.661 --> 00:09:45.300 So I don't speak on behalf of them. 00:09:45.440 --> 00:09:46.560 I speak on behalf of myself. 00:09:46.980 --> 00:09:52.420 My view is that the UNIPCC United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 00:09:52.670 --> 00:09:57.400 is one of the primary problem, which means they have misleading people. 00:09:57.560 --> 00:10:00.900 They've been using authority of science, which is not true. 00:10:01.260 --> 00:10:04.720 It's all governmental hackers basically, right? 00:10:04.780 --> 00:10:10.020 People like John Kerry who I guess can barely take a proper physics class who 00:10:10.021 --> 00:10:13.440 keep claiming that greenhouse effect is so simple, right? 00:10:13.690 --> 00:10:17.360 And then he refused to explain how does it work, right? 00:10:17.540 --> 00:10:18.620 I mean, he did all of that. 00:10:18.860 --> 00:10:19.860 That is very terrible. 00:10:20.630 --> 00:10:22.300 That really embarrassing to America. 00:10:22.700 --> 00:10:25.280 He did that in Bali in Indonesia several years back. 00:10:25.500 --> 00:10:26.940 That is just so embarrassing. 00:10:27.140 --> 00:10:29.020 Do you think he can explain how it works? 00:10:29.940 --> 00:10:30.940 I don't think so. 00:10:31.220 --> 00:10:34.700 Even El Gore who claimed to be know something about science. 00:10:34.940 --> 00:10:35.940 I challenge El Gore. 00:10:36.190 --> 00:10:39.780 I did some of that in his face, actually. 00:10:40.060 --> 00:10:44.460 I was lucky enough to be in one of those Wall Street Journal equal conference. 00:10:45.820 --> 00:10:49.240 And I was giving, you know, setting up with all the UC Santa Barbara students. 00:10:49.710 --> 00:10:52.180 Please make sure when the question come up, give me the mic. 00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:54.440 I was making friends with them the night before. 00:10:54.880 --> 00:10:56.940 I explained now my details of my work. 00:10:56.941 --> 00:11:03.560 So I got the mic and asked questions about El Gore because one of the primary setting 00:11:03.561 --> 00:11:07.800 that they refused to recognize that I know you know that in even great school 00:11:07.950 --> 00:11:08.950 sciences. 00:11:09.860 --> 00:11:11.380 CO2 is the guess of life. 00:11:12.220 --> 00:11:17.760 When you have more CO2, the plant kingdom, the whole ecology, even the oceans. 00:11:18.310 --> 00:11:22.820 Don't have more, basically, ability, more fish, more everything. 00:11:23.540 --> 00:11:23.580 More life. 00:11:23.581 --> 00:11:24.860 More life, essentially. 00:11:25.020 --> 00:11:26.500 That's why it's called guess of life. 00:11:26.620 --> 00:11:30.500 And these people want to demonize it as some guests that can cause global warming 00:11:30.501 --> 00:11:32.600 and cause hurricane to run faster or weaker. 00:11:32.601 --> 00:11:35.041 I don't know what they want to have more rain, more 00:11:35.042 --> 00:11:37.321 droughts and all these other nonsense that they claim. 00:11:37.620 --> 00:11:38.620 All of that. 00:11:38.740 --> 00:11:39.880 It just ends so. 00:11:40.080 --> 00:11:41.080 That's the problem. 00:11:41.220 --> 00:11:43.360 By the way, this is how serious I am. 00:11:43.560 --> 00:11:44.880 I check everything they say. 00:11:45.160 --> 00:11:45.760 I check. 00:11:46.010 --> 00:11:48.940 As a scientist, you cannot just dismiss them. 00:11:49.060 --> 00:11:50.060 You cannot laugh at them. 00:11:50.480 --> 00:11:51.516 You cannot, you know, try them. 00:11:51.540 --> 00:11:53.120 You cannot just make joke of them. 00:11:53.160 --> 00:11:54.160 You check everything. 00:11:54.260 --> 00:11:57.720 So as a very serious scientist, and I publish scientific paper, 00:11:57.920 --> 00:11:59.800 refuting all of this argument. 00:12:00.200 --> 00:12:02.353 Scientific papers may be mean nothing to the 00:12:02.354 --> 00:12:04.180 average people, but it's really important. 00:12:04.400 --> 00:12:08.820 It's like a document that you have to document and then put out the proper 00:12:08.821 --> 00:12:11.100 scientific arguments about what is right, what is wrong. 00:12:11.400 --> 00:12:16.820 So that's what we have been doing at my particular center called series-sign.com. 00:12:17.100 --> 00:12:20.980 So anybody who wants more information about this, please go to the website, right? 00:12:21.000 --> 00:12:25.600 And study what we do there because we are the one that is truly independent from any 00:12:25.601 --> 00:12:29.160 funding agency, any money that you could possibly give me. 00:12:29.840 --> 00:12:31.456 Like Bill Gates, please don't give me money. 00:12:31.480 --> 00:12:31.860 Thank you. 00:12:32.000 --> 00:12:33.600 And I'll go, please don't give me money. 00:12:33.965 --> 00:12:36.360 Don't give me any money if you tell me what to do. 00:12:36.361 --> 00:12:38.700 You know, even some of your money, I might not want it. 00:12:38.900 --> 00:12:41.820 But the point is that I want to be independent, just like you. 00:12:41.880 --> 00:12:43.360 In the media, I want to be fearless. 00:12:43.740 --> 00:12:44.980 I just set my own agenda. 00:12:45.080 --> 00:12:46.760 You don't tell me what to research either. 00:12:46.900 --> 00:12:48.400 I research what I want to research. 00:12:48.680 --> 00:12:50.600 So we've been researching on many, many topics. 00:12:51.740 --> 00:12:54.380 So on the climate change issue, I'm fully convinced. 00:12:54.640 --> 00:12:57.848 After all these years, even though we may not know exactly 00:12:57.849 --> 00:13:01.160 what is causing climate change, we suspect is the sun. 00:13:01.660 --> 00:13:04.860 We have a lot of evidence to show that it's probably the sun. 00:13:05.340 --> 00:13:10.600 Very high percentage, you know, like I would say 90% will show it, but not 100%. 00:13:10.601 --> 00:13:12.960 But we know. 00:13:13.160 --> 00:13:14.720 Carbon dioxide is not the gas. 00:13:14.820 --> 00:13:18.640 It's not the, what you call the like your thermometer in your room can adjust up and 00:13:18.641 --> 00:13:22.840 down that you can set the temperature to be whatever level you want it. 00:13:22.900 --> 00:13:26.500 First of all, they can never tell us what temperature do they want it at. 00:13:27.280 --> 00:13:30.060 What is the temperature you want to set the global temperature? 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:32.560 Air God has not been able to answer that. 00:13:32.561 --> 00:13:34.680 John Kerry has not been able to answer that. 00:13:34.940 --> 00:13:41.561 Because we know the temperature from the coldest in Siberia to the desert in Sahara. 00:13:42.000 --> 00:13:44.920 I mean, these are huge, at least 100 degrees or more. 00:13:44.921 --> 00:13:45.921 Kind of differences. 00:13:46.540 --> 00:13:47.540 Yes. 00:13:47.850 --> 00:13:50.850 I mean, who are you to tell me which temperature is the correct temperature, 00:13:51.060 --> 00:13:52.480 where you guys are talking like that. 00:13:52.481 --> 00:13:55.300 They are talking as if they are a pseudo god, they got themselves. 00:13:55.740 --> 00:13:58.466 I mean, these people are so ambitious that in some sense, 00:13:58.467 --> 00:14:01.320 I think we have to keep their ambition down a little bit. 00:14:01.460 --> 00:14:04.380 I mean, these people are not contented just like what you put out there. 00:14:04.840 --> 00:14:07.980 You cannot be ambitious when you're contented, but these people are so out of 00:14:07.981 --> 00:14:10.660 their mind in some sense that I think is misleading. 00:14:11.140 --> 00:14:13.260 And somebody has to speak out against them. 00:14:13.400 --> 00:14:16.420 I think you are one of those who consistently point out their hypocrisy. 00:14:17.400 --> 00:14:21.960 And I really find that the whole problem of this global warming is a complete 00:14:22.110 --> 00:14:24.680 nothing, which means we should do nothing about it. 00:14:24.880 --> 00:14:27.200 Just go on and live life and adapt to it. 00:14:27.600 --> 00:14:27.600 Right? 00:14:27.720 --> 00:14:30.042 So what I... here's, of course, I agree 00:14:30.043 --> 00:14:32.761 completely, but here's what I don't understand. 00:14:33.480 --> 00:14:37.395 Global temperatures have dramatically fluctuated 00:14:37.396 --> 00:14:41.060 within the period that humans left records. 00:14:41.061 --> 00:14:42.240 Not that long ago. 00:14:42.460 --> 00:14:45.030 I mean, there are cities underwater because 00:14:45.130 --> 00:14:47.800 sea levels have risen within recorded history. 00:14:48.640 --> 00:14:50.740 The signs of the glaciers are all around us. 00:14:52.140 --> 00:14:54.440 So that was all before the internal combustion engine. 00:14:55.150 --> 00:14:56.500 How do they explain that? 00:14:57.045 --> 00:14:59.200 This is the problem they admitted. 00:14:59.520 --> 00:15:04.501 A lot of them, evidently, they willingly admit that you can read or you can deny it. 00:15:05.380 --> 00:15:08.960 I mean, these are the confession time. 00:15:09.560 --> 00:15:10.740 It's the sun, actually. 00:15:10.980 --> 00:15:11.980 That does a lot of this. 00:15:12.080 --> 00:15:14.620 The glacier like the spirit called little ice age. 00:15:15.200 --> 00:15:18.700 From about 1300 to 1900, very cool. 00:15:19.260 --> 00:15:22.760 And then there's a beautiful warm period from 880 to about 1200. 00:15:23.060 --> 00:15:24.060 It was warm. 00:15:24.980 --> 00:15:27.000 I mean, you can grow wine in England, right? 00:15:27.001 --> 00:15:28.560 And now you cannot grow wine. 00:15:28.900 --> 00:15:29.540 Things like that. 00:15:29.600 --> 00:15:32.000 I mean, Greenland was green back then. 00:15:32.001 --> 00:15:33.480 But now it's full of glaciers. 00:15:34.040 --> 00:15:35.180 Ice is coming in. 00:15:35.300 --> 00:15:36.500 So what are you talking about? 00:15:36.700 --> 00:15:36.700 Exactly. 00:15:37.200 --> 00:15:38.360 And it was the sun, actually. 00:15:38.500 --> 00:15:40.040 The sun fit quite well. 00:15:40.260 --> 00:15:45.060 As far as we know, in terms of deducing the information or how does the sun, 00:15:45.340 --> 00:15:48.000 how bright was it, how dim was it? 00:15:48.020 --> 00:15:49.000 Basically, just like that. 00:15:49.001 --> 00:15:51.200 Just the amount of light coming out from the sun. 00:15:51.640 --> 00:15:52.956 Very tiny percentage, by the way. 00:15:52.980 --> 00:15:53.700 Very small. 00:15:53.950 --> 00:15:56.120 It's on the other, less than a percent. 00:15:56.220 --> 00:15:57.380 But it's more than enough. 00:15:58.130 --> 00:16:00.600 Because there's another effect that is very, very important. 00:16:01.100 --> 00:16:04.760 It's basically because the sun, the earth is forced to go around the sun. 00:16:04.940 --> 00:16:07.402 And then the orbit change ever so slightly because 00:16:07.403 --> 00:16:09.440 of perturbation from all the other planets. 00:16:09.620 --> 00:16:10.040 Yes. 00:16:10.140 --> 00:16:12.920 No Jupiter, Saturn, and even Venus, and Mars. 00:16:13.260 --> 00:16:14.980 They're actually controlling what we do. 00:16:14.981 --> 00:16:16.661 And the moon, of course, is very important. 00:16:17.020 --> 00:16:20.604 But that other factors, the orbits, plus the changes of 00:16:20.664 --> 00:16:24.700 the sun by itself, between how bright, how dim it is. 00:16:25.265 --> 00:16:29.000 These two factors can explain just about everything that we know. 00:16:29.720 --> 00:16:31.800 All the data that I have, actually. 00:16:32.320 --> 00:16:35.980 So this is why I was so fascinated in studying this issue. 00:16:36.220 --> 00:16:38.660 I spent my whole life actually studying this. 00:16:38.860 --> 00:16:40.700 Nothing but doing just this. 00:16:40.840 --> 00:16:42.668 And the more I understand, the more I think 00:16:42.669 --> 00:16:44.820 that, wow, it's just a gap to be filled in. 00:16:44.840 --> 00:16:46.660 We have too much information that. 00:16:46.840 --> 00:16:49.780 And then these people come alongside that CO2 is causing everything. 00:16:50.360 --> 00:16:50.820 I check. 00:16:51.340 --> 00:16:51.600 I check. 00:16:51.760 --> 00:16:52.460 Oh, maybe they're right. 00:16:52.640 --> 00:16:52.940 I check. 00:16:53.120 --> 00:16:54.820 As the scientists, I have to check them. 00:16:55.150 --> 00:16:56.700 But then it's not even close. 00:16:57.240 --> 00:17:01.620 I mean, these people are talking about things that is... I mean, there's a famous 00:17:01.621 --> 00:17:04.660 phrase by a very famous... We've considered meteorology. 00:17:04.740 --> 00:17:06.460 His name is Professor Reed Bryson. 00:17:06.500 --> 00:17:09.080 He's one of the father of climatology, really. 00:17:09.240 --> 00:17:11.940 You just say that you go out and then you could might as well. 00:17:12.000 --> 00:17:14.095 If you think CO2 is showing, you might as well spit 00:17:14.096 --> 00:17:16.141 into the end and see what happened to the airflow. 00:17:16.700 --> 00:17:19.540 He was just basically saying that CO2 is nothing. 00:17:19.740 --> 00:17:22.560 Can not cause the climate to change or anything. 00:17:23.060 --> 00:17:24.340 It doesn't change anything, actually. 00:17:24.341 --> 00:17:25.341 It's the sun. 00:17:25.950 --> 00:17:28.600 Why you think the most important things that you should talk about? 00:17:28.601 --> 00:17:29.780 They never talk about that. 00:17:29.930 --> 00:17:32.040 They always want to average the data. 00:17:32.340 --> 00:17:34.456 The most important thing that you talk about, you know what? 00:17:34.480 --> 00:17:35.480 It's the season. 00:17:35.920 --> 00:17:37.360 No two windows are the same. 00:17:37.640 --> 00:17:38.760 No two summers are the same. 00:17:39.120 --> 00:17:41.579 And they never explain it's actually the orbits 00:17:41.580 --> 00:17:43.700 with the sun changing it ever so slightly. 00:17:44.080 --> 00:17:45.140 I'm not talking. 00:17:45.605 --> 00:17:47.912 I have published papers, papers and papers and 00:17:47.913 --> 00:17:50.220 papers like that on all these to show a document. 00:17:50.300 --> 00:17:51.300 Why and how? 00:17:51.440 --> 00:17:53.537 That's what the fun part of doing science is 00:17:53.538 --> 00:17:56.741 not only to chatting and waving like crazy. 00:17:57.780 --> 00:17:59.541 Even though I may look like one now, but I 00:17:59.542 --> 00:18:02.281 have always very calm when you're right now. 00:18:02.390 --> 00:18:04.434 Every time I have to write a paper, I always tell 00:18:04.435 --> 00:18:06.740 my wife, please don't disturb me for a few days. 00:18:06.860 --> 00:18:07.860 I'll be back. 00:18:08.420 --> 00:18:11.400 Things like that, of course, working at home, but this is I'll be back. 00:18:12.360 --> 00:18:16.580 Is there any way to predict what climate change will be based on? 00:18:16.581 --> 00:18:18.260 Actually, you can because of the orbit. 00:18:18.940 --> 00:18:20.829 The only thing we don't know is how to predict the 00:18:20.830 --> 00:18:23.200 sun changes by itself because of the magnetism. 00:18:23.201 --> 00:18:25.900 You know, just the magnetic field on the sun is too complicated. 00:18:26.440 --> 00:18:28.200 The sun is the magnetized bore, right? 00:18:28.201 --> 00:18:29.500 It's a gas hot gas. 00:18:29.920 --> 00:18:32.360 It's about, you know, the magnetic field is so strong. 00:18:32.520 --> 00:18:34.260 It's 10,000 times stronger than the earth. 00:18:34.320 --> 00:18:35.400 The earth is also a magnet. 00:18:35.460 --> 00:18:37.320 A bar magnet basically is one Gauss. 00:18:37.540 --> 00:18:39.820 We have 10,000 Gauss at least on the sun. 00:18:39.940 --> 00:18:41.500 So it's a very different property. 00:18:42.190 --> 00:18:44.758 It works very differently because it heated by 00:18:44.759 --> 00:18:47.920 basically a thermo nuclear reaction inside the sun. 00:18:48.570 --> 00:18:53.820 So it creates all kinds of hot gas behavior that is very difficult to try to 00:18:53.821 --> 00:18:56.840 master or even to model using mathematical equation. 00:18:57.060 --> 00:18:59.800 Actually, it's much easier to study the earth than to do the sun. 00:19:00.240 --> 00:19:03.800 So that's part of the problem in scientific task, the physics task, 00:19:04.180 --> 00:19:04.700 the very difficult. 00:19:05.040 --> 00:19:06.160 But then we learn a lot. 00:19:06.161 --> 00:19:09.600 We learn a lot through just watching the sun. 00:19:09.780 --> 00:19:11.640 I mean, Galileo Galilei, right? 00:19:12.090 --> 00:19:13.360 He pointed, he's telescope. 00:19:14.360 --> 00:19:15.040 He was smart enough. 00:19:15.160 --> 00:19:17.200 First, he pointed the Jupiter, the moon, right? 00:19:17.380 --> 00:19:19.100 Jupiter, then he saw the moon, right? 00:19:19.101 --> 00:19:21.126 He saw four moons around it, and then he's smart 00:19:21.127 --> 00:19:23.921 that he goes the next day to watch it again. 00:19:24.520 --> 00:19:26.200 He watched, and then he says that to move. 00:19:26.420 --> 00:19:28.280 Well, it was a famous story of Galileo Galilei. 00:19:28.400 --> 00:19:29.520 We talked about it some day. 00:19:30.040 --> 00:19:32.560 When he wrote that down, initially it was in Italian. 00:19:33.120 --> 00:19:35.811 When he realized he discovered something so unique, 00:19:35.812 --> 00:19:38.520 he changed the language to Latin in the next day. 00:19:38.521 --> 00:19:40.840 Yeah, you know, I got him, I had a good one. 00:19:40.940 --> 00:19:43.700 You know, until he started writing a lot in precise language, okay? 00:19:43.720 --> 00:19:48.700 But anyway, for the sun, it's really so complicated that actually I've been 00:19:48.701 --> 00:19:50.880 studying this actually as long as you know me. 00:19:51.100 --> 00:19:52.840 I mean, I studied this for so long. 00:19:53.180 --> 00:19:54.040 We know a lot. 00:19:54.060 --> 00:19:58.420 I even wrote a popular book actually to try to explain why they're during a period 00:19:59.600 --> 00:20:07.600 of the sunspot. 00:20:08.050 --> 00:20:12.253 But there's a period that deep inside the little 00:20:12.254 --> 00:20:16.181 ice age, 1645 to 1715 is called the Monda minimum. 00:20:16.760 --> 00:20:21.000 Because during that period, the sunspot almost all disappear. 00:20:22.160 --> 00:20:23.680 Especially in the northern hemisphere. 00:20:24.160 --> 00:20:24.960 It disappeared completely. 00:20:25.080 --> 00:20:26.080 Nobody know why. 00:20:26.840 --> 00:20:32.080 And that's why the French astronomer famous people like Cassini, the one that 00:20:32.081 --> 00:20:35.060 Cassini spacecraft, he was observing at that time. 00:20:35.360 --> 00:20:38.128 He said, man, this Galileo guy must be on either 00:20:38.129 --> 00:20:40.380 drinking too much or lying or things like that. 00:20:40.620 --> 00:20:43.460 He said there's a lot of sunspot, but when we observe at this time, 00:20:43.780 --> 00:20:44.780 we didn't see nothing. 00:20:44.920 --> 00:20:45.920 What's wrong? 00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:48.360 But it's an actual phenomenon, right? 00:20:48.620 --> 00:20:51.960 My friend, my good friend, which is the number one word sunspot historian. 00:20:52.110 --> 00:20:54.440 He just wrote email to me, Douglas Hoyt. 00:20:54.480 --> 00:20:57.880 He actually was the master of this collecting all the sunspot data, 00:20:58.280 --> 00:21:01.640 going back to all the major libraries, you know, from Galileo first point. 00:21:01.790 --> 00:21:03.420 All the way to Crescent Point. 00:21:03.820 --> 00:21:07.000 Basically found that this phenomenon is true because during that period, 00:21:07.180 --> 00:21:09.660 the sunspot was not there, not because nobody was watching. 00:21:10.140 --> 00:21:14.100 There was at least observed 80% of the time during the 70 years. 00:21:14.320 --> 00:21:16.040 You see, it's so unique that period. 00:21:16.240 --> 00:21:18.600 But now we're beginning to try to learn what happened there. 00:21:19.120 --> 00:21:22.640 So during that period, we really think that the sun was so much dimmer. 00:21:23.290 --> 00:21:24.660 It was substantially dimmer. 00:21:24.740 --> 00:21:27.200 This is why you have this little Ice Age phenomenon. 00:21:27.540 --> 00:21:29.640 All the Thames River froze. 00:21:30.460 --> 00:21:34.240 You know, we have the Thames River in England, well known, and then all the ice 00:21:34.241 --> 00:21:37.500 skating thing, you know, in Holland, all the different culture. 00:21:38.040 --> 00:21:40.480 And then these are all real actual phenomenon. 00:21:40.640 --> 00:21:42.826 And at this day, they're trying to say that 00:21:42.827 --> 00:21:44.900 maybe little Ice Age is not little Ice Age. 00:21:45.020 --> 00:21:47.660 They even try to change that in scientific field, actually. 00:21:47.940 --> 00:21:50.340 So this was very, very puzzling for me. 00:21:50.440 --> 00:21:52.060 Why would they try and change that? 00:21:52.160 --> 00:21:55.900 Oh, I don't know, because they want to say that CO2 is controlling everything. 00:21:56.170 --> 00:21:58.900 They kind of want to have CO2 as the prime driver of everything. 00:21:59.400 --> 00:22:01.440 This is part of the problem that I find. 00:22:01.670 --> 00:22:03.230 Well, that's not science, that's lying. 00:22:03.300 --> 00:22:04.380 Ah, that's bad. 00:22:04.381 --> 00:22:05.381 It's bad in science. 00:22:05.540 --> 00:22:09.160 This is why in science now I rather say this thing out right. 00:22:09.780 --> 00:22:11.895 I want... I rather have questions that cannot be 00:22:11.896 --> 00:22:14.081 answered and answered that cannot be questioned. 00:22:14.480 --> 00:22:16.433 Because these people are just offering you the 00:22:16.434 --> 00:22:19.141 answer and then you should just shut up like you say. 00:22:19.420 --> 00:22:20.440 Don't ask any question. 00:22:20.620 --> 00:22:21.320 Don't criticize. 00:22:21.480 --> 00:22:22.920 Don't even bother to think. 00:22:23.300 --> 00:22:24.640 Just accept what we say. 00:22:25.650 --> 00:22:26.960 I mean, you may have known that... 00:22:26.961 --> 00:22:29.900 Actually, if you want to get there, I can talk about this because this is 00:22:29.901 --> 00:22:32.061 rather famous because the other person is still around. 00:22:32.440 --> 00:22:35.486 He's the one who's shouting up and down these two last two 00:22:35.487 --> 00:22:39.120 days to say that all we must start fossil fuel GOP is so evil. 00:22:39.395 --> 00:22:44.440 We must stop all of them because we are the GOP, either evil political bodies in 00:22:44.441 --> 00:22:47.020 America that causes all these fossil fuel to be... 00:22:47.021 --> 00:22:48.620 We are using fossil fuel and all that. 00:22:48.780 --> 00:22:50.360 His name is Professor Michael Mann. 00:22:50.660 --> 00:22:52.060 He's at University of Pennsylvania. 00:22:52.340 --> 00:22:55.160 He created a paper, we call it a hockey stick. 00:22:55.300 --> 00:22:57.120 Yeah, the hockey stick. 00:22:57.340 --> 00:22:59.860 He basically said that the temperature history... 00:22:59.861 --> 00:23:02.500 First of all, the true temperature history looked like this. 00:23:02.760 --> 00:23:06.720 It was very warm from 880, let's say warm, warm. 00:23:06.740 --> 00:23:09.480 And then it cools down about 1300 started to go down. 00:23:10.060 --> 00:23:10.060 Cool. 00:23:10.440 --> 00:23:14.840 And then since about 1900 century it started to warm back up. 00:23:14.990 --> 00:23:17.300 Way, way before CO2 is important, okay? 00:23:17.640 --> 00:23:19.760 That's another puzzle that they never want to explain. 00:23:19.940 --> 00:23:20.500 They look like this. 00:23:20.520 --> 00:23:21.680 That's the real story. 00:23:22.260 --> 00:23:23.260 Michael Mann came along. 00:23:23.700 --> 00:23:28.420 Say that, well, he used mathematical algorithm, okay? 00:23:28.860 --> 00:23:32.420 He can use fancy words but believe me, it's his mathematical algorithm. 00:23:33.240 --> 00:23:38.300 But he produced a stick for 1980 to about 1980. 00:23:38.620 --> 00:23:41.020 It's all flat because it changed very tiny amount. 00:23:41.320 --> 00:23:45.480 So small that actually doesn't mean anything, 0.1 or 0.2 degrees Celsius. 00:23:45.580 --> 00:23:46.580 So small. 00:23:46.820 --> 00:23:49.920 It doesn't mean the one that I talk about that changes one degree at least, 00:23:50.090 --> 00:23:52.760 you know, to 5-6 times stronger bigger than what he said. 00:23:53.180 --> 00:23:54.820 And he just said it's like this. 00:23:54.920 --> 00:23:57.474 And then it warmed up because of the blade, which 00:23:57.475 --> 00:23:59.741 is the warming because of rising carbon dioxide. 00:24:00.060 --> 00:24:04.920 But he forgot to explain to you, this warming of the temperature started 00:24:05.045 --> 00:24:07.898 way before even the human part of the atmospheric 00:24:07.899 --> 00:24:10.201 carbon dioxide could be anything meaningful. 00:24:10.530 --> 00:24:11.650 This is part of the problem. 00:24:11.740 --> 00:24:13.700 It's all been crazy from day one. 00:24:14.270 --> 00:24:19.920 When this thing was published in 1999, I was the first few guys who raised a hand 00:24:19.921 --> 00:24:21.842 at the back of the class and say, excuse me, 00:24:21.843 --> 00:24:23.860 Professor Mann, he used to be my friend by the way. 00:24:23.920 --> 00:24:25.440 Now he will never answer me. 00:24:25.660 --> 00:24:28.960 He used to exchange email with me because, you know, we're more or less shared, 00:24:29.080 --> 00:24:30.680 the same passion, wonder, understanding. 00:24:30.980 --> 00:24:34.540 Now he just said that his story, his story is the only one that is correct. 00:24:34.910 --> 00:24:37.200 But it's not bare out by any data that we know. 00:24:37.560 --> 00:24:38.560 That's the problem. 00:24:39.200 --> 00:24:40.440 It's all mathematical products. 00:24:40.560 --> 00:24:42.860 This is how scary the whole work can be. 00:24:43.380 --> 00:24:48.980 And United Nations, the IPCC group that I mentioned, promoted his work, turning it 00:24:48.981 --> 00:24:54.360 into a major hero because he has solved one of this old puzzle problem that 00:24:54.361 --> 00:24:57.600 climatologists over Marlania has been trying to solve. 00:24:57.680 --> 00:25:01.400 Since the day of the Greeks, we try to understand how climate change. 00:25:01.480 --> 00:25:05.120 And this guy come alongside that he looked like this, only CO2 does it. 00:25:05.360 --> 00:25:06.360 And that's the problem. 00:25:07.500 --> 00:25:12.700 So, I mean, some of this is very complex. 00:25:13.030 --> 00:25:16.680 But in the way you're describing it, if he's saying the warming period began 00:25:16.681 --> 00:25:21.060 before, there was a meaningful addition of CO2 into the atmosphere caused by humans. 00:25:21.680 --> 00:25:22.980 Even I can understand that. 00:25:23.380 --> 00:25:24.380 Yes, that's the truth. 00:25:24.720 --> 00:25:27.040 So I would assume that lots of scientists who do 00:25:27.041 --> 00:25:29.701 this for a living might be asking the same question. 00:25:29.780 --> 00:25:30.840 Why don't they speak up? 00:25:31.240 --> 00:25:32.400 This is the problem. 00:25:33.100 --> 00:25:37.220 The whole problem in scientists' day is related to funding. 00:25:37.300 --> 00:25:38.300 How science is funded? 00:25:38.680 --> 00:25:39.680 That philosophy. 00:25:40.520 --> 00:25:42.100 I wish to not get too much into it. 00:25:42.245 --> 00:25:45.080 This is part of the reason why I want to be totally independent. 00:25:45.480 --> 00:25:47.240 I get out of this whole system. 00:25:47.980 --> 00:25:50.120 But it's how science is about funding. 00:25:50.600 --> 00:25:53.676 Even if you don't get money directly, it will influence 00:25:53.776 --> 00:25:56.020 the graduate students and on and on and so forth. 00:25:56.021 --> 00:25:58.580 All these other related effects. 00:25:58.581 --> 00:25:59.581 You know? 00:26:00.100 --> 00:26:01.860 And many people are afraid to speak up. 00:26:02.040 --> 00:26:05.960 But I tell you, if you really put all the scientists to do an honest kind of polling 00:26:06.060 --> 00:26:08.540 if you're science, but science is not about polling too. 00:26:08.900 --> 00:26:10.780 All it takes is one to be correct. 00:26:11.020 --> 00:26:11.260 Yes. 00:26:11.400 --> 00:26:12.520 That's the problem, right? 00:26:12.521 --> 00:26:16.700 Einstein used when he formulated the famous general relativity or specialty. 00:26:17.310 --> 00:26:18.510 Actually, that was criticized. 00:26:19.080 --> 00:26:21.400 That basically talk about speed or light and constant. 00:26:22.160 --> 00:26:23.400 So time and space are relative. 00:26:24.160 --> 00:26:24.160 Yes. 00:26:24.660 --> 00:26:24.780 Right? 00:26:24.860 --> 00:26:25.860 Time can be dilated. 00:26:26.100 --> 00:26:29.680 Space is also slightly different because the speed of light is constant. 00:26:29.900 --> 00:26:31.580 Special reality is based on that concept. 00:26:32.590 --> 00:26:37.140 Then 100 of this Berliner cut-emission tried to wrote a pamphlet say that 00:26:37.290 --> 00:26:39.000 Einstein is wrong, but never awful. 00:26:39.900 --> 00:26:41.900 What are the details that is wrong? 00:26:42.240 --> 00:26:44.600 And then Einstein indeed answered like this. 00:26:45.400 --> 00:26:46.720 Why would you need 100? 00:26:47.400 --> 00:26:50.300 You know, if I would be wrong, one would suffice. 00:26:50.840 --> 00:26:52.740 I mean, that's the theme of the science. 00:26:52.990 --> 00:26:58.580 Science is so bad because it's so totally upside-down inside our COVID. 00:26:58.820 --> 00:26:59.620 It's another case. 00:26:59.700 --> 00:27:01.920 You know, so let's stick to climate stuff. 00:27:02.020 --> 00:27:03.160 People are afraid to speak. 00:27:03.240 --> 00:27:04.320 I don't know why, actually. 00:27:04.600 --> 00:27:05.340 I was young. 00:27:05.500 --> 00:27:08.700 I had to worry about my three kids where they eat and all that stuff. 00:27:08.701 --> 00:27:10.381 You know, buffet all the time just kidding. 00:27:11.040 --> 00:27:12.780 The greatest American invention. 00:27:14.180 --> 00:27:16.440 This is truly entrepreneur, by the way. 00:27:16.580 --> 00:27:18.260 Anyway, we have enough food. 00:27:18.500 --> 00:27:19.060 No problem. 00:27:19.280 --> 00:27:19.960 That's my food. 00:27:19.961 --> 00:27:21.980 I don't think it's also a problem in this world. 00:27:22.080 --> 00:27:23.840 Even material resources, right? 00:27:23.841 --> 00:27:26.200 All you think is of the thing like Julian Simon type. 00:27:26.620 --> 00:27:28.280 You know, we can generate everything. 00:27:28.490 --> 00:27:32.860 The only problem we love is lack of imagination, narrow-mindedness, 00:27:32.861 --> 00:27:35.760 and all this anti-America sentiment booted this way. 00:27:36.240 --> 00:27:38.020 America is among the best hope for humanity. 00:27:38.120 --> 00:27:41.740 You know, to put forward, we have the foundation document, the constitution, 00:27:41.960 --> 00:27:42.740 for God's sake. 00:27:42.940 --> 00:27:45.820 That is the most beautiful thing that we could ever imagine. 00:27:46.020 --> 00:27:47.960 And why don't we use it properly? 00:27:48.160 --> 00:27:48.340 Right? 00:27:48.520 --> 00:27:50.400 People are just trashing on it every day, right? 00:27:50.860 --> 00:27:52.700 Anyway, I digress. 00:27:54.420 --> 00:27:54.600 Anyway. 00:27:55.180 --> 00:27:59.140 So yes, I think science is a problem now, because of funding structure. 00:27:59.180 --> 00:28:00.180 People won't speak out. 00:28:00.260 --> 00:28:01.340 I don't know why. 00:28:02.100 --> 00:28:05.660 I think it's natural for people to be afraid, but you cannot be afraid for so long. 00:28:05.661 --> 00:28:08.160 For me, I was frustrated because I was not afraid. 00:28:08.280 --> 00:28:08.860 I haven't seen something. 00:28:09.100 --> 00:28:09.400 I was in sign. 00:28:09.700 --> 00:28:11.420 Because I'm in sign, because I love sign. 00:28:11.760 --> 00:28:16.540 This is why, from my own perspective, I just very sad to see that science has 00:28:16.541 --> 00:28:19.760 been trampled by all these other non -science forces. 00:28:20.305 --> 00:28:23.820 That's why when I look at COVID, also I cannot stand by saying nothing. 00:28:24.260 --> 00:28:26.580 On COVID, and I think there's so many things wrong with it. 00:28:26.740 --> 00:28:28.240 That's why I want to pre-ever tithe. 00:28:28.600 --> 00:28:31.860 With my group series that signed our Kong, we work with a bunch of people. 00:28:31.920 --> 00:28:35.280 One of the good guests for you, potential will be Professor Harvey Rich. 00:28:35.300 --> 00:28:37.020 You say he's been interviewed by you twice? 00:28:37.040 --> 00:28:37.160 Yes. 00:28:37.260 --> 00:28:40.220 Even guys like about Malone, we work together to do the papers. 00:28:40.221 --> 00:28:43.400 So when the people come out hopefully, we can have them on your shows, 00:28:43.820 --> 00:28:45.120 or they can tell more stories. 00:28:45.310 --> 00:28:49.209 We want to provide the medical community or even the world 00:28:49.210 --> 00:28:52.820 to document this episode of Dark Ages in medical sciences. 00:28:53.320 --> 00:28:54.520 Something went terribly wrong. 00:28:54.820 --> 00:28:56.120 The mass never really worked. 00:28:56.360 --> 00:28:57.940 The vaccine never really worked. 00:28:58.020 --> 00:28:59.400 All of this doesn't work. 00:28:59.420 --> 00:29:00.800 The lockdown doesn't work. 00:29:01.580 --> 00:29:02.460 And what are we doing this? 00:29:02.600 --> 00:29:04.640 Now they are trying to scare with another new scare. 00:29:04.820 --> 00:29:06.080 All over the world now. 00:29:06.600 --> 00:29:10.500 A newspaper this morning, I just got one newspaper from my sister, who's had to 00:29:10.501 --> 00:29:13.160 start there, or they start masking up in Malaysia now. 00:29:13.700 --> 00:29:16.740 Because cases increase the usual story. 00:29:16.890 --> 00:29:20.123 I love in a serious way, because I see this is another 00:29:20.124 --> 00:29:23.260 one of those attempts again, to try to scare people. 00:29:24.000 --> 00:29:25.040 So I did digress now. 00:29:25.100 --> 00:29:27.773 Science is just so complicated now that every aspect of 00:29:27.774 --> 00:29:30.360 the science that I look at, I've become very unhappy. 00:29:31.180 --> 00:29:33.780 Science is no longer able to do where science leads. 00:29:34.260 --> 00:29:37.060 This is the theme of my series, the sign.com. 00:29:37.500 --> 00:29:38.740 We will feel only colleagues. 00:29:38.960 --> 00:29:40.036 I don't have enough funding. 00:29:40.060 --> 00:29:42.420 I just hope to get as many donations, by the way. 00:29:42.520 --> 00:29:43.920 Donate, but don't tell us anything. 00:29:44.790 --> 00:29:47.280 Trust us, because we are decent scientists. 00:29:47.640 --> 00:29:50.751 You can look at our publication record, that we are able 00:29:50.801 --> 00:29:54.180 to produce the most interesting and pure work, like IPCC. 00:29:54.640 --> 00:29:56.340 They have to reply to us. 00:29:56.480 --> 00:29:58.840 Two years ago, we published a very important paper. 00:29:59.200 --> 00:30:03.500 One of my journalists, friend, colleague, wrote a paper, newspaper 00:30:03.501 --> 00:30:07.780 article, and then he'd go and ask IPCC, why are you guys not citing this paper? 00:30:07.880 --> 00:30:11.160 They use the excuse to say that, oh, these people publish late. 00:30:11.161 --> 00:30:12.720 We have a date line here, red line. 00:30:12.970 --> 00:30:18.920 Oh, if you don't publish before some date, like 2021, like January or 2021, 00:30:19.340 --> 00:30:20.980 then we wouldn't include your work. 00:30:21.300 --> 00:30:23.800 So we publish in August, so they wouldn't include my work. 00:30:23.980 --> 00:30:27.260 But they forgot to say that they claim themselves. 00:30:27.480 --> 00:30:27.800 They proclaim. 00:30:27.980 --> 00:30:29.200 Are you an IPCC proclaim? 00:30:29.300 --> 00:30:33.950 They have to be the best of the scientific world, produce the most updated and other. 00:30:34.790 --> 00:30:38.700 But immediately, their report came out, they already outdated, because they 00:30:38.701 --> 00:30:41.188 haven't included my work, which is the most 00:30:41.189 --> 00:30:44.121 comprehensive review of how the Sun affects the climate. 00:30:44.300 --> 00:30:45.300 That's the work we did. 00:30:45.560 --> 00:30:50.080 So this this year, just two months ago, we published two more paper, convincingly 00:30:50.081 --> 00:30:56.200 show that even the thermometer data that they show you is not what it is. 00:30:56.460 --> 00:30:58.340 It's actually not measuring climate. 00:30:58.900 --> 00:31:00.980 It's measuring urban heat and island changes. 00:31:01.460 --> 00:31:03.340 Something that I think everybody can understand. 00:31:03.700 --> 00:31:06.920 If you go to the inner part of the big city, like TC 00:31:06.921 --> 00:31:10.120 is one of the best examples I have left to show that. 00:31:10.121 --> 00:31:12.772 You go to inner city is much warmer than outside, 00:31:12.773 --> 00:31:15.120 because of concrete retaining all the heat. 00:31:15.180 --> 00:31:18.780 Or you change all the surfaces of the, you know, the survey become impervious 00:31:18.781 --> 00:31:21.820 between, there's no breathing, no water going in. 00:31:22.190 --> 00:31:23.300 Things like that. 00:31:23.910 --> 00:31:27.240 And it's what we show is that it's not a phenomenon just on local sun. 00:31:27.580 --> 00:31:31.320 You average over this, you can see the effect all over the northern hemisphere. 00:31:31.740 --> 00:31:35.786 This is very powerful new work that we, we spend concrete 00:31:35.787 --> 00:31:38.100 and asphalt raised the temperatures more than CO. 00:31:38.120 --> 00:31:39.480 And that's what they're measuring. 00:31:39.560 --> 00:31:41.520 And then they tell you this is global temperature. 00:31:42.180 --> 00:31:44.360 And then we provide an alternative. 00:31:44.840 --> 00:31:46.840 We say, why don't we go look at rural station? 00:31:47.100 --> 00:31:47.600 That is available. 00:31:48.100 --> 00:31:49.500 I guess what I'll result from. 00:31:49.560 --> 00:31:54.320 Completely different story from the picture, the narrative that's coming up 00:31:54.370 --> 00:31:59.320 from this data set, the moment of data that shows that combine urban and rural. 00:32:00.060 --> 00:32:01.580 We show rural only. 00:32:01.940 --> 00:32:05.420 We can tell you that you can immediately offer a different answer. 00:32:05.600 --> 00:32:07.920 For example, it's the sun that does it. 00:32:08.780 --> 00:32:09.780 We show that. 00:32:09.860 --> 00:32:11.340 But we don't know that is the answer. 00:32:11.800 --> 00:32:17.180 We just simply show you that the IPCC and all this so-called scientists from NASA, 00:32:17.400 --> 00:32:20.800 NOAA and all of them are not doing their due diligence. 00:32:21.680 --> 00:32:24.800 They are putting you very bad quality data product. 00:32:25.080 --> 00:32:26.220 Not only that, they hide it. 00:32:26.260 --> 00:32:29.000 Some of them is so difficult to get the data. 00:32:30.200 --> 00:32:32.300 But it should never be difficult to get data. 00:32:32.670 --> 00:32:36.280 I'm sorry, this is how the problem in science now is so many students. 00:32:36.281 --> 00:32:39.000 But I thought transparency of data was science. 00:32:39.040 --> 00:32:40.180 I was hoping. 00:32:40.840 --> 00:32:42.080 I always believe in that. 00:32:42.100 --> 00:32:45.780 That's why everything that we publish is there. 00:32:45.920 --> 00:32:47.080 Because we got it from somewhere. 00:32:47.100 --> 00:32:48.100 Here's the data. 00:32:48.130 --> 00:32:48.860 Use it. 00:32:49.080 --> 00:32:49.580 Check us. 00:32:49.581 --> 00:32:51.021 If we're wrong, tell us we're wrong. 00:32:51.120 --> 00:32:53.200 That is one thing that I can always promise you. 00:32:53.201 --> 00:32:55.560 I'm not here to try to gain favor or anything. 00:32:55.860 --> 00:32:58.420 If I'm wrong, and I don't know, I tell you, I don't know, Tucker. 00:32:58.660 --> 00:33:01.800 A lot of this thing, I really under a lot of careful consideration. 00:33:02.400 --> 00:33:05.380 Really a lot of deep meditation thinking about this topic. 00:33:05.780 --> 00:33:07.520 What I think is very problematic. 00:33:07.730 --> 00:33:09.710 I'm so glad to have this opportunity to go 00:33:09.711 --> 00:33:12.380 this far to be able to talk for this long now. 00:33:12.480 --> 00:33:15.880 Is that really the IPCC product is actually substandard? 00:33:16.600 --> 00:33:18.240 Of course, they have a different mandate. 00:33:18.440 --> 00:33:20.540 The other mandate is political, right? 00:33:20.845 --> 00:33:21.920 To provide policy. 00:33:22.060 --> 00:33:23.060 We understand that. 00:33:23.180 --> 00:33:24.933 But how many people really understand that 00:33:24.934 --> 00:33:28.401 pure science doesn't support anything they say? 00:33:28.440 --> 00:33:32.340 I mean, in the beginning of this COP28 meeting, the chairman or this guy from 00:33:32.341 --> 00:33:36.100 UAE, you know, that Arabs and Emirates, the chairman, I don't know his name, 00:33:36.320 --> 00:33:37.860 Sultan Al Jaber, or something. 00:33:38.420 --> 00:33:40.191 He was saying that there's no scientific 00:33:40.192 --> 00:33:42.040 reasoning to say that we should face out forces. 00:33:42.220 --> 00:33:42.800 He's right. 00:33:43.220 --> 00:33:48.400 But then he backed off because of all this... Everybody is hurt mentality. 00:33:48.780 --> 00:33:50.100 Everybody is doing the bad thing. 00:33:50.640 --> 00:33:52.076 Everybody's science is not about that. 00:33:52.100 --> 00:33:53.040 They all agree now. 00:33:53.120 --> 00:33:54.680 They all agree to face out, right? 00:33:54.681 --> 00:33:55.820 For some kind of agreement. 00:33:56.260 --> 00:33:58.111 You know, that everybody declared that they're 00:33:58.112 --> 00:34:00.701 gonna do that, that they're gonna face out for. 00:34:00.810 --> 00:34:01.946 I don't even know how, actually. 00:34:01.970 --> 00:34:02.970 Why? 00:34:03.580 --> 00:34:04.920 Why are you doing this? 00:34:05.395 --> 00:34:07.374 And then one of the claims is that they're 00:34:07.375 --> 00:34:09.440 gonna triple the amount of solar and wind power. 00:34:09.560 --> 00:34:10.700 That is a sad story. 00:34:11.870 --> 00:34:17.320 You know, of the amount that we spend that we can document some trees, 3.6 trillion 00:34:17.321 --> 00:34:22.580 dollars, they spend almost two trillion dollars on solar and wind power over the 00:34:22.830 --> 00:34:25.080 last, I don't know, five, ten years or so. 00:34:25.560 --> 00:34:27.616 And then what they did is that they spend more 00:34:27.617 --> 00:34:29.860 of the money, two trillion on solar and wind. 00:34:29.960 --> 00:34:34.180 And solar, wind can only account for only 3% of the world power. 00:34:34.240 --> 00:34:37.900 85% from fossil fuels, as you can see, hydro power and nuclear. 00:34:38.500 --> 00:34:39.700 Nuclear is another puzzle. 00:34:40.300 --> 00:34:42.849 I checked with all my nuclear expert friends 00:34:42.899 --> 00:34:45.910 that've been working for years on nuclear power. 00:34:46.460 --> 00:34:48.860 Nuclear power is one of the saddest story. 00:34:49.120 --> 00:34:52.400 I believe that we actually have almost a solution in hand. 00:34:53.040 --> 00:34:54.200 Not the fusion, of course. 00:34:54.770 --> 00:35:00.470 It's the, you know, the fast reactor or the good generation of the, of nuclear power. 00:35:00.840 --> 00:35:03.720 Peaceful use of that, won't even generate nuclear weapon. 00:35:04.220 --> 00:35:05.560 We can do all of that technology. 00:35:05.760 --> 00:35:09.500 The only thing barrier is red tapes, environmentally scare of radiation. 00:35:09.820 --> 00:35:10.880 All these are the problem. 00:35:11.260 --> 00:35:14.020 We almost have all of that in, in hand. 00:35:14.360 --> 00:35:15.500 The power can last. 00:35:15.540 --> 00:35:18.910 One estimate shows that if we were to use it at the demand 00:35:18.911 --> 00:35:23.660 of that by 2050, we can have enough power for 2,700 years. 00:35:24.120 --> 00:35:26.600 That's far more than any of the fossil fuel can promise. 00:35:26.950 --> 00:35:29.480 And then, and we're still not doing it. 00:35:29.560 --> 00:35:32.600 We're not doing, America is so far behind now. 00:35:33.670 --> 00:35:36.740 We just make one in Georgia, one of the nuclear plan. 00:35:37.260 --> 00:35:41.640 There's so over cost because of all the red tape that is so embarrassing. 00:35:42.020 --> 00:35:43.020 There are numbers. 00:35:43.370 --> 00:35:47.960 I mean, it costing a thousand or 2,000 times even more than what Korea and, 00:35:47.961 --> 00:35:53.540 you know, even Korea now is, is a major guy who make this nuclear power plan for 00:35:53.541 --> 00:35:55.620 different, any country who wants to do it, right? 00:35:55.670 --> 00:36:00.040 I mean, Korea, India, they are making a much cheaper cost. 00:36:00.755 --> 00:36:03.120 And the design, French, design are the best, right? 00:36:03.590 --> 00:36:04.680 French, they are all doing that. 00:36:04.681 --> 00:36:05.620 And we're not doing it. 00:36:05.660 --> 00:36:06.900 China, of course, 11, right? 00:36:06.901 --> 00:36:07.901 Doing that. 00:36:08.080 --> 00:36:09.240 But we're not doing anything. 00:36:09.600 --> 00:36:13.680 We tried to tell you that we got a shot of fossil fuel, increased solar and wind. 00:36:13.800 --> 00:36:14.460 Are you joking? 00:36:14.800 --> 00:36:16.200 Even three times more. 00:36:16.440 --> 00:36:18.320 It'll be 9%. 00:36:18.321 --> 00:36:21.880 I don't know, can you turn on your, your light? 00:36:22.100 --> 00:36:22.920 Only 9% of them. 00:36:23.080 --> 00:36:24.616 You should shut all this light off now. 00:36:24.640 --> 00:36:27.660 You're overusing it and it destroys the actual environment. 00:36:27.700 --> 00:36:28.700 Exactly. 00:36:28.800 --> 00:36:32.560 This is a kind of a very bad incentive that they don't realize. 00:36:32.840 --> 00:36:36.051 It's about this kind of people that are so out of their 00:36:36.052 --> 00:36:39.420 mind in my view that they really should be cautious. 00:36:39.800 --> 00:36:42.860 Somebody should just ping on their head. 00:36:43.750 --> 00:36:46.000 Guys, don't, don't, don't keep saying those things. 00:36:46.180 --> 00:36:47.260 You've heard a thing twice. 00:36:47.940 --> 00:36:52.880 Or consult somebody that knows something that is honest, you know? 00:36:53.640 --> 00:36:55.840 Would you be able to say this out loud at Harvard? 00:36:56.540 --> 00:36:58.620 Actually, back then, I also didn't care. 00:36:59.120 --> 00:37:03.180 But most of the time, I get caught into the directors office, and that they're 00:37:03.181 --> 00:37:05.276 always trying to tell you, oh, why are you saying that? 00:37:05.300 --> 00:37:06.100 Why are you saying this? 00:37:06.150 --> 00:37:07.310 I say, well, I'm a scientist. 00:37:07.420 --> 00:37:08.861 I should say whatever I want to say. 00:37:09.340 --> 00:37:09.960 Not only that. 00:37:10.170 --> 00:37:11.780 The problem when I was at Harvard. 00:37:11.840 --> 00:37:15.820 But the reason I quit, as I tried to explain is about chat requirement. 00:37:16.280 --> 00:37:18.240 But another one is a bit of a sense issue. 00:37:19.060 --> 00:37:21.020 I can only do certain things. 00:37:21.100 --> 00:37:22.080 I cannot do certain things. 00:37:22.081 --> 00:37:24.920 Like, I would never be able to write paper on COVID-19. 00:37:25.300 --> 00:37:30.200 I would never be able to work on, let's say, environmental air pollution issues. 00:37:30.300 --> 00:37:33.380 You know, like, you know, so-called nogs and socks and all these other things. 00:37:33.580 --> 00:37:34.861 Or mercury and things like that. 00:37:34.980 --> 00:37:35.380 I have a lot. 00:37:35.530 --> 00:37:38.840 I study a lot on those issues because I personally are concerned. 00:37:39.145 --> 00:37:40.320 So I dig into the literature. 00:37:41.000 --> 00:37:42.260 One thing after another. 00:37:42.261 --> 00:37:43.821 Basically, because I sleep very little. 00:37:44.430 --> 00:37:45.616 So I really do a lot of things. 00:37:45.640 --> 00:37:47.440 I flip every rock, pebbles, anything you want. 00:37:47.780 --> 00:37:49.000 So I study a lot. 00:37:49.001 --> 00:37:52.400 I produce a result that is good enough that it can be making a lot of scientific. 00:37:52.740 --> 00:37:55.860 But I never published them because they simply won't allow. 00:37:56.000 --> 00:37:57.460 They wouldn't allow you. 00:37:58.100 --> 00:37:59.480 It's about a better allowing. 00:37:59.700 --> 00:38:03.100 Because they say it doesn't fit the theme of the center for astrophysics. 00:38:03.460 --> 00:38:05.436 So I don't want to talk very about the institution. 00:38:05.460 --> 00:38:09.320 But it is the finest astrophysics institution in the world. 00:38:09.500 --> 00:38:14.801 In terms of instrument building and some of the technology, we can produce the best. 00:38:15.040 --> 00:38:18.520 You know, you often look at the x-ray picture of the sun. 00:38:18.720 --> 00:38:23.440 Those are from very fine camera that we built with multi-coding layers. 00:38:23.680 --> 00:38:27.620 Because they come in very slowly and then they're going to diffuse. 00:38:27.980 --> 00:38:31.160 But we make very fine way to catch them so they can come out. 00:38:31.400 --> 00:38:32.640 So the image are crystal clear. 00:38:32.990 --> 00:38:35.040 You can see all the structure on the sun. 00:38:35.160 --> 00:38:36.180 It's made by my center. 00:38:36.930 --> 00:38:37.980 They are good scientists. 00:38:38.520 --> 00:38:40.880 Except that when it comes down to a larger picture of signs. 00:38:41.800 --> 00:38:42.240 Shh. 00:38:42.440 --> 00:38:43.000 Don't say this. 00:38:43.200 --> 00:38:43.600 Don't say that. 00:38:43.660 --> 00:38:44.440 This and that. 00:38:44.540 --> 00:38:45.280 And then all of that. 00:38:45.281 --> 00:38:50.260 This is why even at Harvard, I quit taking money from NASA and NSF. 00:38:50.261 --> 00:38:52.560 All these other places in 2004. 00:38:52.940 --> 00:38:56.620 Because I beginning to think that signs being so unaccountable. 00:38:56.660 --> 00:39:00.600 Funded by taxpayer that all these people are so unconscionable. 00:39:00.780 --> 00:39:02.120 So I personally chose that. 00:39:02.300 --> 00:39:03.440 That is nobody to blame. 00:39:03.660 --> 00:39:04.660 But myself. 00:39:04.760 --> 00:39:08.720 But I chose to take only from foundation who are willing to give me money. 00:39:09.380 --> 00:39:13.000 So I wrote those kind of proposal and then got to go through the director's office. 00:39:14.130 --> 00:39:16.500 I have a very, very happy and fruitful career. 00:39:16.780 --> 00:39:19.020 Everybody can look up my publication list very long. 00:39:19.840 --> 00:39:22.040 And not only that, it's not the number that comes. 00:39:22.730 --> 00:39:23.931 It's the quality of the paper. 00:39:24.120 --> 00:39:25.360 I always want to remind people. 00:39:25.740 --> 00:39:28.340 I don't like talking about how many thousands of people you write. 00:39:28.580 --> 00:39:29.580 It's not important. 00:39:30.340 --> 00:39:32.640 Which paper that is really important for certain issues. 00:39:32.800 --> 00:39:35.841 That's important that you... If you are able to show that, that's good. 00:39:36.020 --> 00:39:36.760 That's what I mean. 00:39:37.020 --> 00:39:41.120 All my papers are basically under a lot of this serious, serious thinking, 00:39:41.121 --> 00:39:43.270 and serious evaluation checking and rechecking 00:39:43.271 --> 00:39:45.721 before I would care to write about anything. 00:39:45.780 --> 00:39:48.280 Because you don't want to write anything that's wrong tomorrow. 00:39:49.120 --> 00:39:49.620 You want to work. 00:39:49.640 --> 00:39:50.760 Something that can write. 00:39:51.020 --> 00:39:52.980 But science is basically a garbage can now. 00:39:53.160 --> 00:39:54.160 These scientific papers. 00:39:54.880 --> 00:39:57.080 I categorically would even make this statement. 00:39:57.600 --> 00:40:02.420 I will make the statement that about 80 to 90% of the paper published in so-called 00:40:02.445 --> 00:40:05.700 climate science today should not be published. 00:40:08.420 --> 00:40:09.916 But... Everybody, have ends, have grown. 00:40:09.940 --> 00:40:11.116 Everybody have all this grant. 00:40:11.140 --> 00:40:13.900 You see how the inflation goes, you know, just like their last day. 00:40:14.120 --> 00:40:17.900 You hear that Yale University, you know, a large part of it. 00:40:18.200 --> 00:40:22.200 Most of the students on 2022 or something all got great. 00:40:22.201 --> 00:40:23.600 A great, you know, great. 00:40:23.800 --> 00:40:24.800 They diluted the great. 00:40:25.140 --> 00:40:28.260 But have you reached a show of me that in medical sciences and heart sciences? 00:40:28.780 --> 00:40:30.740 Have you reached the professor at Yale University? 00:40:30.940 --> 00:40:32.180 He teach in the medical school. 00:40:32.350 --> 00:40:33.740 So he say, no, not true. 00:40:33.890 --> 00:40:36.420 So he tried to show me he has quality. 00:40:37.140 --> 00:40:38.680 Maybe not in his class. 00:40:38.860 --> 00:40:41.040 Well, how are you not in any other class, right? 00:40:41.800 --> 00:40:45.220 So I want to ask you just as it kind of last topic which is not related to this, 00:40:45.360 --> 00:40:46.756 but we talked about it off the earth. 00:40:46.780 --> 00:40:48.060 I think it's really interesting. 00:40:49.120 --> 00:40:55.020 You were telling me that you see God or evidence of God in math. 00:40:56.080 --> 00:40:58.920 Well, can you explain what you were saying? 00:40:59.280 --> 00:41:00.636 Maybe I misread what you were saying. 00:41:00.660 --> 00:41:01.660 No, no, no, no. 00:41:01.710 --> 00:41:04.848 I mean, I have been closer and closer to God in 00:41:04.849 --> 00:41:07.340 the sense that because it takes me a long time. 00:41:07.540 --> 00:41:08.680 I'm broader rebalance. 00:41:08.830 --> 00:41:12.020 You know, I have to say, damn it, God, you've got to prove it to me. 00:41:12.220 --> 00:41:13.220 Show it to me, buddy. 00:41:13.820 --> 00:41:14.820 Just kidding. 00:41:15.300 --> 00:41:16.300 I'm sorry for anybody. 00:41:16.740 --> 00:41:17.100 No, not all of it. 00:41:17.460 --> 00:41:20.900 But I really say it in that way, you know, you talk to yourself in a sense. 00:41:21.880 --> 00:41:26.260 But in many, many moments in history of physics or mathematics, things come out. 00:41:26.480 --> 00:41:28.553 You see, mathematics, you know, is this very pure word 00:41:28.554 --> 00:41:31.140 that it seems to have no connection to real world. 00:41:31.141 --> 00:41:31.860 Because that's right. 00:41:32.140 --> 00:41:32.320 It's true. 00:41:32.880 --> 00:41:33.220 It's complex numbers. 00:41:33.400 --> 00:41:33.740 It's one of them. 00:41:34.100 --> 00:41:36.020 But it appears in quantum mechanics, right? 00:41:36.021 --> 00:41:37.021 It's so beautiful. 00:41:37.900 --> 00:41:40.880 But one of the things that sometimes you see in equation is so amazing. 00:41:41.080 --> 00:41:43.180 When you formula, you know, maybe it's not right. 00:41:43.380 --> 00:41:43.780 Maybe it's this. 00:41:44.330 --> 00:41:45.491 You know, you doubt yourself. 00:41:45.860 --> 00:41:49.680 But one of the most beautiful equations was the one that derived by Paul Dirac. 00:41:50.220 --> 00:41:53.200 It's a professor at Cambridge University, but he retired in Florida. 00:41:53.970 --> 00:41:55.240 By the way, he died in Florida. 00:41:56.120 --> 00:41:56.600 Tallahassee. 00:41:57.060 --> 00:42:00.000 I mean, it's a refuge for him because he doesn't like to talk. 00:42:00.150 --> 00:42:02.320 He would sit there for five days if you don't talk. 00:42:02.520 --> 00:42:03.916 One day, all of a sudden, he talked. 00:42:03.940 --> 00:42:05.980 But anyway, he formulated that he's a beautiful man. 00:42:06.700 --> 00:42:07.700 He, you know, Paul Dirac. 00:42:07.940 --> 00:42:10.840 He formulated this relativistic equation for electrons. 00:42:11.380 --> 00:42:15.600 But in one of the equations, the solution come out to be a negative sign. 00:42:16.280 --> 00:42:17.960 Not only that, it's a square root involved. 00:42:18.210 --> 00:42:19.300 So it's strange behavior. 00:42:19.720 --> 00:42:20.936 There's a negative sign you learn. 00:42:20.960 --> 00:42:23.080 But it has the exact property. 00:42:23.620 --> 00:42:25.620 Like an electron and all that stuff. 00:42:26.580 --> 00:42:27.580 How come? 00:42:28.090 --> 00:42:31.460 Everybody say, you crazy, you stupid, isn't that right? 00:42:32.120 --> 00:42:33.860 He's not even wait. 00:42:34.000 --> 00:42:35.520 He didn't know sweat, buddy. 00:42:35.860 --> 00:42:37.560 He just say, I am right. 00:42:38.580 --> 00:42:42.080 Many years later, few years later, he's shown in Caltech. 00:42:42.120 --> 00:42:45.280 My cow, Anderson, to show there's actually such a thing called positron. 00:42:45.520 --> 00:42:47.620 You know, the opposite, the brothers of electron. 00:42:48.340 --> 00:42:49.680 That's such a thing. 00:42:50.140 --> 00:42:52.820 And then if you ask yourself, how is it possible? 00:42:54.470 --> 00:42:57.240 That's something, this is out of nowhere. 00:42:57.380 --> 00:42:58.800 Where does this thing come from? 00:42:59.120 --> 00:43:01.940 And then in mathematical sciences, there's a lot of things like this. 00:43:02.480 --> 00:43:05.460 Geometry, there's an even more famous thing about in geometry. 00:43:05.660 --> 00:43:08.780 It's called Calabi, yaw, manifold that related to string theory. 00:43:10.100 --> 00:43:14.240 This thing was basically a revisit of Einstein's general relativity equation. 00:43:14.640 --> 00:43:20.400 Asking itself, whether it's impossible to have close curvature in space time that 00:43:20.401 --> 00:43:24.220 you actually don't require even gravity to be there. 00:43:24.670 --> 00:43:28.440 And they show that Calabi was trying to prove this yaw-shing-dong yaw. 00:43:28.580 --> 00:43:29.956 It's one of the great mathematicians, right? 00:43:29.980 --> 00:43:32.860 He's at Harvard, but he retired now he goes to China, right? 00:43:33.440 --> 00:43:37.620 He was the one who tried to disprove this thing, but he turns out to be true. 00:43:37.820 --> 00:43:45.141 That is true that you can have close curvature in space time without gravity even. 00:43:45.360 --> 00:43:48.280 So that added even more reach in this world. 00:43:48.560 --> 00:43:52.400 That from mathematics to real world, we already have in our hard time 00:43:52.401 --> 00:43:54.800 understanding and this guy added even more. 00:43:55.340 --> 00:43:58.180 And his discovery was in the 70s and things like that, you know? 00:43:58.181 --> 00:44:01.420 So there are so many examples in incidents like this. 00:44:01.460 --> 00:44:03.700 Just have to tell you that you have to bow down. 00:44:04.120 --> 00:44:06.040 You have to occasionally take a deep breath. 00:44:06.600 --> 00:44:07.220 You know? 00:44:07.221 --> 00:44:14.100 There may be some ever-presence of these forces that allow us to illuminate our life. 00:44:14.160 --> 00:44:17.831 And I tell you, God has given us all this light that tells 00:44:17.832 --> 00:44:21.160 us that we have to follow the light and do the best we can. 00:44:21.260 --> 00:44:24.281 Rather than everyday devouring planet Earth saying 00:44:24.381 --> 00:44:27.320 that we are the Satan, we are the evil people. 00:44:27.340 --> 00:44:30.404 You know, these people are constantly trying to, 00:44:30.405 --> 00:44:33.300 you know, make all of us a lesser human being. 00:44:33.820 --> 00:44:35.560 I would never allow them anyway. 00:44:35.960 --> 00:44:37.080 So good luck. 00:44:37.320 --> 00:44:37.740 You know? 00:44:37.760 --> 00:44:39.538 For those people like Elgoh and all that who 00:44:39.578 --> 00:44:41.220 think that they are high and mighty, right? 00:44:41.270 --> 00:44:44.594 And trying to always, always lecture us on kind of cut 00:44:44.595 --> 00:44:48.380 down on fossil fuel because we've no hurt the planet. 00:44:48.381 --> 00:44:51.680 I say, Elgoh, do you ever think twice? 00:44:52.240 --> 00:44:53.580 How who are you to do? 00:44:53.850 --> 00:44:56.720 Do you think that you can actually try to save the planet Earth even? 00:44:57.020 --> 00:44:58.116 Because they always use the word. 00:44:58.140 --> 00:44:59.340 I'm trying to save the planet. 00:44:59.550 --> 00:45:02.220 I don't know who gives them the right to save the planet Earth. 00:45:02.600 --> 00:45:05.056 Same with this experiment that they're trying to do, by the way. 00:45:05.080 --> 00:45:07.400 The experiment to say that we must cut down CO2 emission. 00:45:07.800 --> 00:45:09.380 I told you CO2 is good for... 00:45:10.220 --> 00:45:11.220 You know, for life? 00:45:11.680 --> 00:45:16.140 Because I asked Elgoh indeed when I asked Elgoh the question in UC Santa Barbara is 00:45:16.890 --> 00:45:18.940 what is the CO2 is guess of life. 00:45:19.420 --> 00:45:21.900 Who gives you the audacity to cut down this? 00:45:22.160 --> 00:45:23.020 Then aren't you... 00:45:23.021 --> 00:45:27.360 Are you going to be responsible for the ecological and humanitarian all this crisis? 00:45:27.720 --> 00:45:31.580 Even we know rising CO2 affect even plants. 00:45:32.165 --> 00:45:34.200 I know, especially food production, right? 00:45:34.400 --> 00:45:36.720 Maybe not exact number, we know, but it does. 00:45:37.540 --> 00:45:38.540 Positively, right? 00:45:38.720 --> 00:45:41.256 We have technology to help it better see it 00:45:41.257 --> 00:45:43.680 better all this fertilization or this other thing. 00:45:43.980 --> 00:45:46.580 But who gives them the idea to do that? 00:45:46.740 --> 00:45:49.980 To cut down this because it's generally going to be good for life. 00:45:50.120 --> 00:45:53.960 Because you have to push them around because nobody should give them the authority. 00:45:54.140 --> 00:45:56.900 So far I don't think anyone can answer that question for me. 00:45:57.400 --> 00:45:59.600 So I tell them to please bow down to God. 00:45:59.700 --> 00:46:02.640 Really answer to that question first before you do anything else. 00:46:02.770 --> 00:46:07.640 Because it's ridiculous for them to keep to claim that they have the upper, 00:46:07.641 --> 00:46:11.051 moral and ethical high ground to try to prescribe 00:46:11.052 --> 00:46:14.380 everybody to live in certain conditions that they choose. 00:46:15.140 --> 00:46:16.820 But they themselves don't follow the rules. 00:46:17.280 --> 00:46:18.840 They tell us to take a bus. 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:21.660 They'll go always, even tell me what to take a bus and they'll go. 00:46:22.340 --> 00:46:25.300 My God, I say, you take a bus from Tennessee to Massachusetts. 00:46:25.440 --> 00:46:26.940 I'll be waiting for you now now. 00:46:27.100 --> 00:46:28.100 Please. 00:46:28.420 --> 00:46:32.660 I mean, these guys are out of this world, man. 00:46:32.940 --> 00:46:33.940 I'm sorry, I'll go. 00:46:34.220 --> 00:46:35.980 But you can still call me. 00:46:36.130 --> 00:46:39.060 Can you really soon? 00:46:39.320 --> 00:46:39.520 Thank you. 00:46:39.710 --> 00:46:43.000 But before you go, last thing, for viewers who want to know more about 00:46:43.001 --> 00:46:46.780 what you do, can you say once again where they can read it? 00:46:46.800 --> 00:46:52.100 Please, I hope that I don't disappoint anyone, but please come to series. 00:46:52.660 --> 00:46:53.820 That's sign.com. 00:46:54.240 --> 00:46:57.840 And I want to make one plug for my good friend, how short live. 00:46:58.780 --> 00:47:02.840 As I get older and older, including my own kids, my own kids, three kids has been 00:47:02.841 --> 00:47:05.540 going to the Cam Constitution at New Hampshire. 00:47:05.890 --> 00:47:08.890 And we also wanted to invite the Tucker Carlson 00:47:08.891 --> 00:47:12.700 to come, because Rebecca Vasomie came last summer. 00:47:13.500 --> 00:47:15.290 And because we are a very, very small group, we 00:47:15.291 --> 00:47:17.601 are a tiny little group called Cam Constitution. 00:47:17.920 --> 00:47:19.380 So, Camcote is just on .NET. 00:47:19.940 --> 00:47:23.063 We offer, basically, family kind of a Christian kind of 00:47:23.064 --> 00:47:25.440 background, but we don't talk about Christ all the time. 00:47:25.441 --> 00:47:26.560 But we talk about Bibles. 00:47:26.700 --> 00:47:28.120 We talk about Constitution. 00:47:28.530 --> 00:47:31.038 We talk about signs or I'm the science instructor 00:47:31.039 --> 00:47:34.040 that've been doing that for almost six, seven years now. 00:47:34.140 --> 00:47:37.400 So, I've been doing every year, I'll give one or two classes, depends on 00:47:37.401 --> 00:47:39.960 how many, whatever they want me to do, I'll do. 00:47:40.040 --> 00:47:43.760 And my own kids came to those things, and then, you know, we play music, 00:47:44.070 --> 00:47:45.070 we have campfire. 00:47:45.240 --> 00:47:46.660 It's a family event. 00:47:46.980 --> 00:47:52.121 Used to be as focus on kids, but this day, I'm sorry, too many adults started to come. 00:47:52.600 --> 00:47:54.917 So, we have even people, like my good friend, Lord 00:47:54.918 --> 00:47:57.400 Christopher Mountain from England, he spoke twice. 00:47:58.530 --> 00:48:02.380 So, small little group, but if anybody who thinks that, you know, you have the time 00:48:02.530 --> 00:48:05.119 and even come and learn what we do, here and 00:48:05.120 --> 00:48:07.721 emulate in your own city and towns and all that. 00:48:07.780 --> 00:48:09.541 You know, people from Wisconsin, please come. 00:48:09.920 --> 00:48:11.360 People from California, please come. 00:48:11.720 --> 00:48:13.900 You know, we have it in New Hampshire every year. 00:48:14.360 --> 00:48:17.180 Every summer, we have this camp, and it's a very good thing. 00:48:17.390 --> 00:48:19.180 So, camp constitution.net. 00:48:19.910 --> 00:48:23.400 And I talked to your friend, Vince Allison, from Maryland. 00:48:23.695 --> 00:48:25.240 I also call him before I came. 00:48:25.440 --> 00:48:27.040 He's one of the good guy, right? 00:48:27.480 --> 00:48:28.480 Yeah, amazing. 00:48:29.000 --> 00:48:30.369 Well, at least soon, that was the most interesting 00:48:30.370 --> 00:48:31.860 conversation I've heard in a long time. 00:48:31.980 --> 00:48:33.160 Well, thank you for your time. 00:48:33.161 --> 00:48:33.840 I appreciate it. 00:48:34.040 --> 00:48:34.620 Thank you. 00:48:34.740 --> 00:48:35.740 Thanks. 00:48:38.900 --> 00:48:42.560 Free speech is bigger than any one person or any one organization. 00:48:42.600 --> 00:48:44.720 Societies are defined by what they will not. 00:48:44.860 --> 00:48:47.840 From what we'll watch it is the total inversion of virtue.