WEBVTT 00:00:53.760 --> 00:00:59.205 Yes, in 1998 when I was running for office with state 00:00:59.206 --> 00:01:02.876 representative, not only was I probably extraordinarily fatigued. 00:01:02.900 --> 00:01:06.340 I had a sore throat, continuous sore throat, started going to the doctor 00:01:06.341 --> 00:01:10.821 looking for some assistance and didn't get any but realized there was something wrong. 00:01:11.920 --> 00:01:15.940 Eventually, it led to having my lymph nodes swelling. 00:01:15.941 --> 00:01:19.682 And I went to a doctor throat doctor sometime 00:01:19.683 --> 00:01:23.900 in February and he felt I might have lymphoma. 00:01:24.220 --> 00:01:27.140 At that point I decided to go to one of the Boston hospitals. 00:01:27.420 --> 00:01:30.105 I felt if I was going to go and have an operation or 00:01:30.205 --> 00:01:32.220 have any kind of problem, I should go to the best. 00:01:32.320 --> 00:01:33.900 So I went up to mass ion here. 00:01:34.880 --> 00:01:39.464 And at that time after having a biopsy of the tongue 00:01:39.465 --> 00:01:43.200 was found to have a tumor in the back of the tongue. 00:01:44.280 --> 00:01:48.000 The operation they were proposing for me was pretty invasive. 00:01:49.060 --> 00:01:51.460 I had second, third, and fourth, and fifth opinions. 00:01:51.840 --> 00:01:58.920 I went on to another hospital in Dana -Farber and spoke to the leading directors 00:01:58.921 --> 00:02:01.100 of all of the departments of Dana-Farber, 00:02:01.101 --> 00:02:03.460 which is a leading cancer hospital in Boston. 00:02:04.020 --> 00:02:06.180 Probably one of the most famous in the world. 00:02:06.400 --> 00:02:10.060 And they too substantiated that I would need this very invasive operation, 00:02:10.280 --> 00:02:12.180 which would mean cutting part of my tongue. 00:02:13.040 --> 00:02:18.320 And so it wasn't a very happy kind of situation that I was looking forward to. 00:02:19.080 --> 00:02:23.900 Then, approximately three and a half weeks I went in for a test. 00:02:24.040 --> 00:02:26.180 I had to go for a pre-operative test. 00:02:26.580 --> 00:02:30.120 Because I was still proceeding as if I would have the traditional operation. 00:02:30.920 --> 00:02:35.180 And we went through the test of CAT scan all the other operations. 00:02:35.660 --> 00:02:37.507 Day after the test, the doctor called me up and 00:02:37.508 --> 00:02:40.161 said the operation was not going to be necessary. 00:02:40.300 --> 00:02:41.200 And I said, why? 00:02:41.300 --> 00:02:42.540 And he said the tumor was gone. 00:02:42.900 --> 00:02:46.060 And I asked him what it was, and he said it was a miracle. 00:02:46.080 --> 00:02:46.720 And who was this? 00:02:46.820 --> 00:02:47.896 That said it was a miracle. 00:02:47.920 --> 00:02:52.660 This was now a doctor, William Montgomery, who was the mass ironer, and who is world 00:02:52.661 --> 00:02:57.260 -renowned doctor, who I had started working with, who seemed to be the most 00:02:57.261 --> 00:03:01.800 empathetic and understanding also the most accomplished in firm cancer. 00:03:02.100 --> 00:03:03.220 So what was his advice? 00:03:03.760 --> 00:03:08.120 His advice was keep doing whatever you've done, and keep the treatment going. 00:03:10.220 --> 00:03:15.040 I hope to actually encourage alternative medicine in the state of Massachusetts. 00:03:15.700 --> 00:03:17.633 I've also worked very hard to get other women 00:03:17.634 --> 00:03:20.420 and legislators to support this and sponsor it. 00:03:20.421 --> 00:03:23.540 And I think we're going to make great strides because what we need to do is give 00:03:23.541 --> 00:03:29.041 people an alternative choice prior to surgery prior to radiation or chemotherapy. 00:03:29.940 --> 00:03:33.720 Because I've seen people have all of those, and yet have tumors come back. 00:03:35.080 --> 00:03:36.700 Hi, my name is Mike McElray. 00:03:36.880 --> 00:03:38.354 I'm a personal trainer in the Intritionally 00:03:38.355 --> 00:03:40.321 consultant here in Santa Monica, California. 00:03:40.740 --> 00:03:45.060 For the last five years, I've been using Dr. Honda Clark's method for killing 00:03:45.061 --> 00:03:47.420 parasites and cleaning people's bodies of pollution. 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:50.940 She's discovered that those are the two things that cause cancer. 00:03:51.440 --> 00:03:54.060 She's also discovered that this is the cause to many diseases. 00:03:54.860 --> 00:03:59.120 In her new book, here to advance cancer, Dr. Clark will introduce you to the way 00:03:59.121 --> 00:04:01.480 that you can actually cure yourself or your loved ones. 00:04:01.930 --> 00:04:06.020 What we want you to do over this next few minutes is watch the specific doctors and 00:04:06.021 --> 00:04:09.040 scientists and patients explain to you how they cured themselves. 00:04:09.760 --> 00:04:11.881 And Dr. Clark explained the method in which she's 00:04:11.882 --> 00:04:14.301 discovered tumor formation as well as cancer. 00:04:14.720 --> 00:04:16.700 And you too will be fascinated as we were. 00:04:17.020 --> 00:04:19.080 Now with no further ado, Dr. Halby Clark. 00:04:25.450 --> 00:04:29.949 Every disease that I saw in my office over a period 00:04:29.950 --> 00:04:34.120 of, say, 10 years had a dominant parasite involved. 00:04:34.580 --> 00:04:39.840 Remember, I was testing everybody for a set of parasites, about 70. 00:04:39.841 --> 00:04:43.380 I list all the parasites in the book, which ones I was testing for. 00:04:44.960 --> 00:04:47.427 And to my surprise, if you had diabetes, it 00:04:47.428 --> 00:04:50.220 would be your treatment of the pancreatic fluke. 00:04:51.020 --> 00:04:52.020 Pancreatic fluke. 00:04:52.520 --> 00:04:54.860 Diabetes says a disease of the pancreas. 00:04:55.320 --> 00:04:58.660 What about the fluke that you talked about, the fascia lobsters fluke? 00:04:58.661 --> 00:05:00.160 How did we get that into our body? 00:05:00.660 --> 00:05:04.280 It's in the meat in the dairy industry, except in kosher foods. 00:05:04.630 --> 00:05:08.940 We're just discovering that kosher food, and this will go into the book, still. 00:05:09.120 --> 00:05:12.740 Like kosher dairy products, do not have these parasites. 00:05:14.180 --> 00:05:16.400 Which shows you it's a matter of cleanliness. 00:05:17.180 --> 00:05:20.740 We now have all the people watching this squirming at home because they all think, 00:05:21.400 --> 00:05:22.580 now, okay, I understand. 00:05:22.890 --> 00:05:23.900 I have parasites in my body. 00:05:23.920 --> 00:05:26.100 And we all do, according to your research. 00:05:26.900 --> 00:05:30.200 So according to your research, you've found that all humans have this, 00:05:30.320 --> 00:05:33.920 and as long as we're healthy, we're okay with it because the body can handle it. 00:05:34.020 --> 00:05:41.040 My next question to you is, how do we rid ourselves of these tenacious bacteria, 00:05:41.900 --> 00:05:42.980 parasites and virus? 00:05:43.140 --> 00:05:44.340 Do you have an answer to that? 00:05:44.720 --> 00:05:52.620 The answer that I came up with already in the first books was the whole of the black 00:05:52.621 --> 00:05:55.580 walnut tree, but the whole has to be green. 00:05:55.680 --> 00:06:02.680 There is something in the green hull that kills everything I ever tested for. 00:06:03.440 --> 00:06:09.020 Which doesn't mean everything, but let's say close to 100 parasite varieties. 00:06:09.260 --> 00:06:13.420 So you're telling me that in all of our pharmacology, all the millions of dollars 00:06:13.421 --> 00:06:18.540 spent with research and cancer, the native Indians who were using this 00:06:18.541 --> 00:06:21.140 hundreds of years ago has already had the solution to cancer. 00:06:22.840 --> 00:06:30.840 Those who were, yes, but I don't know how much lower folklore there is around this 00:06:30.841 --> 00:06:34.620 herbal product, and there are many other good herbal products out there. 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:37.800 I'm sure there must be other things that can do the same thing. 00:06:37.980 --> 00:06:39.460 But you found this to be the best product? 00:06:39.461 --> 00:06:46.400 Yes, and now we have a freeze-dried product, which is even more potent than 00:06:46.675 --> 00:06:50.460 the alcohol extract that we call a tincture. 00:06:51.380 --> 00:06:59.380 And the apparently freeze-dried preserves some extra elements so that you don't even 00:06:59.381 --> 00:07:03.260 really need the cloves and the wormwood with it. 00:07:03.660 --> 00:07:08.340 Now, not enough experiments have been done so that I can say you never need them. 00:07:09.440 --> 00:07:13.998 But a person can now use a freeze-dried variety and be 00:07:13.999 --> 00:07:17.800 saved the extra chore of taking so much cloves and wormwood. 00:07:23.060 --> 00:07:26.553 I started to be very, very interested in the 00:07:26.554 --> 00:07:30.861 relationship between parasites and the Canada. 00:07:31.300 --> 00:07:38.260 So, my first thing was I looked into the books from the clinics, books on 00:07:38.410 --> 00:07:39.410 parasitology. 00:07:40.560 --> 00:07:47.640 And to my own surprise, when you read books on parasitology, they would say that 00:07:47.641 --> 00:07:52.640 on some of the parasites, the fungus live on the skin. 00:07:53.220 --> 00:07:54.980 That is known in the clinic. 00:07:55.420 --> 00:07:57.460 That is not something new. 00:07:58.300 --> 00:08:03.961 I read Dr. Clark's book and I see that she says the fungus could live in the parasite. 00:08:04.980 --> 00:08:09.080 So, the thing does not really contradict itself on the contrary. 00:08:09.940 --> 00:08:14.500 And there was the explanation because those people we could not get through with 00:08:14.501 --> 00:08:19.640 the fungus therapy, they had parasites and on those parasites they had fungus living. 00:08:20.980 --> 00:08:26.675 The moment we attack the parasites with all the parasites 00:08:26.676 --> 00:08:30.540 is exactly the moment we got through in the fungus therapy. 00:08:31.160 --> 00:08:33.980 So, from that moment on, I was very, very interested. 00:08:34.860 --> 00:08:38.236 And I started to read all those books and then 00:08:38.237 --> 00:08:41.220 I got all the parasites I could get a whole of. 00:08:41.221 --> 00:08:45.220 In the meantime, I have more than 90 or 100 parasites. 00:08:46.040 --> 00:08:49.400 You could see all those. 00:08:49.980 --> 00:08:56.420 This is a kit I developed which now in Germany is being very popular, 00:08:57.960 --> 00:09:01.020 especially in all people working with the bicom. 00:09:01.280 --> 00:09:02.960 They test with this kit. 00:09:03.340 --> 00:09:07.200 There are more than 50 parasites in there which are all the flukes. 00:09:08.050 --> 00:09:14.880 And all the nematodes, all the testodes, all the... it is not enough. 00:09:15.120 --> 00:09:19.440 My experience is that it is not enough just to treat the flu. 00:09:19.800 --> 00:09:27.600 You also have to see all the stages and it is not allowed that any stages would be on 00:09:27.601 --> 00:09:33.220 any system left because if it does, then the patient got better. 00:09:33.930 --> 00:09:39.240 But then we saw that sometimes the cancer can start again. 00:09:39.670 --> 00:09:43.600 And when it started again, we found that again, the buski has developed. 00:09:44.520 --> 00:09:47.100 So, we have to make sure that everything is out of 00:09:47.101 --> 00:09:49.621 his system and that the immune system is stabilized. 00:09:52.020 --> 00:09:57.041 So, we have a relationship with two parasites and cancer, colostridium bacteria. 00:09:57.490 --> 00:10:00.740 And the facileopsis parasite, what you call the fluke. 00:10:01.020 --> 00:10:02.220 How did we get that? 00:10:04.130 --> 00:10:09.680 The facileopsis larval parasite belongs to the malignant development. 00:10:10.440 --> 00:10:13.731 The colostridium belongs to the pre malignant 00:10:13.732 --> 00:10:16.701 or tumor growth part of the whole process. 00:10:16.920 --> 00:10:18.160 How do we get them? 00:10:18.440 --> 00:10:20.524 That has been a subject of my research and 00:10:20.624 --> 00:10:23.680 what's in the advanced cancer book, of course. 00:10:23.770 --> 00:10:29.260 We eat colostridium bacteria because they are everywhere in dirt. 00:10:29.860 --> 00:10:34.320 But we don't get sick from eating colostridium in dirt. 00:10:37.120 --> 00:10:41.820 We eat a common little parasite in dirt called rabbit fluke. 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:44.500 It has a scientific name too. 00:10:45.660 --> 00:10:48.957 And that rabbit fluke brings in colostridium, 00:10:48.958 --> 00:10:52.300 sort of like the Trojan horse, broadened soldiers. 00:10:52.780 --> 00:10:53.780 They are within. 00:10:54.700 --> 00:10:56.668 So, after eating rabbit fluke with nearly all 00:10:56.669 --> 00:10:59.781 the food that you think is perfectly safe. 00:11:00.750 --> 00:11:01.840 Rock carrots? 00:11:02.360 --> 00:11:02.360 Yes. 00:11:03.040 --> 00:11:04.400 Even cooked carrots, yes. 00:11:04.620 --> 00:11:12.401 Because this parasite, the rabbit fluke does not get killed by boiling temperatures. 00:11:12.850 --> 00:11:17.592 We test all the food for our patients for three 00:11:17.692 --> 00:11:21.700 molds, the aragonone, patchlein, and aflatoxin. 00:11:22.300 --> 00:11:23.300 I see those molds. 00:11:23.940 --> 00:11:28.900 That is the micatoxins that they make, not the mold growing mold itself. 00:11:30.140 --> 00:11:32.440 But the micatoxins they make are dreadfully toxic. 00:11:32.780 --> 00:11:35.740 And I always see them in cancer patients right in the tumor. 00:11:36.270 --> 00:11:38.980 I'm not sure what the significance of that is. 00:11:38.981 --> 00:11:42.053 But when you find it's a common denominator for 00:11:42.054 --> 00:11:45.240 tumors, it does make you think it's important. 00:11:46.260 --> 00:11:50.060 And where does the patchlein mold come from? 00:11:52.130 --> 00:11:57.240 Patchlein is found in other fruits and plant materials too. 00:11:57.540 --> 00:11:59.700 But apples is where we get most of it. 00:11:59.720 --> 00:12:05.140 You can hardly peel an apple without seeing some mold under the peeling. 00:12:05.760 --> 00:12:07.300 And that will have patchlein in it. 00:12:07.340 --> 00:12:09.340 Is that what we see in the brown spot? 00:12:09.500 --> 00:12:09.940 Yes. 00:12:10.390 --> 00:12:11.840 That's what the brown spot is. 00:12:11.841 --> 00:12:13.001 It isn't really a brown spot. 00:12:13.040 --> 00:12:14.180 It's a moldy spot. 00:12:14.440 --> 00:12:17.400 How do you suggest we prepare our fruit and how should we eat it? 00:12:17.460 --> 00:12:19.060 Most we don't eat it. 00:12:19.640 --> 00:12:21.460 Peel those fruits. 00:12:22.540 --> 00:12:25.940 Peel the potatoes, peel the apples, peel the pearls, peel the peaches, 00:12:26.740 --> 00:12:30.980 peel everything, and then you'll be astounded at what you have been eating. 00:12:31.840 --> 00:12:36.100 What's your concern with the relationship with the pet and the sick patient? 00:12:37.720 --> 00:12:43.040 Pet dander and pet saliva and pet filth gets into everything in the room. 00:12:43.060 --> 00:12:49.740 I have tested dust from the room of a home where there was a pet. 00:12:49.760 --> 00:12:54.140 This seed just a cat, much as I love cats, or a dog. 00:12:54.500 --> 00:12:56.340 And there are askurists eggs everywhere. 00:12:56.780 --> 00:12:58.220 And tape worm eggs everywhere. 00:12:58.360 --> 00:13:00.391 On the tabletop, on the kitchen counter, on the 00:13:00.392 --> 00:13:03.181 chairs, anywhere you want to take a dust sample. 00:13:03.290 --> 00:13:04.620 And why wouldn't there be? 00:13:04.660 --> 00:13:06.180 Our dander is everywhere. 00:13:06.480 --> 00:13:07.960 And our germs are everywhere. 00:13:08.240 --> 00:13:09.280 Why wouldn't there be? 00:13:09.640 --> 00:13:11.640 And what do these two parasites do to the body? 00:13:12.000 --> 00:13:13.720 They are very injurious. 00:13:14.260 --> 00:13:17.000 Askurists as some of the most damaging things to us. 00:13:17.160 --> 00:13:18.320 Causes our seizures. 00:13:19.220 --> 00:13:22.860 Causes our very many brain disorders. 00:13:23.980 --> 00:13:25.670 About three or four years ago, I guess it was 00:13:25.730 --> 00:13:28.120 four years ago, Lisa started having seizures. 00:13:28.121 --> 00:13:32.224 The seizures were... they covered pretty much 00:13:32.225 --> 00:13:35.340 a wide range of different types of seizures. 00:13:35.780 --> 00:13:39.270 They covered different areas of her body, which to the 00:13:39.271 --> 00:13:42.140 doctors basically indicated a non -apoleptic seizure. 00:13:43.160 --> 00:13:45.280 She went through EEG several different doctors. 00:13:46.500 --> 00:13:49.960 Anyways, I was referred to Dr. Clark. 00:13:50.200 --> 00:13:52.540 This was when I actually initially heard of her. 00:13:53.760 --> 00:13:56.380 And treatment she used for seizures, which was black walnut. 00:13:57.060 --> 00:14:03.240 We tried her on the black walnut after not wanting her to go on other drugs for 00:14:03.241 --> 00:14:05.300 negative side effects in the black walnut work. 00:14:05.880 --> 00:14:07.180 So we guessed her on that. 00:14:07.380 --> 00:14:10.820 And when you start taking the black walnut, did you instantly get results? 00:14:12.240 --> 00:14:15.340 Well, five days later, my seizures stopped. 00:14:16.760 --> 00:14:20.180 I'll have one like, now it wants maybe every two months. 00:14:29.020 --> 00:14:31.000 So now you're a clinical dietitian? 00:14:31.001 --> 00:14:37.000 Yes, now I work with my husband in his office and we follow Dr. Clark's protocol. 00:14:37.620 --> 00:14:41.420 So, all the way over here in Italy, you're following Dr. Clark's protocol. 00:14:42.480 --> 00:14:44.600 Why are you using her specific protocol? 00:14:45.740 --> 00:14:49.280 Well, we've used a lot of protocols. 00:14:51.200 --> 00:14:54.620 My husband is doing all the molecular medicine here in Italy. 00:14:54.895 --> 00:15:00.241 He's the president of the International Association for Orthomolecular Medicine here. 00:15:01.140 --> 00:15:04.720 And we've seen many kinds of medicines. 00:15:05.840 --> 00:15:12.860 He knows, I already medicine, Tibetan medicine and vitamins, minerals, 00:15:14.105 --> 00:15:16.620 amino acids, of course, all those kinds of things. 00:15:17.070 --> 00:15:22.280 Vitamin C from links, polling, teachings and everything. 00:15:23.200 --> 00:15:26.154 And lately we've discovered Dr. Clark's protocol 00:15:26.155 --> 00:15:29.041 and we've seen that it's very, very effective. 00:15:30.150 --> 00:15:33.020 We are helping people to yield by cancer. 00:15:34.770 --> 00:15:39.280 Yes, we have several people utilizing the principle by Potoresque Clark. 00:15:39.281 --> 00:15:44.579 The black walnut, the vitamin C, the anticidation 00:15:44.580 --> 00:15:48.040 and the alkalinity diet, the alkalizing diet. 00:15:48.700 --> 00:15:50.780 And we have found very good results. 00:15:51.540 --> 00:15:56.400 And people, you know, when you increase the level of the electron inside the cell, 00:15:56.560 --> 00:16:01.940 when you stabilize the cell with the proper fatty acids, when you teach the 00:16:01.941 --> 00:16:05.271 people how to get better at just avoiding their 00:16:05.272 --> 00:16:09.760 old mistakes, cancer is no more necessary. 00:16:10.780 --> 00:16:15.700 What have you seen so far with working with cancer patients in Dr. 00:16:15.701 --> 00:16:15.700 Clark's formulas? 00:16:16.440 --> 00:16:17.440 Great results. 00:16:17.700 --> 00:16:19.220 Great recoveries. 00:16:20.265 --> 00:16:25.380 And I can say it because I'm not a medical doctor with my husband, as my husband is. 00:16:25.680 --> 00:16:29.400 So I can be more sincere with you. 00:16:29.840 --> 00:16:33.378 And because medical doctors also need to leave 00:16:33.379 --> 00:16:36.841 the effort to stay aware of the government. 00:16:37.000 --> 00:16:39.920 So is there a legal problem with saying that you actually cure cancer? 00:16:40.040 --> 00:16:41.580 Yes, of course there is. 00:16:41.800 --> 00:16:43.940 Yes, you cannot say you cure cancer. 00:16:44.090 --> 00:16:47.580 He was called by the government once. 00:16:48.820 --> 00:16:52.162 And they told him, you know, doctors are very famous but you 00:16:52.237 --> 00:16:58.040 must watch out because you cannot say that you cure cancer. 00:16:59.265 --> 00:17:01.480 And he said, but I never did. 00:17:02.740 --> 00:17:08.280 But there is some patients of you going around saying they've been cured. 00:17:08.520 --> 00:17:10.720 They were sick and now they healed. 00:17:10.721 --> 00:17:12.520 So how is it possible? 00:17:12.720 --> 00:17:14.640 So he said, they said it. 00:17:14.641 --> 00:17:15.641 I didn't say it. 00:17:16.080 --> 00:17:17.080 That's possible. 00:17:17.920 --> 00:17:25.080 Okay, but you know the work of a doctor is more of a writing work. 00:17:25.840 --> 00:17:27.056 You know, you have to prescribe. 00:17:27.080 --> 00:17:30.540 You don't have to go on alternative medicine. 00:17:30.820 --> 00:17:34.380 You don't have to look so far. 00:17:35.250 --> 00:17:38.060 Just, you know, prescribe, drugs, don't worry. 00:17:38.700 --> 00:17:43.360 For those people that are obviously going to be your critics because you use a very 00:17:43.361 --> 00:17:46.114 powerful word in your book in the title to your 00:17:46.214 --> 00:17:49.040 new book, cure to all advanced stages of cancer. 00:17:49.360 --> 00:17:50.360 Yes. 00:17:50.420 --> 00:17:54.440 Perhaps you could elaborate on the word cure and help us to understand why you've 00:17:54.640 --> 00:17:56.060 chosen such a powerful word. 00:17:56.800 --> 00:18:00.600 The word cure is an accurate word. 00:18:00.900 --> 00:18:05.700 I chose it because it was the correct description of what I was pursuing. 00:18:05.900 --> 00:18:08.260 So now for those people that have cancer, we're in the second 00:18:08.284 --> 00:18:10.800 week of the healing process heading for the third week. 00:18:10.820 --> 00:18:11.960 We've rounded the corner. 00:18:12.960 --> 00:18:14.700 You must be excited at this part in the healing 00:18:14.701 --> 00:18:16.580 process when you're getting to work with the patient. 00:18:16.660 --> 00:18:17.420 What do you see? 00:18:17.470 --> 00:18:22.422 At the end of the first week, we have cleaned up the tissues 00:18:22.423 --> 00:18:26.120 so thoroughly that we can afford to try to open the tumors. 00:18:27.000 --> 00:18:29.219 You see what's in the tumor is still everything 00:18:29.220 --> 00:18:31.881 that you got out of the rest of your tissues. 00:18:32.750 --> 00:18:38.340 You may have gotten rid of all the parasites, all the bacteria, all the heavy 00:18:38.341 --> 00:18:41.820 metals, plasticizers, solvents, everything. 00:18:42.370 --> 00:18:47.120 You have cleaned up in the first week, but it's all still there in the tumors. 00:18:47.300 --> 00:18:49.626 Is it your suggestion then that you've already stopped 00:18:49.627 --> 00:18:52.660 the malignancy so the cancer can't now kill you? 00:18:53.100 --> 00:18:54.820 Oh, we do that in the first day. 00:18:54.960 --> 00:18:56.000 In the first day. 00:18:56.645 --> 00:19:02.700 Yes, we just did a large dose of green black walnut hell. 00:19:02.940 --> 00:19:03.640 And what does that do? 00:19:03.641 --> 00:19:08.567 That kills the stages, larval stages of the 00:19:08.568 --> 00:19:12.200 facileopsis parasite called the intestinal fluke. 00:19:12.400 --> 00:19:15.260 And that's the only single thing that causes malignancy. 00:19:15.580 --> 00:19:20.014 That is the only thing that I have found so far over five 00:19:20.015 --> 00:19:23.160 years of studying possibly two to three thousand patients. 00:19:23.740 --> 00:19:24.740 All cancer. 00:19:24.940 --> 00:19:25.940 Yes. 00:19:26.660 --> 00:19:31.580 So we... There may be other things, and other scientists can search for them, 00:19:31.750 --> 00:19:32.920 but I haven't found them. 00:19:33.420 --> 00:19:35.400 Why have no other researchers found this? 00:19:35.740 --> 00:19:37.100 They haven't looked. 00:19:37.920 --> 00:19:39.240 So we've stopped the malignancy. 00:19:39.560 --> 00:19:41.960 We're in the second week, and now you're attacking the tumor. 00:19:42.040 --> 00:19:45.080 What specific nutritional supplements do you like to do that with? 00:19:45.640 --> 00:19:51.660 Well, we have only found one way of reliably popping open the tumors. 00:19:53.860 --> 00:19:56.540 And of course, we didn't want to do it too soon. 00:19:57.565 --> 00:20:02.420 If the body is not ready, if the liver isn't ready to take that huge dose of 00:20:02.470 --> 00:20:04.770 ophthalatoxin and azure dye that's going to come 00:20:04.771 --> 00:20:07.521 out of those tumors, you have done a lot of damage. 00:20:07.840 --> 00:20:11.220 A patient may die from the toxicity of opening the tumors. 00:20:11.480 --> 00:20:13.801 Now, these tumors were caused by the ophthalatoxin 00:20:13.802 --> 00:20:16.161 and the dye that we talked about earlier. 00:20:16.400 --> 00:20:17.680 And other things, right? 00:20:17.700 --> 00:20:20.540 So over a lifetime, this is accumulated and we've got tumors. 00:20:20.760 --> 00:20:21.280 Right. 00:20:21.281 --> 00:20:24.379 And how it forms, I've discussed somewhat in the book, we have 00:20:24.380 --> 00:20:27.940 a fairly good insight on how it actually forms into a tumor. 00:20:30.620 --> 00:20:37.820 But regardless, once you have a toxic collection, it's like having garbage piles 00:20:38.370 --> 00:20:40.840 in your house safely closed. 00:20:42.260 --> 00:20:44.678 Now, if you need to clean up the house, are 00:20:44.679 --> 00:20:47.260 you going to just open those garbage dumps? 00:20:47.261 --> 00:20:48.261 No. 00:20:48.640 --> 00:20:51.380 That could make a much worse mess than you had before. 00:20:51.560 --> 00:20:53.760 Let's talk about the azure dye before we continue. 00:20:53.900 --> 00:20:54.980 Where do you get azure dye? 00:20:57.000 --> 00:21:01.440 Azure dye used to be used as food colors in the past. 00:21:01.441 --> 00:21:02.441 And what products? 00:21:02.980 --> 00:21:04.080 Very many products. 00:21:04.100 --> 00:21:05.280 For instance, margarine. 00:21:05.940 --> 00:21:12.980 Yes, they used to use an azure dye called diamino azure benzene dab for short. 00:21:13.260 --> 00:21:13.920 Still today. 00:21:14.170 --> 00:21:15.300 Oh, no. 00:21:15.840 --> 00:21:15.880 No. 00:21:16.180 --> 00:21:20.920 Their carcinogenic potential was recognized by the 50s. 00:21:21.860 --> 00:21:22.860 And even early. 00:21:23.520 --> 00:21:29.580 And legislation was passed not allowing azure dyes in hardly any food. 00:21:30.240 --> 00:21:32.820 At least not the carcinogenic azure dyes. 00:21:33.200 --> 00:21:39.560 Some dyes are still allowed maybe two or three in jelly beans, jello, of course, 00:21:39.800 --> 00:21:41.320 candies and many other connects. 00:21:41.321 --> 00:21:45.120 So if they outlawed it in the 50s, how are we seeing cancer today? 00:21:45.240 --> 00:21:46.580 And tumors especially today? 00:21:46.620 --> 00:21:48.720 That is a very puzzled question. 00:21:48.960 --> 00:21:50.440 It certainly puzzled me. 00:21:50.795 --> 00:21:53.600 It must puzzled anybody who has told that very fact. 00:21:54.500 --> 00:21:59.800 It comes in through pollution of the manufacturing process. 00:22:00.580 --> 00:22:03.660 A manufacturing process just cannot be that careful. 00:22:05.160 --> 00:22:11.660 Now, I believe that the actual route of pollution is regular chlorine bleach. 00:22:12.940 --> 00:22:16.470 Because I find sodium hypochloride in all foods 00:22:16.471 --> 00:22:20.081 and materials that have azure dye pollution. 00:22:20.180 --> 00:22:23.600 But we do not have the proof for that. 00:22:24.680 --> 00:22:30.980 And we have tried to find a way of testing it. 00:22:31.330 --> 00:22:34.299 But there are no labs that I was able to find 00:22:34.349 --> 00:22:39.300 that could test for these azure dyes at any level. 00:22:39.301 --> 00:22:41.996 They are not accustomed to looking for azure dyes 00:22:41.997 --> 00:22:44.820 in foods because they are assumed not to exist. 00:22:45.220 --> 00:22:46.960 Does your synchrometer find azure dyes? 00:22:47.180 --> 00:22:47.940 Oh, yes. 00:22:48.200 --> 00:22:50.320 So that is a set of 18. 00:22:51.400 --> 00:22:58.800 And I find that they all coexist, especially the two very, very damaging 00:22:58.801 --> 00:23:02.640 ones that are dabbed that I mentioned to you. 00:23:02.780 --> 00:23:04.860 And another one called Sudan Black Bee. 00:23:05.760 --> 00:23:10.187 The reason I consider these the most damaging is because they 00:23:10.188 --> 00:23:13.660 are the last to leave when we draw them out of your body. 00:23:14.500 --> 00:23:21.700 And when they leave, when the dab is out of your body as testing by the testing 00:23:21.701 --> 00:23:24.714 with the synchrometer, the alkaline phosphatase 00:23:24.814 --> 00:23:27.340 level drops to normal in your blood test. 00:23:27.540 --> 00:23:31.780 Very many people die of a high alkaline phosphatase level. 00:23:31.820 --> 00:23:33.020 So this is an important point. 00:23:33.580 --> 00:23:36.580 This is an important marker for you when you are looking at cancer patients. 00:23:36.581 --> 00:23:37.581 Oh, yes. 00:23:38.380 --> 00:23:43.640 And the other dies Sudan Black Bee when we get that one out and it takes longer 00:23:43.715 --> 00:23:48.880 because it is right inside the nucleus and it is very hard to pull out. 00:23:48.920 --> 00:23:50.520 Where do you find Sudan Black Bee? 00:23:51.200 --> 00:23:54.640 Along with the other azure dyes, polluting everything that is on the market. 00:23:55.160 --> 00:23:55.760 That is processed. 00:23:56.120 --> 00:23:59.177 So the outlook looks bleak but perhaps you could give us 00:23:59.178 --> 00:24:01.721 a list of healthy products that we can choose in the book. 00:24:03.100 --> 00:24:06.860 I have listed a lot of healthy products. 00:24:09.420 --> 00:24:13.600 And how to choose is perhaps a better, easier for the poly. 00:24:26.700 --> 00:24:31.800 Yeah, I came across Dr. Clark about four years ago and I realized that it is really 00:24:31.801 --> 00:24:34.655 important that this knowledge is being used and 00:24:34.656 --> 00:24:38.620 applied so that people are really getting better. 00:24:39.020 --> 00:24:44.931 So I started the Dr. Clark Research Association and I am promoting Dr. 00:24:44.932 --> 00:24:47.680 Clark in seminars, in lectures. 00:24:48.520 --> 00:24:50.273 And we are also about to set up a clinic in 00:24:50.274 --> 00:24:53.161 Switzerland so that we can apply her protocol. 00:24:53.360 --> 00:24:59.400 We have especially in Germany and in Switzerland a lot of therapists in the 00:24:59.500 --> 00:25:01.760 alternative medical field who are using it. 00:25:01.910 --> 00:25:05.862 Plus a lot of medical doctors as well, especially in Italy we 00:25:05.962 --> 00:25:09.960 see the trend that medical doctors are using these therapies. 00:25:10.400 --> 00:25:12.681 What kind of results are you getting with treating cancer? 00:25:12.820 --> 00:25:17.900 Since I work so closely with a lot of therapists, I can see results almost every day. 00:25:17.980 --> 00:25:20.689 Not all of them are about cancer but incredible cases 00:25:20.690 --> 00:25:25.220 like people who have only days to go and they get well. 00:25:34.550 --> 00:25:39.710 Now, I know you're working on coming up with body care chemicals specifically to 00:25:39.810 --> 00:25:45.150 help us get better skin lotions and even toothpaste and hair dye. 00:25:45.170 --> 00:25:48.590 That's interesting to me because your hair is not the traditional color. 00:25:49.390 --> 00:25:51.070 What are you using for your hair dye? 00:25:51.850 --> 00:25:56.770 I'm doing experiments on hair dyes and that's why you see it purple on one day, 00:25:56.890 --> 00:26:01.590 slate on another day, more blue on another day and maybe more red on another day. 00:26:01.720 --> 00:26:07.250 I'm trying to develop safe hair dyes because I consider it such a tragedy that 00:26:07.251 --> 00:26:11.130 all the hair dyes on the market have asodized in them. 00:26:11.430 --> 00:26:14.330 Perhaps even legitimately because it isn't controlled by the FDA. 00:26:14.630 --> 00:26:17.030 So this could be a huge source of cancer problem. 00:26:17.031 --> 00:26:18.310 A very huge source. 00:26:18.610 --> 00:26:20.950 Now you might think, well, the hair is growing out of you. 00:26:21.125 --> 00:26:22.950 How could that, you know, penetrate? 00:26:23.550 --> 00:26:24.090 It does. 00:26:24.550 --> 00:26:29.530 As soon as your hair dye, we see the dyes in the scalp. 00:26:29.810 --> 00:26:31.930 The fat of the scalp, the dye is fat soluble. 00:26:32.030 --> 00:26:35.469 It goes right into the fat of the scalp and there it sits as a 00:26:35.470 --> 00:26:38.790 reservoir for about six weeks but then you're doing it again. 00:26:39.240 --> 00:26:43.870 And from there the dye has to be relocated to the liver and then goes to all the two 00:26:44.020 --> 00:26:46.070 -year tumors and the other problem organs. 00:26:46.740 --> 00:26:49.250 And there's no reason that couldn't be easily cleaned up. 00:26:49.310 --> 00:26:54.170 So that's been one of my dedications to find a safe hair dye. 00:26:54.650 --> 00:27:00.290 And this happens to be Dalia Black Henna. 00:27:00.930 --> 00:27:05.050 In your suggestion of cleaning up the environment in the home, how do you 00:27:05.051 --> 00:27:07.870 suggest we clean up the environment in our personal care products? 00:27:08.850 --> 00:27:09.850 Don't use them. 00:27:09.920 --> 00:27:11.790 You can't clean them up. 00:27:12.110 --> 00:27:13.110 They're all polluted. 00:27:15.020 --> 00:27:17.550 From toothpaste to shampoo, you name it. 00:27:17.551 --> 00:27:18.010 It's all polluted. 00:27:18.350 --> 00:27:19.626 That's why the first thing we do. 00:27:19.650 --> 00:27:25.090 And in fact, on the day one of our 21-day program, you throw away, you don't just 00:27:25.091 --> 00:27:27.230 set aside because you'll never use it again. 00:27:27.570 --> 00:27:31.670 You just throw away all your products for your skin, your hair, whatever. 00:27:33.160 --> 00:27:35.330 Why do we have to throw away those products? 00:27:35.930 --> 00:27:36.930 They're all polluted. 00:27:38.030 --> 00:27:41.330 Most of them have raised a propyl alcohol in them, and azodize. 00:27:42.810 --> 00:27:47.890 And they also have a heavy metal pollution. 00:27:49.290 --> 00:27:50.290 It's shocking. 00:27:52.150 --> 00:27:53.150 One more question. 00:27:53.190 --> 00:27:55.010 In your book, you're to cancer. 00:27:56.110 --> 00:27:58.744 You specifically talk about isopropyl alcohol, 00:27:58.745 --> 00:28:01.090 which we also know to be rubbing alcohol. 00:28:01.091 --> 00:28:02.091 Yes. 00:28:02.510 --> 00:28:08.550 How is it possible that something so toxic is being used in such a wide variety of 00:28:08.700 --> 00:28:11.878 commercial products from our shampoo to our hair conditioners, 00:28:11.879 --> 00:28:14.950 to our skin care products, and to even toothpaste? 00:28:15.590 --> 00:28:18.690 And without even noticing that it's doing anything, right? 00:28:18.691 --> 00:28:18.950 Yes. 00:28:19.110 --> 00:28:22.430 We've been using it probably for 50 years, maybe more. 00:28:23.080 --> 00:28:28.530 Remember my father using it, buying a bottle of it as a part of an aftershave. 00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:35.970 I think that its toxicity is so subtle because it causes mutations. 00:28:37.470 --> 00:28:40.170 I discover the mutations with a synchrometer. 00:28:42.110 --> 00:28:46.750 It forms isopropyl complexes with our nucleic acids. 00:28:47.490 --> 00:28:49.850 I don't know if anyone has looked for them. 00:28:50.200 --> 00:28:55.911 But the names for the compounds are very long, so I don't want to bore you with them. 00:28:56.140 --> 00:28:58.950 And it also combines with our vitamin C. 00:28:59.625 --> 00:29:01.810 I suppose isopropyl would dean a score bait. 00:29:03.380 --> 00:29:08.610 So perhaps, and this of course, should get some good biochemical attention 00:29:08.785 --> 00:29:10.150 from regular biochemistry. 00:29:12.170 --> 00:29:17.950 Perhaps isopropyl alcohol depletes your system of a scaric acid vitamin C. 00:29:18.150 --> 00:29:22.330 With relationship to other disease, you've covered that in your other books. 00:29:23.190 --> 00:29:25.590 Where do you see allergies fitting into all of this? 00:29:26.750 --> 00:29:33.850 It's a very important disorder that we have. 00:29:34.700 --> 00:29:35.700 Liver dysfunction. 00:29:36.630 --> 00:29:40.870 It's a loose concept because we all have a small degree of liver dysfunction. 00:29:41.820 --> 00:29:47.790 But the prevalence of allergies now and especially what we call environmentally 00:29:47.965 --> 00:29:50.970 sensitive people are multiple allergies. 00:29:52.310 --> 00:29:53.930 That is very significant. 00:29:54.250 --> 00:29:58.250 It should be as a bugle call to us. 00:29:58.470 --> 00:30:01.270 Hey, look, something is happening to your liver. 00:30:01.630 --> 00:30:04.249 The liver can no longer detoxify a large number 00:30:04.250 --> 00:30:07.371 of chemicals that you are getting into you. 00:30:07.510 --> 00:30:08.830 And you better not do that. 00:30:08.880 --> 00:30:13.830 Allergy, we could say, is a kind of a civilization sickness. 00:30:14.600 --> 00:30:18.305 We read a lot of clinic reports that Indians in 00:30:18.306 --> 00:30:21.451 the jungle are somewhere don't have any allergies. 00:30:22.350 --> 00:30:27.150 And so it is very clear that civilization bring allergy with it. 00:30:28.480 --> 00:30:35.710 And the experience we have is that people start allergies with one or two allergies. 00:30:35.711 --> 00:30:39.970 And sometimes it's not that harmful. 00:30:41.440 --> 00:30:47.130 But after years go by, which means that parasites can develop. 00:30:47.770 --> 00:30:49.710 They can have more toxins in the body. 00:30:50.570 --> 00:30:53.810 Then they develop more and more allergies. 00:30:54.070 --> 00:30:56.476 It's very interesting that in Europe, there is a 00:30:56.477 --> 00:30:58.770 high acceptance for natural and herbal remedies. 00:30:58.771 --> 00:31:04.890 More and more people are trying to get well on a natural way because they see the 00:31:04.891 --> 00:31:08.450 limits of the highly toxic chemical treatments that we see. 00:31:08.670 --> 00:31:10.310 What other diseases are you seeing cured? 00:31:11.030 --> 00:31:13.150 We see very fast cures in diabetes. 00:31:14.030 --> 00:31:16.750 We see people get negative with HIV. 00:31:18.050 --> 00:31:22.970 And basically, on very simple things, I had a warrant myself behind the ear. 00:31:23.050 --> 00:31:25.090 I zapped and fell off. 00:31:25.140 --> 00:31:27.214 You have an interesting treatment that you 00:31:27.215 --> 00:31:30.551 suggest in your book called the liver flush. 00:31:31.390 --> 00:31:33.529 And what is the relationship with the liver flush and what 00:31:33.530 --> 00:31:36.350 we're talking about here for purging the body of bacteria? 00:31:37.825 --> 00:31:41.010 It does purge the body of bacteria very nicely. 00:31:41.820 --> 00:31:47.590 I don't incorporate it in the 21-day program because the patients are too sick 00:31:47.990 --> 00:31:49.930 to be going through a liver flush. 00:31:50.180 --> 00:31:52.130 They can do that after they get a little better. 00:31:53.130 --> 00:31:58.750 But in the book, Cure for Cances, which is for earlier cancer stages, 00:32:00.270 --> 00:32:05.250 and the other books where people are just ill of other diseases, cleaning the liver 00:32:05.450 --> 00:32:08.071 is probably the most effective thing they can do to 00:32:08.072 --> 00:32:11.370 get immediate relief of many pains and many problems. 00:32:12.070 --> 00:32:13.370 Say a digestion problem. 00:32:13.610 --> 00:32:18.370 Pain in the shoulder is very, very typically improved the very next day. 00:32:18.530 --> 00:32:19.890 Did you invent this liver flush? 00:32:20.190 --> 00:32:21.550 No, I didn't. 00:32:21.870 --> 00:32:29.630 I only experimented with it repeatedly to develop something that was reliable so 00:32:30.280 --> 00:32:35.590 that if anybody did it, say 100 people, at least 99 of them would get stones out. 00:32:35.870 --> 00:32:36.910 Now you say stones. 00:32:37.110 --> 00:32:38.890 I mean pebbles, like we see on the beach. 00:32:39.720 --> 00:32:42.250 Sometimes they're pebbles, like you see on the beach. 00:32:42.251 --> 00:32:44.790 Small, gray, very hard rocks. 00:32:45.190 --> 00:32:52.310 But most of the time, they're larger, green-colored, round-day objects. 00:32:53.090 --> 00:32:57.770 The size of a bean or a pea or a line of bean, and sometimes much, much larger. 00:32:58.010 --> 00:33:00.750 Could we see these with an ultrasound or an MRI or an x-ray? 00:33:01.340 --> 00:33:06.950 No, you can't because they don't have that much density difference from your tissue. 00:33:07.420 --> 00:33:11.430 To be able to see something say on x-ray, it would have to be calcified. 00:33:12.030 --> 00:33:16.710 And an ultrasound or a scan, it would have to have quite a density difference, 00:33:17.100 --> 00:33:18.100 and it doesn't. 00:33:18.330 --> 00:33:22.630 It's really just made of cholesterol crystals, garbage, and mush. 00:33:27.530 --> 00:33:33.180 As part of Dr. Clark's program, she encourages the liver flush. 00:33:33.780 --> 00:33:35.738 And in my nutritional consulting practice, I've 00:33:35.739 --> 00:33:38.241 been doing the liver flush for a number of years. 00:33:38.560 --> 00:33:41.900 Dr. Clark has helped me to even perfect it to a greater level. 00:33:42.670 --> 00:33:47.820 The liver flush has been a popular remedy for flushing the liver, the colon, 00:33:48.240 --> 00:33:49.960 as well as the kidney for a number of years. 00:33:50.060 --> 00:33:52.660 In fact, it dates back more than 2,000 years ago. 00:33:52.980 --> 00:33:55.278 The Egyptians were actually doing it, where 00:33:55.279 --> 00:33:58.281 the Egyptians would travel across the desert. 00:33:58.360 --> 00:34:00.400 Get the salt out of the dead sea. 00:34:00.700 --> 00:34:03.880 They would bring it back, and they would put it into the king, so with a 00:34:03.881 --> 00:34:08.220 combination of lemon and sea salt, and they would flush the liver this way. 00:34:08.221 --> 00:34:13.300 Well, we have a more sophisticated way of doing it now, using Epsom salt, 00:34:13.560 --> 00:34:15.560 olive oil, and grapefruit, as the grand finale. 00:34:15.680 --> 00:34:18.254 And we'll just show you how we build up to it to prepare 00:34:18.255 --> 00:34:21.040 the body, so that the body can eliminate some of the toxins. 00:34:21.660 --> 00:34:27.860 The first thing we use is a beet cucumber juice here, and the beet cucumber juice 00:34:27.861 --> 00:34:31.000 helps to alkalize the body as well as clean the liver. 00:34:31.400 --> 00:34:37.502 And then we also use black cherry juice, which helps both eating 00:34:37.503 --> 00:34:41.680 the cherries and drinking the juice, to cleanse the kidney. 00:34:42.560 --> 00:34:44.943 And then in addition to that, for cleansing the 00:34:44.944 --> 00:34:48.060 kidney, we also use a tea made from uvaursi. 00:34:49.380 --> 00:34:55.540 Now we also use for both the kidney and the liver, a combination of apple and lemon. 00:34:56.100 --> 00:34:57.840 And to that we add ginger. 00:34:58.360 --> 00:35:01.434 The reason why we suggest that ginger, the apple and the 00:35:01.435 --> 00:35:04.400 lemon, is because it really does help to emulsify the stones. 00:35:04.775 --> 00:35:09.760 So if you do this 21 days prior to the actual flush itself, you will emulsify a 00:35:09.761 --> 00:35:11.921 lot of these crystals that can accumulate in the liver. 00:35:12.340 --> 00:35:16.940 In fact, we actually use this formula of apple, lemon, and ginger as the first 00:35:16.941 --> 00:35:21.200 drink after the liver flush, just to help get rid of some of the toxins and clear 00:35:21.201 --> 00:35:22.449 the liver of any extra crystals that might 00:35:22.450 --> 00:35:25.081 not have come out in the liver flush itself. 00:35:25.340 --> 00:35:30.000 Dr. Clark has found that this combination of black walnut and super blend of warm 00:35:30.150 --> 00:35:36.720 wood combination and cloves kills the parasite, the specific faciolyphysis boost key. 00:35:36.940 --> 00:35:40.389 And the best method for cleaning out the liver is to go 00:35:40.414 --> 00:35:44.000 in and use these products first for the first three weeks. 00:35:44.420 --> 00:35:47.880 And then on the day of the flush, you stop using all of these products and 00:35:47.881 --> 00:35:50.500 then you just go straight to the vegetable juices. 00:35:50.740 --> 00:35:56.000 And by the way, on that day, stay completely vegetarian and stay off of all 00:35:56.125 --> 00:35:58.220 the fats that particular day as well. 00:35:58.221 --> 00:35:59.616 So you'll build up the bile pressure in the 00:35:59.617 --> 00:36:02.401 liver and you'll get a more effective flush. 00:36:02.530 --> 00:36:06.420 In the digestive tract, she suggests that we use betain HCl. 00:36:07.340 --> 00:36:09.916 So that helps drive all the bacteria down into the lower 00:36:09.917 --> 00:36:13.740 intestine where you can live there out of harm's way. 00:36:14.340 --> 00:36:19.401 And then in the teeth, she suggests that we brush our teeth with the oil of oregano. 00:36:19.500 --> 00:36:23.280 And the way we do that, Jane, if I could just have your hand here for a second, 00:36:23.975 --> 00:36:29.520 we just put a little dab on the finger about that much, a drop. 00:36:30.170 --> 00:36:33.699 Then you take the toothbrush like this and you rub 00:36:33.700 --> 00:36:37.060 it on the finger, absorbing all of the oregano oil. 00:36:37.380 --> 00:36:40.960 This is very, very hot, hotter than cayenne pepper, actually. 00:36:41.260 --> 00:36:44.840 And then you just go about brushing your teeth with it, which Jane can do now 00:36:44.940 --> 00:36:46.661 because she's preparing for her liver flush. 00:36:47.560 --> 00:36:51.180 You brush your teeth with it and that kills all the cholestridium bacteria in 00:36:51.280 --> 00:36:54.100 the teeth, preparing the liver then for the flush itself. 00:36:54.600 --> 00:36:57.405 To do the flush, what we normally do is we 00:36:57.406 --> 00:37:00.801 stop eating at two o'clock in the afternoon. 00:37:00.980 --> 00:37:04.223 Now at that point, we allow the body four hours to 00:37:04.224 --> 00:37:07.221 get all of the food through the digestive tract. 00:37:07.600 --> 00:37:13.780 Then we introduce the body at six o'clock to the first glass of Epsom salt, 00:37:14.020 --> 00:37:16.826 which we have here, this regular Epsom salt, 00:37:16.827 --> 00:37:20.341 and about a tablespoon and a half in one glass. 00:37:20.680 --> 00:37:25.260 Now inside this glass of water, we've dissolved one and a half tablespoons 00:37:25.261 --> 00:37:28.520 of Epsom salt, and she'll do that at six o 'clock. 00:37:29.300 --> 00:37:33.724 Then the second glass of water is also one and a half tablespoons 00:37:33.725 --> 00:37:37.360 of Epsom salt that she does two hours later at eight o'clock. 00:37:37.820 --> 00:37:42.720 Now in between these two times, it's not mandatory, but it does help to do 00:37:42.770 --> 00:37:47.960 a foot massage, which you can use on a foot massage machine, or you can just have 00:37:48.135 --> 00:37:51.400 your spouse or your mate give you a foot massage. 00:37:52.200 --> 00:37:55.566 It would really help to sit in a chair with your feet elevated, 00:37:55.567 --> 00:37:58.940 at least to allow the lymphatic system to cleanse itself. 00:37:59.580 --> 00:38:03.860 Now at the same time, I suggest you prepare two other glasses of eight ounces 00:38:03.861 --> 00:38:08.100 of water each, with one and a half tablespoons of Epsom salt in both. 00:38:08.101 --> 00:38:13.000 That you'll lay by the bedside, and one will be drank at six a.m. 00:38:13.100 --> 00:38:15.307 in the morning, and the other one will be drank at 00:38:15.308 --> 00:38:17.781 eight o'clock in the morning when you'll get out of bed. 00:38:17.840 --> 00:38:23.460 So the first Epsom salt, Jane does at six o'clock, the second Epsom salt, 00:38:23.800 --> 00:38:27.940 she does at eight o'clock, and then two are prepared for six a.m. 00:38:28.020 --> 00:38:29.480 in the morning, and eight a.m. 00:38:29.820 --> 00:38:29.980 respectively. 00:38:30.740 --> 00:38:33.151 So once she wakes up in the morning, the Epsom salt's 00:38:33.152 --> 00:38:35.200 going to help encourage the bowel to eliminate. 00:38:35.201 --> 00:38:39.880 The reason why Dr. Clark has picked Epsom salts, of course, is because the magnesium 00:38:39.881 --> 00:38:45.780 sulfate helps relax the liver and the bowel so that the stones can roll out easier. 00:38:46.060 --> 00:38:50.720 The body is now prepared to take the liver flesh itself, which is a combination of 00:38:50.721 --> 00:38:54.240 olive oil and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. 00:38:54.260 --> 00:38:57.520 And we just use a regular citrus juicer for this. 00:38:57.940 --> 00:39:02.720 And usually you get about between two and three grapefruit should give you about 00:39:02.721 --> 00:39:05.500 eight ounces of grapefruit juice, and that's all you need to do this. 00:39:05.920 --> 00:39:07.819 The grapefruit juice, of course, that we get is pink 00:39:07.820 --> 00:39:10.020 and we filter it to make sure that there's no pulp. 00:39:10.460 --> 00:39:14.328 And then in combination with the olive oil, it 00:39:14.329 --> 00:39:17.260 perfectly prepares the liver so that you can eliminate. 00:39:17.460 --> 00:39:20.220 Now is an option, and it's a very good option. 00:39:20.720 --> 00:39:24.640 We suggest that you owes an idea olive oil, and we'll show you how to do that. 00:39:24.641 --> 00:39:26.700 You just get a regular ozonator. 00:39:26.800 --> 00:39:30.640 You can get this down at your local pet store because they use them for fish tanks 00:39:30.940 --> 00:39:33.660 and the regular fish tank pump here. 00:39:34.760 --> 00:39:36.901 It's very, very cheap to get one of these and you can 00:39:36.902 --> 00:39:39.540 just put the ozonating ball right into the olive oil. 00:39:40.240 --> 00:39:41.540 And then I plug it in. 00:39:42.655 --> 00:39:44.740 I don't suggest that you actually plug it in until you're 00:39:44.741 --> 00:39:47.640 ready to go because the ozone can be toxic in your environment. 00:39:48.570 --> 00:39:56.520 So, now the ozone is going into the olive oil, and it creates a very, very toxic 00:39:56.521 --> 00:40:00.600 formula for microorganisms, but it's not harmful to human health. 00:40:01.100 --> 00:40:05.080 So when we mix this together in combination with the grapefruit juice, 00:40:05.890 --> 00:40:09.567 this will force all of the health salts in all of the chemical 00:40:09.568 --> 00:40:13.010 that's accumulated in the liver completely out in the morning. 00:40:13.650 --> 00:40:16.830 We suggest that you ozonate for approximately 10 minutes. 00:40:17.110 --> 00:40:19.670 That'll be enough to saturate it. 00:40:19.850 --> 00:40:25.830 As another option in helping to kill the microorganisms, Dr. Clark has created a 00:40:25.831 --> 00:40:29.351 product she calls the Synchro Zap, or Zap, and it 00:40:29.352 --> 00:40:32.230 works by sending electrical frequency into the body. 00:40:32.890 --> 00:40:36.370 And it's only run off of a 9-volt battery which you can see in the back here. 00:40:37.370 --> 00:40:38.930 And it's harmless to the body. 00:40:39.590 --> 00:40:41.790 And all you do is you... 00:40:41.890 --> 00:40:43.350 I'll have Jane hold this one. 00:40:44.090 --> 00:40:49.390 You just wet it down, put it on the little electrode here. 00:40:54.150 --> 00:40:59.430 So you just place it over the pulse point, and snap it on and it's that simple. 00:41:01.130 --> 00:41:03.950 And the little electrode just snaps on and off on this snap. 00:41:05.090 --> 00:41:07.110 And then we do the other one the exact same way. 00:41:07.790 --> 00:41:11.750 You get a little bit wet, so you've got conductivity. 00:41:13.930 --> 00:41:16.970 You don't even actually feel this when it's going on the body. 00:41:20.600 --> 00:41:22.180 Place it over the pulse point. 00:41:26.350 --> 00:41:31.030 Just turn it on by pushing the button, and it works in a cycle of 7 minutes, 00:41:31.210 --> 00:41:34.650 and then it takes a 20 minute rest, then it repeats for 7 minutes, 00:41:34.810 --> 00:41:38.370 and it takes another 20 minute rest, then it repeats for 7 more minutes. 00:41:38.710 --> 00:41:40.890 For the first 7 minutes it'll kill the parasite. 00:41:41.540 --> 00:41:44.348 And if anything should be living in the parasite like a 00:41:44.349 --> 00:41:46.810 bacteria, then the next 7 minutes will kill the bacteria. 00:41:47.410 --> 00:41:50.042 And if a virus should be living inside the bacteria, the 00:41:50.043 --> 00:41:52.850 following 7 minutes should clean all of that up as well. 00:41:52.930 --> 00:41:55.030 And that's the principle behind this device. 00:41:55.590 --> 00:41:58.323 Like I said, this is optional, but we do find that 00:41:58.324 --> 00:42:00.950 it does help with the effectiveness of the flush. 00:42:01.590 --> 00:42:02.950 And that is the liver flush. 00:42:03.270 --> 00:42:05.050 The liver cleanse is much underestimated. 00:42:05.670 --> 00:42:07.866 It should be done a lot more often because it's 00:42:07.867 --> 00:42:10.671 one of the most important parts of the protocol. 00:42:11.970 --> 00:42:17.370 Because especially cancer patients are highly toxic, and they need a liver that's 00:42:17.371 --> 00:42:20.010 in a good shape to get rid of all these toxins. 00:42:28.080 --> 00:42:32.410 Dr. if we read the back of many toothpaste that are available today in the grocery 00:42:32.411 --> 00:42:35.566 store, it says if we should swallow more than what you can fit on the end of the 00:42:35.590 --> 00:42:38.070 toothbrush, call poison control immediately. 00:42:38.710 --> 00:42:40.110 Perhaps you'd like to address that. 00:42:40.330 --> 00:42:44.110 I haven't actually seen that myself, but of course I feel that way. 00:42:44.111 --> 00:42:45.770 I know that. 00:42:46.190 --> 00:42:48.310 Toothpaste is very toxic stuff. 00:42:50.225 --> 00:42:55.710 Not just because of the chemicals in it, but because the material in it is ground 00:42:56.180 --> 00:43:01.834 so fine that if you should get some into an extraction 00:43:01.835 --> 00:43:05.930 site, where a tooth once was, it'll stay there forever. 00:43:06.370 --> 00:43:07.370 I find toothpaste. 00:43:07.920 --> 00:43:11.990 In old extraction sites that never yield, they're called cavitations. 00:43:12.290 --> 00:43:13.650 I talk about that in the book. 00:43:16.530 --> 00:43:24.530 Cavitations where old tooth extractions have left an area of minor infection. 00:43:25.530 --> 00:43:28.950 It becomes a bioaccumulation site, and there's toothpaste in there. 00:43:29.030 --> 00:43:30.490 A lot of silicone in toothpaste. 00:43:31.790 --> 00:43:34.717 And silicone is absorbed, taken in by the white blood 00:43:34.718 --> 00:43:38.930 cells, and white blood cells become disabled by it. 00:43:39.090 --> 00:43:40.570 And that's called low immunity. 00:43:40.790 --> 00:43:41.790 Immune dysfunction. 00:43:42.490 --> 00:43:44.790 Coming from your toothpaste, that's awful. 00:43:45.410 --> 00:43:52.730 Well oddly enough, I was on the staff of UCLA back in the 60s, and I gave the first 00:43:52.731 --> 00:43:58.650 class at UCLA, because one of my jobs at UCLA was to develop the curriculum for the 00:43:58.651 --> 00:44:01.570 new students coming aboard and also the dental school itself. 00:44:02.045 --> 00:44:06.073 And so I was fortunate to give the first lecture 00:44:06.074 --> 00:44:09.270 on mercury fillings that the students had. 00:44:09.350 --> 00:44:12.570 And in my research, I uncovered that mercury was a concern. 00:44:13.310 --> 00:44:18.310 In fact, in 1848, it was considered illegal to use mercury unethical. 00:44:19.490 --> 00:44:24.970 The then union of dentistry was the American College of Dental Surgeons, 00:44:25.550 --> 00:44:27.950 and it was like the analogous to the ADA. 00:44:28.500 --> 00:44:31.301 And that group of bodies said it was illegal or 00:44:31.302 --> 00:44:35.110 unethical to use mercury because of its toxic concerns. 00:44:36.050 --> 00:44:40.530 But then there was no alternative that was able to be used. 00:44:41.110 --> 00:44:43.904 So dentists got together and began using mercury 00:44:43.905 --> 00:44:46.771 fillings, because it was more economical. 00:44:46.930 --> 00:44:48.745 And indeed, there was a serious problem, because 00:44:48.769 --> 00:44:50.610 what you're going to use, you can't use gold. 00:44:50.630 --> 00:44:53.197 Most people couldn't afford gold, and even the 00:44:53.198 --> 00:44:55.910 gold techniques were not refined as they are today. 00:44:56.410 --> 00:44:59.410 So there was no option, no alternative. 00:45:00.430 --> 00:45:05.570 So this group of dentists began to use mercury fillings, and that group grew and 00:45:05.670 --> 00:45:07.510 became the American Dental Association. 00:45:08.310 --> 00:45:12.650 So the American Dental Association has had its formation on the utilization of 00:45:12.651 --> 00:45:15.170 mercury fillings, which is ironic, of course. 00:45:15.680 --> 00:45:19.590 The American Dental Association suggests that silver fillings really don't have any 00:45:19.591 --> 00:45:22.610 ill effect on our health, but you've proven that that is not true. 00:45:23.260 --> 00:45:25.370 I wouldn't call them silver fillings. 00:45:26.530 --> 00:45:34.530 I would call them mercury thalium and lanthanide fillings, because they are not 00:45:34.531 --> 00:45:40.430 made of silver and mercury and iron and nickel, let's say. 00:45:40.570 --> 00:45:44.530 They are made of silver, mercury, iron, nickel, and all the other 70 00:45:44.531 --> 00:45:49.630 elements in the table, including the very toxic ones, including even uranium. 00:45:50.430 --> 00:45:53.330 We are finding uranium in them. 00:45:53.470 --> 00:45:55.810 How more carcinogenic can it get? 00:45:56.070 --> 00:45:57.670 And it gets out, that's the point. 00:45:58.130 --> 00:46:01.423 I think that the Dental Association is not aware 00:46:01.424 --> 00:46:04.971 and hasn't done the experiments to find out. 00:46:05.420 --> 00:46:12.490 It's not aware that the metals from these fillings, including uranium, can be found 00:46:12.491 --> 00:46:16.790 in the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, and other organs, wherever your tumor is, 00:46:16.940 --> 00:46:18.301 that's where it's bioaccumulating. 00:46:18.370 --> 00:46:23.090 There was a body of evidence that would say, hey, you're using this potentially 00:46:23.091 --> 00:46:26.990 lethal material, while dentists were teaching. 00:46:27.230 --> 00:46:33.730 And I was one of the ones who were taught that mercury was inert when you mixed with 00:46:33.731 --> 00:46:37.170 silver, tin, zinc, and copper, which consists of the 00:46:37.171 --> 00:46:40.150 mercury filling or the amalgam or the silver filling. 00:46:40.325 --> 00:46:43.310 It's really a mercury filling, because 50% of it's mercury. 00:46:43.910 --> 00:46:48.150 And if you mix it with silver, tin, zinc, and copper, we taught that it 00:46:48.275 --> 00:46:52.630 was inert, which is a scientific impossibility, because everything by the 00:46:52.830 --> 00:46:54.990 laws of entropy is in the process of decay. 00:46:55.520 --> 00:47:00.410 And in the case of the dental mercury filling, the decay is quite prominent. 00:47:00.630 --> 00:47:03.830 For those people watching this video that have already changed their two fillings 00:47:04.360 --> 00:47:08.350 from the mercury filling to the white fillings, what about that? 00:47:08.600 --> 00:47:10.490 I have to apologize for that. 00:47:10.570 --> 00:47:14.550 That's what I said in the first book, cure for all cancers, that that's what you 00:47:14.650 --> 00:47:15.370 should do. 00:47:15.555 --> 00:47:20.830 At that time, I was not aware that they were seeping carcinogenic dyes. 00:47:21.350 --> 00:47:26.930 I don't think any scientist anywhere could ever imagine that a perfectly white tooth, 00:47:27.300 --> 00:47:32.190 a white cap, should be tested for carcinogenic dyes that are red. 00:47:33.590 --> 00:47:40.130 But all the dyes are polluted with the other dyes, and all the materials that are 00:47:40.131 --> 00:47:44.856 used for the manufacture of these synthetic 00:47:44.857 --> 00:47:48.911 plastic teeth are polluted with synthetic dyes. 00:47:49.090 --> 00:47:52.950 We test for 18 azodize. 00:47:53.510 --> 00:47:58.630 These azodize cause the well-known P53 mutations. 00:47:59.430 --> 00:48:02.590 And for those people that don't know what a P53 mutation is. 00:48:03.650 --> 00:48:09.110 All tumors, cancers, tumors are loaded with mutations. 00:48:09.710 --> 00:48:11.970 This means chromosome breaks and gene mutations. 00:48:12.590 --> 00:48:16.070 That's why you do a biopsy and send it to the lab. 00:48:16.710 --> 00:48:19.250 The cytologist in the lab looks at the slides. 00:48:19.530 --> 00:48:23.790 And when they see these mutations, chromosomes all over the place, 00:48:24.490 --> 00:48:26.890 they can designate what kind of cancer you have. 00:48:27.190 --> 00:48:31.970 That is the clue to the fact that there is cancer going on in that biopsy. 00:48:32.910 --> 00:48:35.145 So your research has proven that a healthy cell is 00:48:35.146 --> 00:48:37.170 turning into a cancerous cell because of the dye. 00:48:37.390 --> 00:48:37.830 Exactly. 00:48:38.090 --> 00:48:39.110 That's part of it. 00:48:39.290 --> 00:48:42.170 It's more complicated than that, but that is a very big part. 00:48:42.810 --> 00:48:45.410 And we cannot stop the tumor from growing. 00:48:46.540 --> 00:48:50.770 We can't start a shrinking unless you stop giving it dyes. 00:48:50.771 --> 00:48:52.310 It's carcinogenic, guys. 00:48:53.030 --> 00:48:57.650 In fact, in the average mouth, we might find sometimes 26 different 00:48:57.651 --> 00:49:05.350 metals in the mouth, which again not only is biocompatible problem with toxicities, 00:49:05.910 --> 00:49:06.910 but the electronics. 00:49:07.390 --> 00:49:12.590 This has been a fascinating feel for us in the last 15 years we've been doing 00:49:12.790 --> 00:49:18.110 electronic readings by using an amp meter, a more sophisticated digital amp meter. 00:49:18.560 --> 00:49:23.530 Well, if we have teeth now that have metal in their mouth, that are constantly 00:49:23.780 --> 00:49:25.270 generating electricity. 00:49:26.530 --> 00:49:28.815 And by the way, our car battery is a lead pole 00:49:28.816 --> 00:49:32.171 and a zinc pole and a box of sulfuric acid. 00:49:32.230 --> 00:49:36.550 If we wanted to create the quintessential battery, we would use gold and silver, 00:49:37.130 --> 00:49:40.610 the cathode and the anode, the positive and the negative pole, which can create a 00:49:40.611 --> 00:49:42.451 wonderful battery when we do this in the mouth. 00:49:42.750 --> 00:49:46.851 So, tremendous amounts of electricity can disturb 00:49:46.852 --> 00:49:49.850 the normal flow of ionic flow in the body. 00:49:50.190 --> 00:49:54.510 So, if you've got a constant flow of electricity created by the metal fillings 00:49:54.511 --> 00:49:57.833 in our mouth, we can then turn off, or the 00:49:57.834 --> 00:50:00.590 body says, hey, the stimulation is constant. 00:50:00.690 --> 00:50:03.930 I've got to do something to adapt, so it blocks. 00:50:04.550 --> 00:50:08.410 Instead of stimulates like the initial acupuncture needle is stimulated, 00:50:08.735 --> 00:50:10.530 but if left in there could cause a problem. 00:50:10.780 --> 00:50:15.630 Our teeth are those bio-electrical electrodes, and I refer to them sometimes 00:50:15.631 --> 00:50:18.270 as spark plugs, because they have capacity. 00:50:18.910 --> 00:50:24.350 The tooth is very interesting device because it's surrounded by crystal. 00:50:25.110 --> 00:50:28.363 And the crystal, if we look at what the computer is all 00:50:28.364 --> 00:50:31.990 about, the computer has its heart in the silicon chip. 00:50:32.050 --> 00:50:34.250 It has the crystal of the silicon chip. 00:50:34.810 --> 00:50:37.303 And the analogous of the silicon chip in the computer 00:50:37.304 --> 00:50:40.510 is the enamel that covers this thing we call the tooth. 00:50:41.010 --> 00:50:46.770 So, an enamel healthy tooth, the tooth has capacity to hold a charge. 00:50:46.990 --> 00:50:50.410 Like the spark plug has a capacity to hold a charge. 00:50:50.930 --> 00:50:55.520 But if you put metal in that tooth, you disturb this electronic flow. 00:50:56.910 --> 00:51:00.627 And so, a whole vast of things are now being looked at related 00:51:00.628 --> 00:51:04.130 to this electrical disturbance that you make mention of. 00:51:04.210 --> 00:51:05.210 And rightly so. 00:51:49.560 --> 00:51:51.720 As you can see in the... 00:51:51.721 --> 00:51:57.580 The x-ray, these teeth that are marked out of ones that have silver fillings in it. 00:51:57.820 --> 00:52:02.580 Now, they're... as you can see, just a bit in the mouth. 00:52:03.080 --> 00:52:04.940 They are decayed already. 00:52:05.180 --> 00:52:07.220 They start to lead. 00:52:07.900 --> 00:52:09.640 And these are full of bacteria. 00:52:09.860 --> 00:52:12.200 The bacteria starts the faster in his mouth. 00:52:12.201 --> 00:52:15.420 And then it'll start to spread all through his whole body. 00:52:19.830 --> 00:52:27.680 So, what we have here is you can see some of the mercury amount and some of the 00:52:27.681 --> 00:52:29.920 silver filling in there that it's oxidizing. 00:52:30.580 --> 00:52:32.080 And it's seeping into the body. 00:52:33.200 --> 00:52:35.000 And if we have micro leakage. 00:52:35.980 --> 00:52:37.260 What is the whole hydrogen chip? 00:52:37.860 --> 00:52:39.840 And this area there. 00:52:40.100 --> 00:52:42.280 He's already got some micro leakage in the cluster. 00:52:42.520 --> 00:52:45.440 The bacteria is going under there and the faster is in there. 00:52:45.590 --> 00:52:49.800 And that creates... well, an infectious sight. 00:52:50.540 --> 00:52:53.171 And if they... if you have a bacteria in 00:52:53.172 --> 00:52:56.260 there, it'll start to go down into your tube. 00:52:56.560 --> 00:52:58.380 And that'll go into your blood system. 00:52:58.780 --> 00:53:03.820 And then it'll harbor somewhere and create a larger problem. 00:53:03.880 --> 00:53:04.560 Like a tumor. 00:53:04.800 --> 00:53:06.080 It could go into a tumor. 00:53:06.220 --> 00:53:10.000 Why are no other dentists doing this type of extraction procedure? 00:53:11.570 --> 00:53:18.720 Well, for what I've talked to Dr. Clark, the theory is not... it's not a theory. 00:53:19.240 --> 00:53:26.601 Permethic is not well received by mainstream dentistry or mainstream medicine. 00:53:28.290 --> 00:53:34.060 There are a lot of things that are not well seen by mainstream medical practice. 00:53:34.061 --> 00:53:36.360 Why do you guys see that? 00:53:36.440 --> 00:53:41.700 Well, the arguments that Dr. Clark told us were very convincing. 00:53:43.220 --> 00:53:49.700 And some of the things we have seen through our method are... very blatant. 00:53:49.920 --> 00:53:51.160 You can't really ignore them. 00:53:51.260 --> 00:53:54.401 So you actually see the bacteria under... Well, you don't see that period. 00:53:54.680 --> 00:53:55.960 But the bacteria is microscopic. 00:53:56.320 --> 00:53:59.380 But you see the benefits that it has been produced. 00:53:59.720 --> 00:54:02.560 So you actually see patients getting well after the teeth every month. 00:54:02.561 --> 00:54:03.840 They're getting a lot better. 00:54:05.480 --> 00:54:09.820 Well, you know, we're talking in general today about controversial subjects, right? 00:54:09.880 --> 00:54:12.800 And certainly, red canal fillings are extreme controversy. 00:54:15.450 --> 00:54:17.900 And there's been a lot of concerns about the red canal. 00:54:18.470 --> 00:54:20.120 And it's not just recent. 00:54:20.860 --> 00:54:26.500 Dr. Alfred Price really was one of the fine years in the concern of red canal. 00:54:26.640 --> 00:54:30.600 He was the past president of the American Dental Association and a tremendous 00:54:30.601 --> 00:54:35.360 researcher in a humanitarian and a nutritionist. 00:54:35.850 --> 00:54:41.400 He said that basically what he had found in his early studies is that he would take 00:54:41.401 --> 00:54:44.508 an extracted red canal tooth and take some of that 00:54:44.509 --> 00:54:47.721 grinding and put it underneath the rabbit's ear. 00:54:48.210 --> 00:54:53.040 And he would find that if the patient, the donor from that tooth, let's say he 00:54:53.041 --> 00:54:57.202 had a strept bacteria, that patient that rabbit then 00:54:57.203 --> 00:55:00.620 would mimic or would develop the same kind of infection. 00:55:01.100 --> 00:55:04.300 So he found that there was bacteria present in 00:55:04.301 --> 00:55:07.820 a dead tooth, living in the tubules themselves. 00:55:08.640 --> 00:55:14.740 A vital tooth, a healthy vital tooth, is made up of a canal on the inside with 00:55:14.741 --> 00:55:19.920 various blood vessels and nerves radiating inside the chamber of that tooth. 00:55:21.875 --> 00:55:27.480 And radiating from these... this canal are little tubules, microscopic little tubules 00:55:27.530 --> 00:55:31.740 in the dentin underneath this cap of enamel, as you mentioned earlier, 00:55:32.280 --> 00:55:37.540 that little tubules allow the fluid to come in and out of that tooth, 00:55:38.080 --> 00:55:42.400 balancing the hydrostatic pressure within that chamber so that when they're swelling 00:55:42.401 --> 00:55:45.365 inside the tooth, we see a fluid coming out the 00:55:45.366 --> 00:55:48.501 tooth, otherwise we'd have a tooth at all the time. 00:55:48.580 --> 00:55:51.200 So this exchange of fluids throughout the 00:55:51.201 --> 00:55:55.241 tubules in a healthy tooth is there for a reason. 00:55:55.280 --> 00:56:00.160 When we do a red canal filling, we take out, we take out all the canal, 00:56:00.180 --> 00:56:03.480 all the dead tissue, in the case of a dead tooth. 00:56:03.481 --> 00:56:08.380 We were to assume that if a tooth died, we would simply remove the nerves and the 00:56:08.381 --> 00:56:12.820 blood vessels and the abscess and all the dead tissue that was related to a dead 00:56:12.821 --> 00:56:15.540 tooth and fill it in with a suitable filling material. 00:56:15.990 --> 00:56:20.620 Now, assuming that filling material is suitable, Dr. Price showed that within 00:56:20.621 --> 00:56:25.900 these tubules that were once occupied by fluid, now they have become dehydrated and 00:56:25.901 --> 00:56:28.900 then they become inhabited by microorganisms. 00:56:30.260 --> 00:56:31.860 Why do you have to extract a root canal? 00:56:32.900 --> 00:56:38.800 Because wherever there is foreign material in a tooth socket, which is way down deep 00:56:38.801 --> 00:56:45.400 in your tissue, clustridium bacteria, find that location and they grow there. 00:56:46.180 --> 00:56:49.500 So it isn't, in this case, a matter of what the composition is. 00:56:50.540 --> 00:56:53.760 It's the fact that it gets infected and you don't know it. 00:56:53.960 --> 00:56:55.280 You don't feel pain. 00:56:55.660 --> 00:56:57.780 You don't not alert it to it. 00:56:59.040 --> 00:57:02.780 And the Clustridium bacteria find it at home because it's anaerobic. 00:57:03.860 --> 00:57:07.180 What's the problem when people extract the teeth and they don't hold that ligament, 00:57:07.560 --> 00:57:07.720 though? 00:57:08.560 --> 00:57:14.820 Well, according to Dr. Price, everything in this area is already manufactured. 00:57:15.520 --> 00:57:21.480 And if you leave part of the tissue that's infected, it'll still pester in there. 00:57:21.660 --> 00:57:23.160 It'll still be contaminated. 00:57:24.460 --> 00:57:26.967 The reason for this is that although you do get a 00:57:26.968 --> 00:57:32.720 lot of bleeding, the bone in that area is not as... 00:57:33.380 --> 00:57:37.140 Well, it doesn't have as much circulation because it's a thicker type of bone. 00:57:37.141 --> 00:57:42.020 It's more of a cortical type of bone that goes into that area. 00:57:43.640 --> 00:57:45.240 Now, this cortical bone is thicker. 00:57:45.600 --> 00:57:48.440 It's denser, so it has less circulation. 00:57:49.500 --> 00:57:53.280 And less that it's scraped off accordingly. 00:57:53.780 --> 00:58:00.740 And some of that bone, that seems to me, the anatomy taken out to leave a nice big, 00:58:00.840 --> 00:58:02.080 bloody mess. 00:58:02.920 --> 00:58:03.880 And open cavities. 00:58:03.881 --> 00:58:08.880 And this is what she calls the Arcega method in her new book. 00:58:09.600 --> 00:58:31.130 I haven't read any of it yet. 00:58:31.590 --> 00:58:35.070 Look at that, Chris. 00:58:37.950 --> 00:58:38.950 Look at that bacteria. 00:58:40.670 --> 00:58:42.570 There's a black black. 00:58:45.070 --> 00:58:45.710 There's a little... 00:58:46.010 --> 00:58:48.210 Look at the poison that's that is. 00:58:56.630 --> 00:59:02.970 I'm now 37 years old and I've had these fillings since I was 13. 00:59:03.470 --> 00:59:06.250 And I've constantly been fighting within the immune system breakdown. 00:59:07.170 --> 00:59:10.930 And I've always had little growth growing in my lymph system. 00:59:11.490 --> 00:59:15.690 And most recently, I've had this tumor on my breast. 00:59:16.250 --> 00:59:17.630 And I couldn't get it to go away. 00:59:17.905 --> 00:59:23.011 I'm constantly fighting with bacteria growing there, specifically the colostridium. 00:59:24.430 --> 00:59:26.376 So after consulting with Dr. Clark, she said 00:59:26.377 --> 00:59:28.330 the only thing to do is really pull the teeth. 00:59:28.650 --> 00:59:33.890 The fillings were so big that I couldn't risk trying to drill them out and poison 00:59:33.891 --> 00:59:36.690 myself with even a slightest amount of the mercury. 00:59:37.130 --> 00:59:39.108 And now that we can see what actually came 00:59:39.109 --> 00:59:42.171 out, it was even more toxic than we thought. 00:59:42.370 --> 00:59:47.210 And to be honest with you, I think this procedure was actually easier than going 00:59:47.211 --> 00:59:50.430 in with a drill and drilling and trying to replace the filling. 00:59:51.030 --> 00:59:55.531 And today, there really isn't anything to replace the fillings with that isn't toxic. 00:59:56.800 --> 01:00:00.470 So for the sake of saving my life, I think this was much better procedure. 01:00:01.890 --> 01:00:03.931 And I'll just get some partial to put it back there. 01:00:04.210 --> 01:00:06.870 And I can continue on with my healthy lifestyle. 01:00:07.930 --> 01:00:10.314 So all this research that you've done over 01:00:10.315 --> 01:00:13.190 this past number of years, you funded yourself? 01:00:13.191 --> 01:00:14.191 Yes. 01:00:14.970 --> 01:00:18.050 And in doing so, how are you compensated? 01:00:19.950 --> 01:00:22.230 By the knowledge, I suppose. 01:00:23.270 --> 01:00:25.150 So you do this out of the goodness of your heart. 01:00:25.170 --> 01:00:29.550 Not looking for compensation financially, but you have a true passion for finding 01:00:29.750 --> 01:00:30.810 the cure to all disease. 01:00:31.750 --> 01:00:33.710 Well, at least cancer and AIDS. 01:00:34.530 --> 01:00:37.030 I can't cope with all the rest of it. 01:00:37.150 --> 01:00:38.150 Others will. 01:00:38.350 --> 01:00:40.390 Now that we have a technology that can do it. 01:00:40.590 --> 01:00:44.156 But I thought that I should be focused on cancer 01:00:44.157 --> 01:00:47.371 and AIDS since there is so much suffering there.